Chapter 123 This is my real sister

  When Shen Man returned to the workshop, he saw Director Liu sitting in her place.

  Seeing her coming back, he beckoned to go to the office.

  I didn’t dare to speak in the meeting just now. In that kind of occasion, the director has no chance to speak. You can only speak unless the leader rolls the roll.

  The two came to the office, Director Liu asked her to sit down, and then began to talk.

   "What did Jiang Cechang tell you? Didn't make things difficult for you?" He expressed a little concern.

  After all, he has never been in contact with such a leader for a long time, and he doesn't know what the attitude of others can explain.

   Shen Man shook his head, "It's not difficult, it means let me work hard."

   That’s exactly what it means, can’t you say the exact words again? That's what it means.

   Seeing what she said, Director Liu didn't question it, and thought for a while and said: "Then you should do your best, and it's useless to tell the leaders. They only want to see what you have done, not what you think."

  He meant the meeting just now.

  He knows Shen Man's ability, and he also believes that he will do what he says.

  But it's up to others to believe it or not, that's all I can say.

  Hearing this, Shen Man nodded and understood what he meant: "Director Liu, I understand."

  After saying a few words, she went back. She didn't have any work, but picked up a notebook to research new flavors of soda.

  She writes and draws, and does nothing else all day.

   After getting off work in the evening, Shen Man didn't stop and left directly as he watched the people changing shifts one after another.

  It is a good phenomenon to be busy now, and it is better than doing nothing. Being busy proves that the factory is doing well, otherwise everyone will have nothing to do and there will be no benefits for the New Year.

  Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon, and there will definitely be better benefits this time. After all, I have been busy for so long, and the factory will definitely take care of it.

   Seeing Gu Chen and Gu Nan waiting outside the door, she couldn't help but sigh.

  This time it’s all right, another person came to pick her up, making me look like a child, why come to pick her up every day?

   "Second sister-in-law!" Gu Nan shouted loudly and waved.

   Hearing this address, Gu Chen was very satisfied, he praised Gu Nan's actions in his heart, and planned to add chicken legs to her at night.

   This is his own sister!

   Shen Man was a little helpless, not as knowledgeable as her, walked over and said: "I will go to you at noon and lunch break tomorrow, and take me to buy a car."

  Is it okay to not use them? One Gu Chen is enough, and there is another Gu Nan.

  She really felt that ever since she dated Gu Chen, she has been pampered like a giant baby, except for going to work, other things have to be taken care of.

  Hearing this, Gu Chen's heart trembled, and here he came again...

  He still wanted to get away, but he saw Shen Man's expression.

   Come on, I can't get past it.

   "What kind of car should I buy? Let me give you this, I can walk." Gu Nan thinks this car is okay, and it is just right for Shen Man to ride.

  But Shen Man refused: "You gave me you to walk by yourself? Come on, I am rich, forget that I am a rich man?"

   At any rate, the factory gave me 500 yuan, but I only spent more than a dozen yuan for dinner yesterday.

   It’s so cheap to eat now!

   It only costs a dozen yuan for a meal in a hurry, and there is no one or two thousand in future generations, so I can't take these two people out to eat, it's too delicious.

   Seeing her say that, Gu Nan thought about it too. How can such a rich person be short of money? Miss Fu from the capitalist family is nothing more than that.

   "Second sister-in-law is still amazing." She complimented.

   The three returned home, Gu Chen bought a chicken today, and he hasn't eaten chicken for a long time.

   "What do you want to eat chicken stew?" Gu Chen asked while chopping chicken and washing vegetables.

   Of course, he would not let Shen Man do this kind of job.

   Shen Man saw that he didn't need to do it himself, so he thought for a while and said, "Let's stew the potatoes dry. The dried vegetables that Nan Nan brought have to be eaten. If left for a long time, there will be worms."

  Two days ago, Gu Nan came over and brought some things, such as dried potatoes and wild vegetables, which were all preserved by Li Jinhua.

  After they left in spring, a batch of wild wild vegetables came down, water bracken soaked in salt water, and Chinese toon, which is called Acanthopanax in the northeast, which is also a traditional Chinese medicine.

   It was a hard trip for Gu Nan, just the two kinds of wild vegetables soaked in salt water weighed more than 50 catties.

   Gu Chen thought about it and thought it would work, so he asked Gu Nan to go to the warehouse to get dried potatoes, and fish out some bracken fried meat by the way.

   Vegetables soaked in salt water will not be so salty after washing several times, and the umami taste of wild vegetables will be retained.

  In other words, water bracken has no messy taste at all. It tastes like water when you eat it, and there is no strange smell.

   Some people can't eat wild vegetables well, but some people can eat water ferns.

   Shen Man wanted to help, but the two siblings didn't need her to do anything.

   "Second sister-in-law, go in and sit down. Isn't there melon seeds on the table? Go eat melon seeds." Seeing that she had nothing to do, Gu Nan arranged for her.

  Eating melon seeds...

  Shen Man didn't want to eat it either, because he would get angry and thirsty after eating too much of that stuff, so he didn't like it.

   Sitting bored in the living room, you can see two busy figures in the kitchen at a glance along the window.

  Gu Chen washed the vegetables and chopped the meat, while Gu Nan next to him cooked the rice. Knowing that Shen Man likes to eat white rice, he didn't put other grains in it.

  The two people who came out of the countryside seldom eat like this, but since getting along with Shen Man, their habits have been taking care of her.

   "Xiaoman, do you want to come over to stew the chicken? Or I will do it." Gu Chen asked.

  Hearing this, Shen Man got up and walked over: "Let me stew it! You have made too much vegetable stew."

  Whether it's Li Jinhua or Gu Chen, they always cook with a lot of soup, which is probably the habit of the Northeast.

   If you have too much soup, you can eat more meals, and it will not be too dry when it is hot.

   Seeing this, Gu Chen was standing by and helping, the kitchen could only accommodate two people, and Gu Nan was kicked out after cooking.

  Shen Man fried the chicken with oil, then put various seasonings, and finally added water, and put salt in the pot before covering it.

   There will be a fishy smell when the lid is closed before opening the pot. It will be much better to let the meat gurgle for a while and then cover it.

  The dried potatoes have been soaked for a long time, and they can be put in after the chicken is stewed for a while.

   Naturally, Shen Man is not needed for the rest, Gu Chen will do it.

  While waiting for the food, Gu Nan suddenly said: "I haven't seen my uncle and the others yet, I've been here for the past two days and let my second brother walk around."

  Since entering the city, Gu Chen has arranged for her to either do this or that. Today, when I come back to my senses, they are all at work.

  Gu Chen glanced at her and said, "Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon, let's go and see it together."

  It's not good to go there often, and he won't come over when he has nothing to do. Everyone has his own life, he also has a job.

  Although Li Jinyuan often helps him, he also has his own business to do, and he usually entertains a lot.

  As the director of the winery, he is mostly entertaining, and he is too busy to keep up.

   Seeing what he said, Gu Nan nodded in agreement.

  The food was ready soon, Gu Chen fried a bracken stir-fried meat, and everyone sat down to eat.

  Recently, the food at home is good, and Shen Man feels faintly fatter.

   Looking for a monthly ticket



  (end of this chapter)

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