Chapter 124 Heartache

   After eating, Shen Man secretly went to the space to weigh herself, and she really gained weight.

   Now she is ninety-five catties!

   No wonder I have been feeling that the pants are not as loose as before, it turns out that I have gained weight.

  But Shen Man didn't feel distressed, on the contrary, he was quite happy. It would be fine to add ten catties to his body, and he also gained some physical strength.

   In the next few days, the factory was very busy, and she was more relaxed in the whole workshop.

   Even so, no one dares to gossip behind their backs.

  Because they not only have people at the top, but also have skills. It can increase the efficiency of the factory so much, how can it be ordinary people?

  Even Zhang Qiang didn't have time to find fault. He was as tired as a dog all day long, and everyone was equally tired after two shifts.

  But today everyone is very excited.

  At eight o’clock in the morning, just after two shifts had finished eating, each workshop began to receive the benefits of the Dragon Boat Festival.

  In addition to the basic two canned food per person, there are ten more eggs, a handful of vermicelli, and an additional subsidy of five yuan per person.

  Shen Man also received benefits, and seeing other people happy, he also became happy.

  People nowadays are really easy to be satisfied, eat enough and wear warmth, this is the greatest happiness.

  However, in every era there are people who can’t afford to eat, just like the Shangjiang brigade where we stayed before, there are also people who can’t eat enough.

  There are too few laborers in the family, and if they are distributed according to work, they will not have enough to eat, but they will not starve to death.

  Shen Man returned to the workshop with his things, and those who came back had already started working.

  The two cans given by the factory are canned chicken, pure chicken, without adding other side dishes.

  The main reason is that it is not easy to make vegetables into cans, and few can be preserved.

  She continued to read the book and take notes. According to Director Liu, she estimated that she would be able to go to school in half a month.

   But before that, there was an exam. Although Director Liu said that the problem was not too big and the difficulty was not too high, she was not from this era after all, so she dared not take it lightly.

  During lunch time, Shen Man went to the cafeteria and happened to meet Ma Xiaoli, so he walked over and asked, "Miss Xiaoli, why haven't I seen you during lunch?"

  She knows that the workshop is very busy, but there is plenty of time for meals and lunch breaks, so it shouldn't be impossible to see people.

  Hearing this, Ma Xiaoli sighed and said, "Isn't this because my youngest son is sick? I don't feel relieved that he is alone at home. I will go back to take care of him after lunch."

  She was haggard a lot. She was already busy with work, working two shifts and taking care of her children. She couldn't rest well at all, and now she was so tired every day.

  Seeing this appearance, Shen Man was also very helpless: "Miss Xiaoli, where is your home? It's just a lunch break and I'll go and see with you."

  Eating is the same no matter where you eat. She ordered two dishes, but they can’t eat them in the space anyway. It’s better for everyone to eat together.

  Ma Xiaoli agreed after thinking about it. Here, Shen Man asked her to wait at the factory gate, went to the dressing room, put two canned fruits in her bag, and left.

  Children feel better when they are sick and eat something delicious, which is also helpful for recovery.

  Their family lives in a dilapidated family building with two floors, with external stairs leading to the second floor. There is a kitchen in the house, but no toilet.

  The hut is more than 30 square meters, with two bunk beds, a dining table, two study tables, and a sewing machine.

   In this way, there is no room for other things in the room. Although the room is small, it is very clean and tidy.

   "Xiaojun, Mom is back." Ma Xiaoli said as she walked towards the upper and lower bunk beds. On the lower bunk lay a pale child, five or six years old, who looked very thin.

   "Mom..." Xiaojun yelled before he noticed the stranger behind her.

  When seeing someone they don’t know, children will be subconsciously cautious.

   Seeing this, Shen Man smiled and said, "Is Xiaojun hungry? Mom and I brought food back."

  She put the lunch box on the table next to her, and then took out two canned fruits from the bag, one canned peach, and the other was hawthorn.

  Eating some hawthorn will whet the appetite, but I don’t know what the child’s illness is. If it is a gastrointestinal problem, then you can’t eat hawthorn.

   There was still a large handful of white rabbit toffee in her pocket, so she also took it out and put it on the table.

  Xiaojun’s eyes widened when he saw this, no matter how cautious he is, he is still a child, and he will definitely do this when he sees delicious food.

  Ma Xiaoli didn't know that she had brought something, she thought it was a lunch box, so she didn't ask.

   "Sister, what are you doing?" She was not very happy, knowing that everyone was just friends from the factory, but the other party treated her like this, and there was really no way to repay her.

  Shen Man said with a smile: "I don't know what the child likes to eat, so I brought something. The child will recover soon after eating something delicious. Give him a meal!"

   As she spoke, she changed the subject and opened the lunch box she brought.

   Seeing this, Ma Xiaoli could only get the bowls and chopsticks first. The child was sick and couldn't eat well, and she felt distressed as a mother.

   In the past, the children ate the food desperately, but now they can't eat much. The gap is too big.

  After sitting down, Ma Xiaoli saw the dishes in her lunch box again, and couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

  A potato stewed chicken, and a braised pork.

   How can Shen Man eat this up with his appetite?

   The two of them usually eat together, how much does she eat without knowing?

  When I come to my own home, I order so many extra dishes, and I don’t want to share them with them.

  Thinking of this, Ma Xiaoli felt even more uncomfortable, because for so many years, since the man passed away, she had never felt the sincerity of anyone.

   But Shen Man is really kind to her, not only these small favors, but also the usual care that strangers can give.

  Shen Man picked up the chopsticks to pick up the meat for Xiaojun, "Xiaojun eat more, you can eat canned food after taking a break after eating."

   It is definitely not good to eat after eating, the stomach will not be able to bear it.

  She turned her head to look at Ma Xiaoli, and found that she was secretly wiping tears.

   "Miss Xiaoli, what's wrong?" Shen Man's heart sank. Could it be that the child's illness is very serious? Otherwise, why would you cry while eating?

  Xiaojun also noticed, put down his chopsticks and cried: "Mom...don't cry, I'll be fine! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

  Children are like this. When adults cry, they lose their mind and start crying too.

  Ma Xiaoli quickly withdrew her emotions and comforted the child: "It's okay, mom was blinded by the wind, and she's fine now."

   This lie...

   Really useful.

  Xiaojun stopped crying in doubt, blinked at his mother, made sure it was all right, and then picked up chopsticks to eat.

   After coaxing the child, Ma Xiaoli turned her head and said, "I'm sorry, sister, you didn't treat you well when you came to my house the first time, and it cost you money."

  The last time I went to Shen Man's house, the food was good and the hospitality was warm, but she is like this now.

  Hearing this, Shen Man waved his hand: "Sister Xiaoli, what are you talking about? Although we are not biological sisters, we must be much better than ordinary friends. I don't care."

   Ask for a monthly ticket, poor child



  (end of this chapter)

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