Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 116: As expected of you, awesome!

  Chapter 116 is worthy of you, awesome!

  Shen Man followed Director Liu out, turned around and asked, "Director, did I offend Director Shao?"

   There is no other way. Apart from asking Director Liu, she has no choice but to ask others.

  The main reason is that she knows too few people in this factory, and Ma Xiaoli will definitely not know about it. Team leader Lin doesn’t leave the workshop, so why can’t she ask the factory manager?

  Hearing that Director Liu glanced at her, he replied after a long while: "Director Shao's nephew is also reorganizing the quota for college students. If you don't show up, then his quota is guaranteed. Now, we can only compete with another person."

   "But the chances of winning are not great. The other position is also watched by skilled workers. They have contributed a lot, and the length of service is fine."

   This kind of thing is not easy for anyone to say, unless there is no competition.

   But is it possible?

   Now it is a recommendation system to go to university, but you can’t just take the exam by yourself.

   It is rare for Shen Man to contribute so much, so the food factory made an exception and recommended it to her.

   Otherwise, under such circumstances, I would be recommended within a few days after I came to the factory. Not to mention that others disagree, even the factory leaders would not agree.

  Hearing what he said, Shen Man felt a little unhappy. Another abuser of privacy?

  But she is not qualified to speak out against others, and she entered the factory by relying on the Li family and Gu Chen.

   But her current efforts are all her own. Without two new flavors of ice cream, the factory would never think of recommending her to go to college.

   Neither of the two said anything more, after all, it was useless to talk about it.

   Director Shao is also a director, and it is impossible for Director Liu to fight against others.

   What is certain now is that the attitude of the factory is very clear, and Shen Man must be one of these two places.

   As long as she knows this is enough, she won't care about anything else. Even if Director Shao is the director, don't come here to mess with her, otherwise it will be endless.

   Anyway, barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes.

  Shen Man is not afraid of losing her job. The worst thing is to wait until after the college entrance examination. After entering university, she started to start a business. She really doesn't care if she works or not.

  I really think that everyone, like Director Shao, cannot live without power, for fear that others will not know that he has some power.

  Before she got off work, Director Liu sent her an envelope. Needless to say, it contained five hundred yuan of study funds.

  Shen Man didn't say anything, just nodded his thanks.

   "Thank you, Director Liu."

  Hearing this, Director Liu waved his hand: "You're welcome, this is all for your hard work, and you don't need to thank anyone."

   That is to say, if you meet a black-hearted director, maybe her success will not come so quickly.

  Other people in the workshop looked over one after another, guessing in their hearts that it must be a welfare.

  In fact, everyone knows that there are benefits to making ice cream with new flavors, so no one is jealous.

  If they can make it, the factory will also give benefits, which was the same in the past.

  After Director Liu left, Shen Man also started to pack his things and leave work.

  I haven't had a good rest after two days of busy work. Now that it's over, I must relax.

  After work, Shen Man asked Gu Chen to take her to the public bath at the intersection, and then had a nice bath and massage.

  She really thanked Gu Chen for bringing her into the city to enjoy the blessings.

  Shen Man really didn't expect that in this age, he could still take a bath and massage.

  However, the bathhouses in the capital only have scrubbing, but no massage, at least the original owner has never seen it in his memory.

   After taking a shower and returning home, Gu Chen has already prepared meals.

   Seeing her come back, she said, "Come over for dinner? I made cold noodles in hot weather today. I don't know if you like it or not."

  There is a small plate of cold noodles on the table, with minced garlic, chili oil, and shredded cucumber on it, which looks very refreshing.

  But the big bowl of cold noodles opposite...

   At first, Shen Man thought it was because he didn't fill it himself, but after thinking about it, maybe it was his rice bowl?

   Sure enough, the two of them sat down and began to eat, and Gu Chen ate directly with a bowl.

   Good guy, this man ate all the white noodles that looked like a pound!

  Shen Man smacked her lips and ate her share. It seems that her appetite is really unchanged.

   At the same time, she was also thinking, did Gu Chen work very hard, otherwise, how could he eat so much and not gain weight?

   "What are you looking at?" Gu Chen took a big sip of water after eating.

   Gudu Gudu, a large mug of water has been poured into the stomach, and this needs half a catty of water, right?

   Shen Man smiled and said, "Are you tired from working there?"

  I’m not tired and I can’t eat so much, I feel a little distressed...

  Hearing the words, Gu Chen shook his head: "I'm not too tired, don't worry, I'm physically strong, so I'm not afraid of being tired."

   After speaking, he was afraid that Shen Man would not believe him, so he immediately showed the muscles on his arms.


   It looks strong and powerful, and looks more powerful than those who eat protein powder.

   "Awesome!" Shen Man hurriedly complimented: "As expected of you, you are awesome!"

  Hearing the words to coax the child, Gu Chen blushed unknowingly, "What are you talking about?"

  He got up to clean up the table and wash the dishes, not letting Shen Man do it.

  Actually, he was shy and embarrassed.

   After cleaning up, Gu Chen came out and said, "Nan Nan will come over in two days, and I will ask her to be your companion."

   Originally, he didn't intend to let the girl come over, but the two of them have made no progress now, and they won't be able to move in for a while.

   But Shen Man was still worried about living alone, so he had to call Gu Nan over.

  Hearing that, Shen Man was a little surprised, then nodded and said: "That's good, let her be my company. I guess she doesn't mean anything in the country."

  I said before that I would take this girl to play in the capital, but now I can’t go to the capital, so I can only play in Jicheng.

   Seeing that she agreed, Gu Chen didn't say much, seeing that it was getting late, he could only go back reluctantly.


   I have to wait a little longer, and I don’t know when I will be able to get married, and then the wife and children will be hot on the bed...

  After Gu Chen left, Shen Man went into the space to have a look. Most of the supermarkets had stock in the space, but she hadn’t moved since she wasn’t short of money.

  It is easy to sell these things, but it is difficult to buy them back.

  If you can’t sell it, it’s better to keep it for yourself. Anyway, the space is always fresh, so it’s okay to keep it.

   During this period of time, I used some things, leaving a little space.

  Shen Man pushed his own screen out. Apart from supplies, there was a bed and a desk separated by the screen.

  In the past, she used it to rest and eat, but now she has to continue to use it.

  Take out the high school textbook, Shen Man concentrates on reviewing.

  Since it has been recommended by the factory, she can't leave her studies behind. The opportunity that was finally obtained cannot be wasted.

   Besides, Director Shao was watching from behind. She didn't want to be caught, let alone let down the kindness of the factory leaders.

  It is easy to learn, but it is not easy to have the opportunity to go to school.

  As long as she graduates, before the college entrance examination resumes, she won't have to compete with others for the college entrance examination, and she can directly pave the way to start a business.

   Ask for a monthly ticket



  (end of this chapter)

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