Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 125: look at the recipe

  Chapter 125 Can I see the recipe?

  Ma Xiaoli is not a person who doesn't know what to do, let's see what she says? I didn't say anything more.

  The three of them ate happily, and Xiaojun was indeed happy, and his condition seemed much better.

  After eating and taking a break, Ma Xiaoli opened a can of peaches, and the child couldn't take a look away, so he just stared at the can while eating.

   "Mom, save some for my brother." Xiaojun still didn't forget his brother, so he asked.

  Hearing this, Ma Xiaoli smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, your brother can eat it."

  Eating at home is difficult. I usually have these things, and I use them for food.

  So it is not easy for the child to eat these, which makes people feel distressed, but she can't help it.

  The half-old child eats the poor old man, and the eldest son is at the age of growing up, and eats like an adult.

  Seeing what she said, Xiaojun started to eat with peace of mind.

   Shen Man asked: "Miss Xiaoli, doesn't Xiaojun usually go to school?"

  A five-year-old should go to kindergarten, right?

  But she doesn't know the current situation, so she can only ask.

  Ma Xiaoli replied: "There is a nursery in the factory, and I usually send it there, but the child has a fever these two days and hasn't gone there. Today looks better than yesterday, and it should be better in two days."

  It's really scary for a child to have a persistent fever. She hasn't slept well these days.

  Hearing this, Shen Man didn't ask any more questions, and the two returned to the factory after staying for a while.

   Before reaching the gate of the factory, I heard someone talking about Ma Xiaoli.

   "Let me tell you, if flies don't bite seamless eggs, they still stink."

   "Zhao Shuying, don't talk nonsense, you were scolded last time." Li Chunhong sat at the base of the wall to enjoy the shade, and was terrified when she heard her words.

   Don't think she likes to join in the fun, but she is only limited to joining in the fun. It's really scary when things happen.

  Zhao Shuying curled her lips and said unhappily: "You have the nerve to say that every time you pull the span, you can't help."

   Rolling her eyes, she remembered another thing: "By the way, I saw Wang Meijuan walking very close to Director Qian two days ago."

  That's what she said, but she didn't say too much, just to the point.

  Others were just joining in the fun, and upon hearing this, they all asked, "What's going on?"

   "I haven't heard that Team Leader Wang has any relationship with Director Qian."

   Speaking of this, everyone has a meaningful look.

  Obviously, they wondered if the two were having an affair.

   This matter involved the leader, Zhao Shuying didn't dare to talk nonsense, "Come on, don't guess. Don't let people hear it when the time comes, besides, I passed it on."

  Ordinary people can forget it, but she dare not talk nonsense about the director and team leader.

  Others are more afraid of getting into trouble, so they didn't argue with each other.

   Outside the fence, Shen Man looked at Ma Xiaoli, with a meaningful expression on this person's face. Looks like you're thinking about something?

  But she did meet Wang Meijuan and she was very close to Director Qian before, and the relationship was not ordinary.

  Both are people with families, how can the relationship be simple if they are chattering?

   "Let's go, girl, I'll be going to work later." Ma Xiaoli didn't rush to confront them, but instead kept calm and calm.

   Seeing this, Shen Man didn't say much, the two entered the factory together, and Zhao Shuying and the others naturally saw it not far away.

  Back to the first workshop, Shen Man sat on a chair to rest, watching other people busy and didn't mean to help.

  No way, she is quite busy now and has no time to care about others.

   "Shen Man is here, just come over here." Director Liu came out to ask someone to deliver hot water, just in time to see her.

   It's not hot yet, but I got up again.

   Shen Man took the kettle and helped to send it in together.

  In addition to Director Liu, there was a man in his forties sitting on the sofa watching her.

   "This is Director Wang Jianye from the canning workshop, and this is Shen Man." Director Liu introduced.

  Hearing this, Shen Man went over to say hello: "Hello, Director Wang."

  We met in a meeting before, but she didn't know him. She just got a little impression when observing. She knew that the other party was the director of the canning workshop.

  Wang Jianye looked at her, nodded with a smile, "Hello, Comrade Shen Man, I have been observing you before, but I didn't have a chance to speak."

  No way, Shen Man was either called away by the factory manager, or called by other people to talk, he had no chance at all.

  I haven't been so busy these days, so I happened to come over and take the initiative to find someone.

   Upon hearing this, Shen Man was stunned, "Will I have a chance to talk? Director Wang is really joking. As long as you ask someone to say something, I have to go to the office to find you immediately."

  A director, even if he is not from a workshop, is it difficult to find a worker to talk to?

Director Wang shook his head, let her sit down, and then said: "You mentioned in the factory meeting before that canned food needs innovation, can you talk to me? To be honest, our factory really needs to launch new products. But our workshop has been researching for a long time, and it is very difficult.”

  If innovation was easy, they wouldn't be bald.

  I'm sorry to say, including Director Wang, their R&D department is considered bald...

  But Shen Man didn't directly express his thoughts, but instead asked: "Director Wang, what kind of canned food do you want to make now when you are doing research and development?"

  Hearing that Director Wang thought for a while, he replied: "I want to make canned fish, but after packaging in cans, the fishy smell is very special, and there is a bitter taste. There is no solution for this."

  If it was possible, this canned fish would have been sold long ago, but if there is such a problem, it cannot be mass-produced.

   After all, food is very precious, if it is wasted any more, then the responsibility will be great.

  How can it be mass-produced if it tastes bad? At that time, the punishment in the factory will be small, and the leaders at the top will have to say it.

  Shen Man didn't understand this thing, but he still suggested: "Can you let me see the formula? If it's inconvenient, forget it."

  She felt abrupt after she finished speaking, but she couldn't do without reading the recipe, she didn't know the problem at all.

  She is not a fairy, how could she know what is wrong without looking at it.

  Director Wang was also a little hesitant. After all, it was related to the efficiency of the factory, and if it leaked out, it would be useless.

   Seeing this, Director Liu next to him said unhappily: "What else are you thinking about? I said Brother Wang, if you don't show the formula, how will people know what's wrong?"

   "Besides, you have been unable to produce this thing, so why keep it secret?"

   Still, he can speak Shen Man's heart, these words are not very good, so Director Liu can only speak.

   Upon hearing this, Director Wang also laughed, "I think too much!"

   "You can go to the workshop with me to see the formula, I didn't bring it with me."

   Just like that, the two went out under Director Liu's watchful eye.

  Director Wang led Shen Man to the workshop, asking about his research and development experience from time to time on the way.

   "I can study at your age. I didn't expect you to learn so much without even going to college."

   After speaking, he felt that something was wrong, and quickly explained: "I'm not saying that your education is low, don't get me wrong."

   Looking for a monthly pass



  (end of this chapter)

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