Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 117: The ancestral grave is smoking

  Chapter 117 The ancestral grave is smoking

   For the next two days, Shen Man went to and from get off work as usual.

   Today is the day when Gu Nan comes over, and Gu Chen will pick her up, because it happens to be off work time, so she can only go home alone.

   To be honest, she always wanted to go home by herself.

  But Gu Chen just refused to let him go, and came to pick him up every day, without any chance at all.

   "Shen Man, I'm off work." Lin Yu came over to say hello, and said with a smile, "Mung bean ice cream has been put into production these two days, and you can also rest."

  Director Liu's speed is very fast, and it was put into production immediately, and there are a lot of orders. Basically, after tasting, he will place a large order.

  Hearing the words, Shen Man nodded: "It's not bad, but I don't plan to study new ice cream recently, and I can use these two kinds of transitions this year."

  Research, I'm afraid the factory will be too busy by then. And things are rare and expensive, so it's not uncommon to get too many.

   Lin Yu didn't know what she was thinking, but he also agreed with this point of view.

   "Your partner didn't come to pick you up from get off work today?" He often saw a **** man picking up Shen Man, and over time he realized that it was his partner.

  Shen Man replied with a smile: "His sister came over today and went to the station to pick up people. I have to go back early, Team Leader Lin, see you tomorrow."

  She glanced at the time and must go back quickly.

  Lin Yu waved his hand and watched her go further and further away.

  At this time, someone not far away called him: "What are you doing, Team Leader Lin, let's go, let's go to the roller skating rink together..."

  Shen Man took the bus home and prepared the ingredients before they came back.

  Tonight, stewed pork ribs and potatoes, and a spinach soup, steamed a pot of white and fat steamed buns.

   In addition, I mixed a cold dish and fried a small cabbage.

   Now the first batch of green vegetables has come down, and I bought a big basket of green vegetables this morning.

  The rest is in the space, otherwise it will be wilted tomorrow, and it will not be easy to wash or taste.

  Shen Man had just served the dishes when he heard someone talking in the yard.

   "Second brother, is this where you two live? The house is really nice." Gu Nan's voice came, and people followed into the house.

   Gu Chen followed behind, thinking in his heart, he wanted to live here, but he couldn't.

   "Nan Nan." Shen Man greeted with a smile.

   "Sister Man!" Gu Nan threw down the sack, ran over and hugged her arm and said, "Oh my god, I miss me so much! Without you, my life is boring!"

  She really misses Shen Man, since Shen Man left, she doesn't eat well, she can only eat two bowls for a meal.

  I didn’t sleep well either, and got up at seven o’clock every day.

   Don't mention how uncomfortable it is.

  Shen Man looked at her and said with a smile: "I miss you too, don't leave when you come back, and develop in the city from now on!"

  She has thought about it for the past two days. Gu Nan is like a child who hasn't grown up. No one in the country promises to marry her. It's better to come to the city.

   In the future, having a job in the city and finding another partner is not much better than going back to farming.

  Hearing this, Gu Nan was a little surprised, hesitantly said: "I'm going to stay for a month, and I have to go back to the busy farming."

  Originally, Li Jinhua said, let her stay for a few days. It was she who actively fought for it and made up her mind to stay for a month.

   That's right, Li Jinhua didn't know her decision at all.

   "Why are you still busy with farming?" Gu Chen said: "Stay here, and I will be your sister Man's companion in the future. I will see if I can find you a job at that time. Anyway, the old couple in the family are in good health."

   Li Jinhua and his wife are not only in good health, but the eldest daughter-in-law Li Mei is also staying at home.

   Originally Li Jinhua wanted Li Mei and Gu Yuan to go to the town, but Gu Yuan disagreed and insisted on letting his wife watch.

   There is nothing wrong with the family, the old couple are in good health, and Li Mei is taking care of them.

  When I heard that there was still a job, Gu Nan was overjoyed, "Second brother, are you really looking for a job for me? Then I'm from the city?"

  I have long heard neighbors envying their family, saying that Gu Yuan has a job in the town, and Gu Chen has a job in the city.

   If she also has a job, then the Gu family's interest will be ruined, making people envious.

  Seeing her heartless appearance, Gu Chen regretted saying it so early, he was taken aback by this surprise, and convinced!

  Shen Man couldn't stop laughing seeing her like a treasure, "That's all, all right, let's eat first, I've already prepared the meal."

  She greeted the two of them to sit down and eat, and the food was already served.

   "It's still Sister Man who treats me well, knowing that I came to make so many delicious food for me. And my favorite ribs!" Gu Nan washed her hands and sat down.

  Gu Chen pushed the job bowl to her and said, "Eat quickly, you won't be able to stop your mouth if you eat it!"

  This girl really gets bored after three minutes of seeing each other.

  The younger sisters of other people's families are all cute and cute, but Gu Nan is just moaning, annoying to death.

   Fortunately, Gu Nan didn't care about his attitude at all. While eating, he talked to Shen Man and asked how life in the city was.

   "Hey, Sister Man, my mother still said, let me see if you left or kicked my second brother." Gu Nan took a bite of his meal, and didn't think there was anything wrong with that.

  Gu Chen's face turned dark, this girl, he doesn't care.

  He said unconvinced: "Is it so easy for me to be kicked? Why, does everyone in my family think so?"

   I really convinced these people, are you sure it really belongs to the family? Why don't you expect him to be well.

Hearing this, Gu Nan sighed: "Second brother, there is no way to do this. You see how beautiful Sister Man is. You are the only one who is smoking from the ancestral grave, so you can date her. How long do you plan to stay with her?" ?”

  Gu Chen: …

   "My ancestral grave has nothing to do with you? Gu Nan, don't say I'm your second brother in the future, you don't deserve it." Gu Chen couldn't eat anymore.

  Looking at his angry look, Gu Nan didn't feel that what he said was wrong, and said again: "I don't deserve it, you don't deserve it."

   "Oh, that's fine!" Seeing that they were still fighting, Shen Man hurriedly persuaded them: "I'm tired after working all day, can you two stop arguing?"

   Really, it’s not worrying at all.

   Fortunately, she was good at talking, so the two of them stopped talking and concentrated on cooking.

  The other room, Shen Man, has already tidied up, and the bedding has been washed.

  As for why the two of them live together, she is really not used to it.

  Gu Nan looked at the clean and tidy room, and felt very happy: "Finally, I don't have to pick up my second brother's house, and I have my own room."

   In the past, when Gu Chen went back, she had to vacate the room, and then she went to live in the hut after leaving.

  Gu Chen ignored her, thinking that this room was also prepared by himself, if it wasn't for the fact that he wasn't married, Gu Nan wouldn't be able to live in the city right now.

   Seeing that it was getting late, he went back first, and the rest of the dormitory also had to sleep.

   "Rest early." He greeted Shen Man and left.

   Gu Nan sighed and shook his head: "Look, my second brother didn't pay attention to me. I really forgot my sister when I had a wife."

   Asking for a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

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