Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 128: Who are you? (seeking a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 128 Who are you? (seeking a monthly ticket)

   "Xiaoman..." Gu Chen was a little nervous.

  In fact, the two of them have already passed each other, and that feeling is still unforgettable for him in retrospect.

  Looking at the delicate beauty in front of him, he was nervous and at a loss.

   Shen Man saw that there was no one nearby, but he could hear someone chatting not far away.

   "I..." Gu Chen wanted to go over to bobo, but he was too nervous, afraid that the other party would dislike his behavior, so he froze there for a while.

  Shen Man didn't know why he didn't move, he wanted to be angry and laugh at the same time.

  But she still checked the surroundings, and after confirming that there was no one there, she pulled the other party's collar, and then went up with precision.

   After letting go, Shen Man pretended to be calm, but was still very shy. It's also her first date, so how can she be as calm as others?

  Gu Chen sat there in a daze, and could even feel the residual warmth of his lips.

  He turned his head to look at Shen Man, his old face flushed...

   In other words, Shen Man almost took the initiative, he was a bit off the chain...

  Looking at the shy Shen Man in front of him, Gu Chen didn't care if anyone saw it, so he went directly to bobo.

   Sure enough, it feels good to take the initiative.

   Hearing voices from beside him, Gu Chen didn't have time to feel it, so he quickly left.


   Shen Man blushed even more at his sudden initiative, but she didn't say anything.

  The person walking next to him walked away, and the two of them slowed down.

   "Go home? It's getting dark." Shen Man suggested.

  Hearing the words, Gu Chen nodded, then got up, and the two of them walked back slowly.

  No one spoke on the road, probably because they were too shy to speak out.

   After delivering it to the door of the house, Gu Chen stopped and said, "You go into the house, I'll go back first. I'll find someone tomorrow to see if I can take a shower."

  He did not forget Shen Man's request, of course this matter should be done as soon as possible.

   Shen Man nodded, told him to be careful on the road, watched the person riding away before entering the hospital.

  The light in the house was on, and she locked the courtyard door before entering the house.

   "Second sister-in-law is back." Seeing her back, Gu Nan asked, "How did you go out to play?"

  She also asked a question when she had nothing to do, but Shen Man blushed immediately.

   Fortunately, the lights are not particularly bright, and under the dim light, nothing unusual can be seen.

   "There's nothing to do, I'll take you to another place to play after you rest." Shen Man responded casually, then said that he wanted to rest, and went straight into the house.

  Gu Nan didn't think too much, got up and went back to sleep.

  If she hadn't waited for Shen Man to come back, she would have gone to bed long ago. It's almost seven o'clock now, and I'm going to bed at this time in the countryside.

  In the room, Shen Man turned off the lights, and then entered the space.

  At home, she is not afraid of Gu Nan coming over suddenly, because this girl is very polite and knocks on the door before entering. She will come in only after she has a response.

  Actually, Shen Man didn't know, it was all taught by Gu Chen, otherwise how would Gu Nan understand? In rural areas, there is no such thing as knocking on the door before entering.

  Looking at the materials in the space, I thought about sorting out a large package.

  She was going to post it back to Li Jinhua, after all, he took good care of her back then.

  Although Li Jinhua said that she was afraid that she would kick Gu Chen, she disappeared when she returned to the city. But it is undeniable that they never prevented Shen Man from returning to the city.

   This is because I still approve of her in my heart, otherwise there is no need to take care of her like this.

  Shen Man is not a heartless person, if he gets help, he will naturally return it.

  She packed everything that could fit, the two cans given by the factory, and the braised pork in an iron can she prepared herself. She went to pack it and wrote down what it was.

  Because I was afraid that they would not eat it, I deliberately wrote the words that it would expire in a month.

  Pack some bacon, and corn noodles. This stuff can be stored in a ventilated place, and it can be stored for a long time.

   After installing it, Shen Man sat on the chair and thought about his own affairs.

   There will be an exam in a few days. Although she has reviewed the current high school textbooks, she still has no bottom line.

  Who knows what is being tested in the exam now? Since Director Liu didn't explain it, he couldn't say anything.

   So, she never asked.

  Shen Man sighed, thinking that no matter what, now that he has reached this point, if he fails to pass the exam, he will be ashamed.

  Woke up the next morning, she packed up and went to the department store ahead of time.

  After arriving at the door, looking at the staff who had just opened the board, Shen Man walked in directly.

  The business started at seven o'clock, and she would be late for work any later.

  As soon as he entered the door, the salespersons were all in place, and Shen Man was not the only one who came so early.

  Everyone try to buy something before going to work, or after get off work, when there are more people.

  Walking to a counter, Shen Man asked politely: "Hello comrade, I want to find Gu Chen, can you call me?"

  She didn't know which job Gu Chen was in, and she didn't see it in the room.

  Just now Gu Nan was about to come, but he got diarrhea and was squatting at home.

  The little girl at the counter is about 21 or 22, with a typical appearance. Hearing that someone was looking for Gu Chen, she turned around and looked around.

  I felt a little uncomfortable after looking at it. The girl in front of me was too good-looking, with fair skin and a pretty face, and she was well dressed.

   "Who are you? It's working hours now, so it's not convenient for me to find someone for you." She was not overwhelmed by jealousy, but answered rationally.

  The manager is here, if she leaves without authorization, what if her salary is deducted?

  Even if you are a salesperson at the counter, you cannot leave your post without authorization.

  Hearing this, Shen Man smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't think it through."

  At this time, the manager who had been observing came over. He was in his thirties, and seeing that their words were not right, he asked, "What's wrong, Zhou Juan."

   "Manager, this **** is looking for Gu Chen." Zhou Juan replied, and someone came to buy the goods next to her, so she didn't have time to say anything else.

  The manager looked at Shen Man and said, "Gu Chen is in the logistics, come with me."

  Because I don't know what their relationship is, I thought about taking someone there first.

   I heard Gu Chen mention a partner before, maybe this pretty little girl is it?

  The two came to the logistics warehouse one after the other. There were several young men sitting in the office. Most of the people working here were young people, and they could be busy with some strenuous work.

   "Gu Chen, someone is looking for you." The manager yelled inside.

  Hearing someone calling him, Gu Chen turned around and saw Shen Man.

  He didn't know whether to laugh or cry at this time. He bought a bicycle, so how could he give it away.

   "Xiaoman." In the end, he greeted her with a smile, looking very enthusiastic.

  Others saw it too, and they all guessed whether this girl was Gu Chen's object.

   Not to mention, it's really beautiful.

   "Huh? I wonder why Brother Chen can't see Zhou Juan, who is so beautiful?" Jin Baoyu couldn't help but smack his lips.

   He has never seen such a beautiful girl.

  Wu Qing ignored him, he was not afraid of being heard when everyone came.

   Looking for a monthly pass, today is the last day of the month.

   Those who don’t have a monthly pass can tip, one or two yuan is not too little, and three or five yuan is not too much.

   Reward 1666 can give a monthly pass.

Thank you everyone! ()



  (end of this chapter)

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