Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 120: beautiful beautiful weak helpless

  Chapter 120 Beautiful, beautiful, weak and helpless

   When paying the bill, Gu Nan didn't have the energy to complain. The food in the city is really expensive, but it's really delicious and delicious!

  After going out, she pushed the bicycle and couldn't get in the car for a long time.

   "What's wrong?" Shen Man turned to look at her.

  Gu Nan's face was unnatural, and he pursed his lower lip: "I'm too full to sit up."

   It's really embarrassing, it's so full of food!

   But the meat is really delicious, much better than home-cooked ones.

  Eat stewed, stir-fried, made dumplings, but it is not as delicious as boiled with water in the city!

  Gu Chen blankly glanced at her, "Look at your potential! You go here slowly, we two go back first."

   As he spoke, he was about to pedal away.

   Shen Man in the back seat grabbed him and said, "What are you doing? Can she know the way home?"

  She really doubted, did Gu Nan pick it up? But Gu Nan looks a lot like Li Jinhua...

  Gu Nan looked heartbroken, and said: "Second brother, you can do anything! I'm your own sister! You came to the city, so you throw this at me."

   (Pu Ben: for this person)

  Hearing this, Shen Man laughed directly, "Come on, you go back first, I will take a stroll with Gu Nan before going back."

  She told Gu Chen to go back first, she couldn't leave the child here. Although the current urban area is not big, the span is too large. How can I find a home after going back several miles.

   "That can't be done." Gu Chen got off the bicycle directly and pushed it away.

   Let him leave his wife behind, how can that work?

  Sisters can throw it away, but daughter-in-law cannot.

  The daughter-in-law will live with him for the rest of her life, and the younger sister will marry sooner or later, he understands it clearly.

  Looking at Gu Chen like that, Shen Man didn't bother to talk about him, and walked behind with Gu Nan, and bought her red bean ice cream from the food factory.

   "Is this what you did? Second sister-in-law, you are really talented." Gu Nan kept praising her while eating ice cream.

   How amazing it is to be able to make ice cream!

  In her opinion, making ice cream is not only a skill, but also a lot of knowledge. Anyway, she never thought about it and couldn't do it.

  Shen Man walked with her while chatting. The three of them walked for more than 20 minutes before getting into the car, and then rode home.

   It was getting late, Gu Chen sent her home and went back.

  Gu Nan saw him leave, and immediately rolled his eyes: "What brother, this is, second sister-in-law, you are my second sister-in-law, my second brother is not my real brother."

   It's not my fault that she said that, the main reason is that Gu Chen really didn't take her as a human being.

   The attitude towards Shen Man is like the sky and the earth, the gap is too big.

   It's not that she is being picky, but that Gu Chen really has changed too much. I've never seen him care so much about someone before, it's shocking.

   Shen Man didn't know what she was thinking, so he persuaded: "Pull you down, you are all brothers and sisters, breaking the bones and connecting the tendons."

  In this world, only relatives are the most sincere. Of course, this also depends on the person. You will also panic when you meet a white-eyed wolf.

Gu Nan waved his hand and said, "Second sister-in-law, I'm just talking nonsense. By the way, the second brother said that he will arrange a job for me tomorrow, as a tally clerk in his department store. We don't know what the tally clerk does. , I am content with a job.”

   In her opinion, this trip to the city was originally intended to go back after a few days of fun, but having a job must be better than going home to farm.

   When the time comes, I will keep half of my wages, and send the remaining half to my family. When my second brother gets married, I can get a bride price.

  In these years, she spent a lot of Gu Chen's money, either on food, drink or clothing.

  Don't look at the family members who fight fiercely, in fact, one misses each other more than the other.

  Hearing the words, Shen Man smiled: "The tally clerk is the one who sorts out the goods. You have to put the sold-out items on the shelves, understand?"

  In her previous life, her supermarket tally clerk not only did this job, but also went to the warehouse to tally the goods, which was an errand and labor-intensive job.

  It is usually done by women in their thirties, who have a little strength to work calmly and will not be frizzy.

  Seeing what she said, Gu Nan nodded half-understood, anyway, she will know when she goes there.

   When the time comes, if you don’t, you will find Gu Chen, who told him to belong to your second brother.

  Here, Gu Chen returned to the department store, glanced at the post office next to him, thought for a while, and then sent a telegram home.

  Tell the family that Gu Nan is already looking for a job here, so I won’t go back yet, but I can write a letter or call the unit if I have something to do.

  Back to the dormitory, Jin Baoyu saw him coming back, and asked, "Brother Chen, why have you been running out for the past two days, and you often stay out at night."

   He didn't come back to live in for two days, so it seemed like they were caught.

  Gu Chen lay on the small bed, and said lazily: "Isn't this accompanying my wife?"

  The daughter-in-law is beautiful, beautiful, weak and helpless, so he doesn't need to take care of her, what if someone steals her away, such an excellent person.

  Hearing this, Jin Baoyu's eyes widened in surprise: "Brother Chen, are you married?"

   I haven’t heard of it either.

  However, Gu Chen really seldom talks about his personal affairs. They only know that there is a capable old uncle, and they don't know about the others.

   "What?" Gu Chen rolled his eyes and said, "I want to get married, it's my partner."

   Surprised, what is this for?

   Seeing what he said, Jin Baoyu nodded, "No wonder you ignored the salesperson in the unit, so you have someone."

   Not to mention, as far as Gu Chen's image condition is concerned, he is the favorite of unmarried girls.

  Basically, those who are not married are all after him, but it's a pity that Luo Hua is ruthless on purpose.

   "Don't talk about those useless things. I'll bring my sister here tomorrow. She doesn't know much about this from the countryside. You can take her with you when the time comes." Gu Chen directly handed over the job of arranging the girls to him.

   "Huh?" Jin Baoyu curled his lips, he would have stopped talking if he knew it earlier, now it's all right, let him bring a newcomer...

  Woke up the next morning, Shen Man found that Gu Nan had already prepared dinner.

   "Why do you wake up so early?" She rubbed her eyes and looked at her watch. It was only a little past six.

  She goes to work at 7:30 in the morning, basically gets up at 6 to cook, and can go to work after cleaning up at 7:00.

  Hearing the words, Gu Nan replied: "Isn't there nothing wrong with me? In the countryside, my mother wakes me up to light the fire every day, and I'm used to it."

  As she said that, she still had a sad face, but she could be regarded as getting rid of her identity as a fire girl, and no one will care about her in the future.

   Seeing that she was so good at acting, Shen Man stopped talking to her, and hurried to wash up.

  Since someone is cooking, she waits to eat.

   Today the factory is still very busy. After Shen Man arrived at the workshop, he heard Lin Yu say that the factory had many more orders from other provinces, and now he is too busy.

  The transfer of 200 people from the canning workshop was not enough, so another 100 people were transferred to start production in two shifts.

   "It's getting better and better!" Shen Man was surprised but also relieved.

   Doesn't this prove that she is capable?

   I didn’t expect laymen to study ice cream and sell it!

  But Shen Man knows in his heart that people are not picky now, and in future generations no one will eat this ice cream in the pile of fifty cents.

   Asking for a monthly pass! Give a monthly ticket at the end of the month



  (end of this chapter)

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