Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 115: Oppose to give her a quota (ask for a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 115 Objecting to the quota for her (ask for a monthly ticket)

   Director Liu was silent for a moment when he heard her words, and after thinking about it, he took her to the warehouse to have a look.

  Some things are hard to explain, so it's better to go and have a look.

   Having suitable substitutes is definitely better than using more expensive materials.

   Went to the warehouse, Shen Man found that there are only a few kinds of food additives, and there are not more than ten kinds.

  But there are alternatives, I discussed with Director Liu, and then I changed it appropriately.

  Back to the office, Director Liu is busy again. He has to hurry up and perfect it, and then test whether it can be mass-produced.

  Time passed quickly. Two days later, Director Liu perfected the recipe and made it for a test.

  Although the taste is not as good as that made by Shen Man, the price of raw materials has been lowered, and the taste is not bad, so it can be put into production.

   Seeing that everything went smoothly, Shen Man relaxed.

  In fact, other people in the factory are more relaxed, otherwise they would be tired all day long.

  Factory Manager Zheng learned that mass production was already possible, so he held a special meeting and called Shen Man to attend.

   "Everyone knows the news this time, right? Our factory has released a new flavor of ice cream." Director Zheng looked ruddy and sat on a chair looking at the others.

  Everyone has heard about it a long time ago, and they are very surprised at the speed of this new flavor.

  Of course, the food factory not only has cold drinks like ice cream, but the focus is actually on canned food.

Director Zheng went on to say: "Nowadays, the sideline business in the factory is cold drinks, but we must also focus on developing them. In recent years, everyone's life has improved, and ice cream popsicles are a must. Especially in summer, buying a popsicle Cool down."

   "In the past, the factory wanted to focus on the development of talents with no relevant experience in cold drinks, and now the person who has launched two flavors of ice cream one after another, Comrade Shen Man."

  He looked at Shen Man: "Thank you Comrade Shen Man for your dedication and contribution to the production in the factory."

   Shen Man quickly stood up: "Director Zheng, this is what I should do."

   At this time, everyone also looked at Shen Man. How many days have passed since the last meeting? This person has developed a new flavor of ice cream.

   Really amazing.

  Director Zheng nodded with a serious expression, "I have discussed with Deputy Factory Director Xiao and Secretary Tang Zhenyun about Comrade Shen Man's two dedicated research and development efforts, and I am going to reward them."

  Any rewards?

  Hearing this, Shen Man blinked in surprise, but it's okay to give it, she doesn't think it's too much money.

   "This is what it should be. The factory should vigorously support young people to make new breakthroughs." The trade union also spoke in support.

  If the factory is well, everyone will benefit, including ordinary workers.

  Because the benefits of the New Year's Day will be given more symbolically, everyone also hopes that the factory will get better and better, and it will grow bigger and bigger.

  Others nodded their heads. This time, the orders for red bean ice cream are very large, which is larger than the amount of cream ice cream in previous years.

  That's why everyone agrees with the factory manager's decision and doesn't think it's too much.

   Seeing this, Director Zheng continued: "This year, there are two places in the factory for workers, peasants and soldiers. I plan to recommend Comrade Shen Man to go to study, and an extra reward of 500 yuan will be used as study funds."

  Cultivating talents for the factory is considered an investment.

  Hearing this, Shen Man was very surprised, because she never thought that she would be able to get a place recommended by college students.

   This really surprised her.

   "Director Zheng, there are very few recommended places, and bonuses are enough. There is no need to give college students places, right?" A bald man in his forties was displeased.

  No matter how many other people have opinions, they will consider that this is decided by the factory manager, and it is definitely useless to object now.

   What's more, Shen Man's two new flavors of ice cream will not fail to get recommended places.

  Factory Director Zheng glanced at him and said: "Director Shao, I decided this matter in a meeting with the leaders, and it was also after careful consideration. The recommended quota is to guarantee the talents in the factory. I think Comrade Shen Man meets the conditions."

   It is reasonable to say that the factory director has such a firm attitude, and ordinary people will not say anything, but Director Shao is different.

  He frowned and rejected: "I don't think it's appropriate."

   Now no one dared to speak, just looked at them like this.

   And Shen Man is also very curious, she doesn't know Director Shao, is it because she just came here?

  Actually, she doesn't have to get that quota. After the college entrance examination, relying on her own strength to take the university entrance exam, that's not impossible.

  But she couldn't understand Director Shao's attitude. Such a tough posture was a bit strange.

  Director Zheng didn't speak, his face was not good-looking.

   Deputy Director Xiao said: "The matter has been decided. If there is any problem, Director Shao can discuss it alone after the meeting."

   Obviously, the three of them discussed this matter. Since it was mentioned during the meeting, they must all agree.

  But director Shao's appearance made the leaders unhappy.

  After all, no one likes the things that have been discussed, let others deny it!

  Hearing that Director Shao wanted to say something, in the end, under the watchful eyes of several leaders, he smacked his lips and said nothing.

  The meeting continues as usual...

  Shen Man sat on the side, and she could feel Director Shao looking at her from time to time.

  She was surprised. It was the leaders who made the decision, not her. Why look at her?

  But she didn't look at it, she just knew it was Director Shao.

  After the meeting, Director Zheng asked her to stay, and Director Liu and Director Shao were also there.

  The secretary closed the door, and only then did Director Zheng start to speak: "Director Shao, if you have any questions, you can talk."

  It was a factory meeting just now, how can we keep talking about one thing?

Director Shao looked around, and then said: "Director Zheng, I know Comrade Shen Man has made great contributions to the factory, but she has only been here for a few days? Less than a month, such an important place is reserved for her , isn't it too rash?"

  He has a righteous expression on his face, and he seems to be very serious about things.

  Hearing the words, Director Zheng nodded, "You are right, she has not been in the factory for long. But it has only been a few days, and she has brought such a big contribution to the factory?"

   "I think Comrade Shen Man is at the right age. He got the recommended quota. He is only in his early twenties after graduation. He has more opportunities to contribute to the factory."

  That's right, Shen Man is still very young, and the future must be promising.

  If cultivated well, it will definitely bring huge benefits to the factory.

  The other two leaders also think so, youth is capital.

Hearing that Director Shao's face was obviously not very good-looking, but after looking around, no one disagreed, so he said with a smile: "I am also worried, for the sake of the factory. But since the leaders have agreed, then I can't say anything gone."

   Seeing his sudden change of attitude, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

  After Director Shao left, Director Zheng looked at Shen Man: "Director Liu will tell you what to do tomorrow. The quota is given to you, but you have to do a lot of preparations."

  He didn't elaborate, and signaled Director Liu to take someone out.

   Ask for a monthly pass.



  (end of this chapter)

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