Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 121: The big leader is here

  Chapter 121 Here Comes the Great Leader

   "Comrade Shen Man, you are really amazing." Lin Yu praised from the bottom of his heart.

  If it was so easy to research new flavors, they wouldn't be able to come up with nothing throughout the year.

  So, Shen Man is indeed very powerful.

  Hearing such a clear compliment, Shen Man felt a little embarrassed.

  "Team Leader Lin, it's not that I'm good, everyone is good. Everyone can do what I can't do, and everyone can't do what I can. This is mutual support." Her tone was modest, and she was not overjoyed by a little achievement.

   Seeing this, Lin Yu feels even more that not everyone's success is accidental, and there is a reason for their success.

  If he had experienced this, he would have been so happy that he didn’t know who he was.

  The two said a few words of politeness, when Director Liu came over and asked her to go to the meeting together.

  Good guy, how long has it been since you went to the meeting again?

   It seems that Shen Man has been in the factory for less than a month, and has gone to meetings three times.

   Everyone watched her leave with envious expressions in their eyes.

   "Hey, he is so amazing, you can't do without admiration." Others are jealous, but more of it is envy.

   There is no way, everyone is in the same job, but people just leave this talent.

   People are more dead than others, and goods are thrown away.

  Zhang Qiang snorted coldly and said: "What do you admire? Isn't it because there are people above? If I have someone, I can be so powerful."

  In his opinion, Shen Man's success is nothing more than the fact that there are people above him.

  It's a pity that he is a frog in a well and can't see through it at all.

  No one is making trouble, now Shen Man is a celebrity in the factory, who dares to provoke him? It was Zhang Qiang who was heartless and outspoken.

   If the leader hears it, it will be too much to go around.

   Shen Man came to the meeting room, still sitting in the listening position.

  However, the atmosphere in the meeting room today is a bit strange, and she is a little curious to see everyone looking like they are facing a big enemy.

What's going on here?

   It wasn’t like this the last two times I came here. Could it be that something happened in the factory? It's not impossible.

  Just as she was thinking, several people came in at the door of the conference room.

  In addition to the few factory leaders I met, there is also a man in his forties who is not tall, but others have a vaguely respectful attitude towards him.

   Shen Man thought to himself that this is the leadership, no wonder everyone has this expression.

  But the leader came to the factory, what does it have to do with her, and let her attend the meeting.

  Thinking so, she stood up with everyone.

   "Director Jiang Ce, sit here." Factory Manager Zheng smiled and led people to their seats.

   (deliberately wrong, understand everything)

   It turned out to be cerium long?

   Shen Man was a little surprised, no wonder these people are so respectful.

  She didn't understand why the leader came over, but she sat obediently on the chair next to her.

   Director Zheng’s opening remarks are the same as usual, the difference is that he first welcomes Director Jiang Ce to come.

   After finishing speaking, he looked at the person next to him: "Jiang Cechang, come to see what our factory needs to give advice this time? I have changed everything you said last time, and the ventilation in the workshop has also been improved."

   Wen Yan Jiang Ce nodded, "Well, I saw it just now. But I heard that your factory has recently produced two types of ice cream, and the sales are particularly good?"

  The most important thing I came here this time was to see the ice cream workshop.

  In the past, the cold drink department was basically a sideshow, because the benefits were not very good, and there were not many talents in this area. If you want to make changes, this will not help you.

   After all, he is not a professional technician, at most he just gives some advice, not much help.

  When the matter of ice cream was mentioned, Factory Manager Zheng replied with a smile: "Yes, the profit of the factory has improved now, thanks to the two new flavors of ice cream."

   "Today, the person who developed two flavors of ice cream is also here, Mr. Jiang Ce, let me introduce you."

   As he spoke, he turned his head to look at Shen Man, "Comrade Shen Man, this is Jiang Ce, the head of Jicheng, who focuses on production economy."

  Each cerium director book has a division of labor, and this ceremonial director Jiang is in charge of production economy.

  Hearing the words, Shen Man hurriedly stood up and said hello: "Hello, Mr. Jiang Ce."

   "Oh?" Jiang Cechang was stunned when he saw her. He didn't expect that he was so young, he didn't look twenty years old, and he could research two new flavors of ice cream.

   Seeing him so surprised, Director Zheng smiled and said, "Do you think you are too young?"

  He also thought so at the beginning, but the ice cream was placed in front of him, and after tasting it, people really had to believe it.

  Jiang Cechang nodded, but he didn't feel that he was surprised or lost his composure.

  He said with some emotion: "The young people nowadays have great potential, Director Zheng, you have to cultivate it."

   "Of course." Factory Manager Zheng nodded with a smile: "The two workers, peasants and soldiers college students in the factory recommended this year have already recommended to Comrade Shen Man."

  He also thinks so, as long as it develops, Shen Man has unlimited potential in the future.

   Director Shao, who was sitting not far away, turned dark when he heard this. This time the quota was originally promised to his eldest nephew, but now he didn't get any of them. Shen Man came out halfway!

  When he thought of this, he became upset, and looked at Shen Man in a strange way.

  Of course, with Jiang Ce around today, no one paid attention to him.

  Shen Man's appearance gave Jiang Cechang a big surprise, and asked about other things.

   "What do you think about the food factory of the future?"

  Hearing this, Shen Man didn't flatter her right away, but remained silent for a moment.

  At this moment, no one said anything, they all looked at the little girl, hoping to hear how she would answer.

   It stands to reason that under such pressure, a person of Shen Man's age should be under a lot of pressure and unable to speak.

  But Shen Man is not an ordinary person, after thinking about it, he opened his mouth slowly.

  “I think the cold drink part of the factory needs to continue to develop, and the canned food also needs to make innovations, and the department that needs to be innovated.”

  Everyone was stunned when the words came out, and the conference room was silent.

  Jiang Cechang raised his eyebrows, wondering why this girl speaks so loudly? Innovation is so easy to innovate?

   Others certainly thought so too.

  But Tang Zhenyun, who was slapped in the face twice, didn't dare to think so anymore, and looked at Shen Man expectantly.

  She asked: "Comrade Shen Man, tell me how our factory will innovate? I want to hear your opinion."

  Avoid being slapped in the face again, this time she is very calm, listen to the advice first.

  Shen Man replied: "Actually, it's not difficult. There are only those types of canned food now, but the ones with different tastes need to be tested. I will report this to the director of the canning workshop. I can wait for the director to have time."

   "In addition to the innovation department, there is only one kind of cold drink soda in the province and even the whole country, orange-flavored soda. I think the taste can be innovated, but we still need to work harder."

  Her words silenced everyone.

   I really don't know what to say, how did she say such a terrific thing.

   Let’s say she is overthinking herself, she has indeed researched two new flavors of ice cream...

   Two sentences a day, asking for a monthly ticket



  (end of this chapter)

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