Chapter 126 The words are too ugly

   Shen Man laughed directly when he heard what he said, this man is really interesting.

   "Director Wang, I'm not so narrow-minded. Don't worry, I won't think too much about it."

  People probably want to say that it is amazing for her to have such achievements at her age.

  Words don't convey the meaning.

   Seeing what she said, Director Wang nodded reassuringly. He stays in the workshop all day long and doesn't care about anything except work.

   Now he can't even chat for a day, and he can't help it, and his mouth is also stupid. If it weren't for his academic qualifications and skills, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to be the director.

  The two of them came to the canning workshop one after the other. It was not too busy and there were not many people here.

  Many jobs are vacant, and they are probably transferred to the cold drink workshop. Now they are too busy there, so this is the only way.

   Seeing Director Wang enter the door, everyone greeted him one after another, but when they saw Shen Man behind him, they looked more at him.

   At a glance, it is clear that they are not from this workshop. Although everyone is wearing dark blue overalls, they have never seen each other.

  Director Wang took her to the office. At this time, there was another woman in the room, in her thirties.

   There are two desks in total. Judging by her expression, she doesn't look like a secretary.

   "Director Li, this is Shen Man from the first cold drink workshop of our factory. This is our deputy director Li Qin."

  Director Wang took the initiative to introduce, after all, he did not know each other.

  As soon as Shen Man heard this, he went over to say hello politely: "Hello, Director Li."

  Li Qin nodded, looked at her probingly, then turned around and asked, "Director Wang, what's the matter?"

  As the deputy director of the workshop, it's normal for her to ask, and she can't find anything wrong.

Hearing this, Director Wang nodded, "Comrade Shen Man said at the last meeting that the taste of canned food in our workshop needs to be innovated. We have been promoting it for the past two years, but there has been no progress, so I want her to come and see what's going on. .”

   "Let her watch?" Li Qin frowned immediately after saying this, and said displeasedly: "I've heard that the little girl is doing well in the cold drink workshop and has strength."

   "But canned food and cold drinks are not the same thing. Don't you know what to do if you take care of everything like this?"

   It's not that she thinks that Shen Man is in the limelight. After all, there are many talents from all walks of life. Maybe Shen Man is a talent, but it's impossible to understand all aspects, right?

  Under such circumstances, it was difficult for her to have a good impression of the little girl.

   Seeing her say that, Director Wang felt that it was not very good, after all, the person involved is here.

  If you have any opinions, you can talk about it later. Now that he invited the person here, it would be a bit embarrassing to say so.

  Shen Man saw Director Wang's embarrassment and Director Li's aggressive attitude. She thought for a while and said, "I understand Director Li's mood. I just came to the factory not long ago, so maybe you don't know me yet."

   "I never take the initiative to ask for trouble for things that I am not sure about. Since the food has not been developed for a long time, why don't you let me take a look? It's fine if you have some useful opinions."

  After saying this, she didn't say anything else. As if begging them, who is willing to find work for themselves?

   I'm going to college soon, Shen Manda can do nothing, and then give the formula to the factory when I come back, isn't that the same?

  Looking at the girl in front of her, Li Qin saw her indifferent expression and sincere attitude, thinking about it, she felt that she was a bit too extreme.

  Thinking of this, she stood up directly, walked over and said, "Comrade Shen Man, I apologize for my behavior just now. You can read the recipe, but you must sign a confidentiality agreement."

  Li Qin is very open-minded, daring to take action, and will not lose face.

  Hearing this, Shen Man nodded in agreement. After all, it was not easy for the factory to develop a formula, and since she was not in this department, she understood the other party's approach.

  Director Wang on the side heaved a sigh of relief. In fact, others said that he was not good at speaking and was straightforward, but he knew that Li Qin was more extreme than him.

  Usually he was stunned speechless, there was nothing he could do.

  Just now I was afraid that Li Qin would lose her popularity, but I didn't expect Shen Man, a young girl, to be very calm when things happen.

   If this takes away his popularity, there is nothing he can do...

   Signed the confidentiality agreement, this time Li Qin will not be embarrassed. She turned to Director Wang and said, "You can show her, I'll send a document."

   "Okay, okay, Director Li, you go first." Director Wang felt relieved, as if it was the greatest benefit that he left.

  Shen Man on the side could see clearly, but Li Qin didn't seem to see it, nodded and left.

  When the door was closed, Director Wang sighed, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Comrade Shen Man, I originally asked you to come over to help, don't mind, she has no evil intentions."

  The two have worked together for a long time, and they both know what is going on with each other.

  Although Li Qin has a bad mouth, she is upright and serious about her work.

  Hearing the words, Shen Man shook his head: "It's okay, Director Wang, shall we discuss the formula?"

  She doesn't want to comment on other people's good or bad, she just wants to talk about the facts, what to do, then do the job well.

  Director Wang rummaged in the cabinet for a while, and took out a file bag.

   "This is a recipe from years ago, but there has been no progress, so it's put in the cabinet." He said while passing the file bag.

   There is no way to do this. We can’t waste resources without making progress.

  So I can only stop, and then look up books and the like.

   Shen Man looked at the formula and frowned.

   Except for the preservation of the required preservative additives, the rest of the process is the same as ordinary cooking.

  Of course, the current canned food is like this, and she can't see anything wrong with it.

   After thinking about it, he asked again: "Director Wang, can I visit the production line of the department?"

  Since the formula cannot be seen, then go to the production line to see.

  Director Wang also agreed, the two went to the production line, and when the two workshops walked down, Shen Man probably understood why the fish was smelly.

  When making fish, you don’t put anything that removes the fishy smell, even if there are no seasonings like onion, **** and garlic to remove the fishy smell, so can it not be fishy?

  As for whether the fish is bitter or not, she doesn't know. After all, the production line now produces canned meat.

  Shen Man has never eaten the video produced in the factory, but what he can know is that the meat is very different from the fish, and the fish must have a stronger smell.

   If you don't remove the fishy smell, it will definitely taste much worse.

  Backing to the office, she stated her point of view, and then said: "But I'm not sure if this is the reason, you can experiment."

   Seeing her say that, Director Wang didn't expect such a result.

  Finally sent Shen Man away, he went to find someone to do it again, this time he listened to Shen Man's opinion, not only put onion, **** and garlic, but also put a little white wine to remove the smell.

   As for the result, you have to seal it up before you can taste it, otherwise it won't work after a long time.

   Ask for a monthly pass! Ball ball. Tomorrow is the 30th



  (end of this chapter)

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