Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 119: have money but no place to spend

  Chapter 119 Money but no place to spend it

   Shen Man was a little surprised when he heard what he said. She knew that the sales of ice cream would definitely be good, but she didn't expect it to be so good.

  It seems that people at this time are very receptive to novelty, and this is also because there are no additives to stimulate the taste buds.

  Thinking of this, she said: "Director Liu, to tell you the truth, I actually want to study a kind of soft drink, but I haven't decided yet. I just have this idea..."

  I found out before that the current soda is only orange-flavored. That kind of old soda is the best thing to drink now, but after being baptized by various beverages in later generations, Shen Man will naturally not like it.

   Upon hearing this, Director Liu's eyes widened, "You, what did you say?"

  He stuttered, one can imagine how much impact this had on him.


  Nowadays, only the second factory of Jicheng Food Factory has soda water, and other factories can't make it if they want to.

  Looking at the sales volume of others, it is also at the top of the list.

  The factory has actually been researching how to make soda, but unfortunately this thing is too technical to be researched at all.

  Hearing the words, Shen Man nodded, "I'm just a preliminary idea now, and I'll let you know as soon as there is any progress. Right now, I can't come up with something that you can trust."

   This stuff is easy and easy to say, but it is really difficult to say difficult.

  Now there are not so many additives. It doesn’t mean that additives are bad, but there are different types.

  But Director Liu is still very excited. As long as there is such a sentence, isn't there hope?

   "Okay, okay, don't worry about it." He nodded with a smile.

  The two said a few more words before letting Shen Man leave.

   At this time, everyone had already left work, and the workers on the evening shift started to go to work after eating.

   Shen Man packed up and left with his satchel on his back.

  Because she made two new flavors of ice cream at once, so now she doesn't have to work on other jobs in the workshop.

   Arriving at the gate of the factory, Shen Man saw that familiar figure, and beside him was Gu Nan, pushing a lady's bicycle.

   "Sister Man!" The little girl grinned and waved vigorously, as if she was afraid that others would not see her.

   Shen Man walked over and said, "When did you buy this bicycle?"

  She also wanted to buy a car before, otherwise Gu Chen would come to pick her up all day long, how much trouble would it be?

  Where you want to go, you can only take the shuttle bus, which is very inconvenient.

"My second brother bought this, and he gave it to me when I pushed it home today." Gu Nan hurriedly replied: "I used to ask him to give me the broken car in the countryside, but now he will buy it for me when I go to the city. .”

  She looked sad, feeling that her second brother was no longer the original second brother.

Shen Man turned to look at Gu Chen, and said, "Then buy me a bicycle too! I thought it was difficult for you to get a bicycle ticket. Two days ago, the factory gave me a bonus of 500 yuan, and it happened that there was no local tweed."

  Good guy, have money but nowhere to spend it?

   Gu Chen knew about this, and he was very shocked by Shen Man's performance, but he was also happy.

  His wife! It's amazing.

   But buying a bicycle is absolutely not acceptable!

  Thinking of this, he tried to persuade him: "Xiaoman, this is the only bicycle, and there is no ticket. This bicycle ticket is very difficult to get. Is it different for me to pick you up?"

   Seeing what he said, Shen Man narrowed her eyes slightly, lost in thought...


   "Then I'll find someone to ask if I can return the bicycle ticket." She shrugged indifferently.

   I don’t believe it anymore, how much money can’t be spent these days?

   "Don't!" Gu Chen hurriedly got out of the car and said, "I'll buy it for you, can't I buy it for you?"

  His tone was full of helplessness, and he almost knelt down to beg Shen Man.

  Isn’t it good for two people and one bicycle? He came here to pick up people every day just to get closer.

   If you want to save trouble, just buy a car directly?

  I knew that I would not buy a car for Gu Nan, let her find out...

   Gu Nan who was stared at:? ? ?

   She was stared at for no reason, and she didn't understand at all. Maybe it's the second brother having a convulsion?

  The three of them went to the charcoal hot pot restaurant they had been to before, and there were quite a few people inside.

   Most of the people on the first floor eat stir-fried dishes, and there are also many people in the boxes on the second floor.

  The manager seemed to know Gu Chen, and the three of them went to the private room for dinner after saying hello.

   Gu Nan, who came to such a big hotel for the first time, was surprised to see everything, just like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

   "There are so many people downstairs, they have caught up with the seats in our brigade." She smacked her lips, lamenting how colorful life in the city is.

  Fancy world is charming!

   "Do you eat beef or mutton?" Gu Chen looked at her with a dark face, without a good tone.

  Gu Nan has long been used to it. She took the menu and glanced at it. It didn't matter, so she stood up in shock.

   "What the hell? One piece of meat and two pieces of meat? Is this dragon meat?"

   I haven't eaten yet, and I feel that my stomach can't stand it. Can it hold such precious meat?

   After finishing speaking, she turned to Shen Man and said, "Sister Man, can't we go home and make sliced ​​meat soup? This meat is too expensive."

  Although Gu Nan has a big heart, he also knows that money is hard to earn. Before leaving, Li Jinhua gave her five yuan, but she didn't move it.

  On the train, she only ate dry food and drank hot water. How could she dare to spend a penny?

  In this city, a plate of meat is only one piece and two, but at home, you can eat two catties of meat.

   Seeing her startled, Shen Man smiled and said: "It's okay, I'm treating you today. The factory gave me a bonus of 500 yuan two days ago, and it's enough for you to live here and eat."

  She said this just now, but Gu Nan kept silent.

   "Sister Man, is this factory so rich? You have been given so much money since you first came here." Gu Nan smacked her lips, thinking that the people in the city are really rich, and they would give you hundreds of dollars at every turn.

   "That's not true." Shen Man shook his head and replied: "I earned this money by my ability. My sister made two kinds of ice cream. After dinner, I will take you to buy two to try."

  Rich people are different! Ice cream has to buy two flavors.

   Gu Nan didn't understand either. Seeing that she had said so much money, she stopped talking.

  Anyway, they can eat whatever they order, and she doesn't know how to order, so she doesn't know what to eat.

   Soon the pot was served, Shen Man put the meat into the pot, two plates at a time, the meat was all churning.

   "Eat it." Shen Man made the dipping sauce for her, and then ate it by himself.

   The meat is delicious, and fresh meat is the best.

  The chef here is very good at knife skills, the meat is not frozen, and the sliced ​​meat is very thin, which is very difficult.

   Gu Nan tasted it, and his eyes lit up: "This meat is really delicious, isn't it? It's better than broth."

   Unlocking new delicacies, she didn't say that meat is more expensive, she picked up the bowl and chopsticks and started eating.

   Ten catties of meat for three people!

  Ten catties of meat!

  Shen Man ate only one catty, and the remaining siblings ate nine catties!

  At the end, each of them cooked some noodles, saying that he was afraid of being hungry at night.

   Just... very speechless...

  We don’t know how they ate it, but they really ate so much...

   Idiot Gu Nan has entered the city...

   Ask for a monthly pass



  (end of this chapter)

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