Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 129: And touch porcelain? (seeking a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 129 Is there still a touch of porcelain? (seeking a monthly ticket)

  Gu Chen came over to thank the manager, and he went back.

   "I'm here to buy a bicycle." Seeing his expression, Shen Man secretly smiled.

  Seeing his embarrassment, it's actually quite interesting. It's not that she is bad, but she said it on purpose.

  Hearing this, Gu Chen suddenly lost his energy, pursed his lower lip, and then led her to the corridor.

"Xiaoman, I'll take you upstairs. There are only two bicycles. Let's buy whichever you like." Although he felt uncomfortable, he still took care of Shen Man's emotions and did whatever he wanted .

   But he didn't know how pitiful he looked like.

  Looking at his back, Shen Man pursed her lips and snickered. In fact, she knew in her heart that Gu Chen wanted to be with her often.

  But you still need to buy a bicycle. After school, you can’t commute to get off work on time like this, and you can’t let Gu Chen skip work to pick her up during working hours, right?

  So, it is very convenient to have a bicycle.

   The two came to the place where bicycles were sold. There were not many people here, and most of them just looked around. Buying a bicycle now is the same as buying a car in the future. If you have no money, you can't afford it.

  There are two women's bicycles parked on it, and there are three or two 28 large loads. This kind of bicycle is very heavy and bears load well, but it is not suitable for Shen Man.

  The salesperson knew Gu Chen, came over to say hello, and asked, "Is this for buying a bicycle with someone?"

  The salesperson opposite was a woman in her thirties, looking at the two with a smile in her eyes.

   Gu Chen blushed a little, but he couldn't tell, so it was no different from usual.

   "Sister Wang, let's take a look at women's bicycles."

  Hearing this, Sister Wang knew that the two young people couldn't save face, so she said, "This dark red one is better, the price is a bit more expensive, but the quality is very good."

  There are only two bicycles in total, so there is nothing to choose.

  Seeing this, Gu Chen glanced at the bicycle, then turned to Shen Man: "Is this one okay?"

  He doesn’t know what other people like. If he doesn’t like this, he can buy it elsewhere.

   Shen Man nodded, it's just a means of transportation, what kind of thing can't do it?

   "That's all." She replied.

  Since he agreed, Gu Chen asked Sister Wang to issue the ticket, and prepared to pocket it himself.

   Shen Man hurriedly said: "I have money, you just need to get the ticket."

   As she spoke, she took out the money she had prepared a long time ago from her pocket.

   Seeing this, Gu Chen felt very uncomfortable.

   Okay... Now that I can earn money, I don’t have to spend it myself.

   "Didn't you give me a thousand yuan? I haven't spent it, and I haven't spent all the money given by the factory last time." Shen Man noticed that something was wrong with him, and quickly explained.

   I didn't expect to tease it, but it turned out like this.

  Gu Chen didn't say anything, and took her to take the ticket to pay. The money was paid by Shen Man, a total of 180 yuan.

  The other required tickets were given by Gu Chen, and she didn't have this one either.

   After buying the bicycle, Gu Chen sent her to the gate.

   "Be careful on the road, watch out for cars and people, and ride slowly." He looked at the opposite person with resentment.

   Shen Man was a little helpless, seeing that time was running out, but he stayed and explained: "You can pick me up every day, but I will go to school after a while, and our time will definitely not be the same."

   "You can come to me anytime, okay?"

  For the first time, I feel that being in love is like coaxing a child.

  But she is willing to coax her, after all, Gu Chen cares more about her than himself.

  Hearing this, Gu Chen's face suddenly changed, and he said with a happy smile: "Really? Is it okay?"

   "Of course." Shen Man waved his hand: "I'm going to work first, it's running out of time."

   "Okay, I'll pick you up after get off work." Gu Chen shouted at her back.

   Great, I can continue to pick up my wife again.

  Shen Man thought a lot along the way, but she actually knew Gu Chen's feelings. It's just that sometimes she doesn't know how to respond, probably because she has never felt any love, and now she feels a little numb.

  But she also really likes Gu Chen, learning how to love someone.

  She had already planned to marry Gu Chen at the age of twenty, and there was still a year left.

  Although she needs to go to school and work now, it will not delay.

  Anyway, she will be this person in the future, and Shen Man feels that she will never meet someone who treats her so well again, so she must cherish it.

  He entered the factory with a smile on his face, and before he had ridden his bicycle to the shed, a man ran towards him, and the two collided directly.

   Shen Man was thrown to the ground, and the other person was not much better.


  The person opposite screamed and lay on the ground, howling.

  Before Shen Man saw who it was, he wondered if he had met Pengci? There are still people who touch porcelain these days?

   When she stood up and saw the people on the ground, the apology on her face disappeared immediately.

  Zhao Shuying was bumped suddenly, and the handlebar of the car hit her ribs, which was extremely painful.

   After slowing down, seeing that it was Shen Man riding the bicycle, the expression on his face also became complicated.

  She knew that Shen Man and Ma Xiaoli had a good time, and their relationship was unusual.

   "Stand up if it's okay." Shen Man thought to himself, if an adult was hit by a bicycle, he should be fine, right?

   It's not like she's pregnant or something, so it's a bit too much to be so miserable.

  Hearing this, Zhao Shuying thought of it, but then thought of being bumped, why was she obedient?

   "Is it okay for you to bump into me?" Her attitude made a 180-degree turn.

  Shen Man snorted coldly: "You ran and didn't look around, I let you run into it? Did you steal something from the factory, so reckless?"

   Beat it down? Who wouldn't!

   Sure enough, upon hearing this, Zhao Shuying stood up anxiously, "You're talking nonsense, I don't have one. Take a look!"

   As she spoke, she patted her body, and she really didn't look like she was hiding anything.

   Seeing this, Shen Man didn't give up immediately, and said: "Then who are you eavesdropping on? I'm here to see who it is."

  She looked in the direction where Zhao Shuying ran over just now, and there was an abandoned factory building over there.

   "What? I really convinced you. If you don't want to be responsible, just say it. I think I'm unlucky, okay?" Zhao Shuying hurried to the workshop as she said.

  I didn’t know, I thought someone was following her, she walked away in such a hurry.

  This time, Shen Man knew that something was wrong. There must be something wrong, otherwise Zhao Shuying could let it go?

  She turned her head and continued to look at the factory building, and sure enough, two people came out one after the other.

   Those two people are Director Shao and Wang Meijuan, who are still tidying up their clothes.

  Good guy, they started doing things early in the morning, and these two people are not afraid of being seen.

  Shen Man knew about them a long time ago, so he didn't bother to look at them, so he pushed his bicycle to the shed to stop.

   Checked around, except that the car bumper was scratched by a stone on the ground, there is no problem in other places.

   Her hands were scratched, but fortunately the wound was not serious, so she washed it with disinfectant and left without bandaging.

   Ask for a monthly pass!

   At the end of the month today, the rankings will be ranked, and those with money will vote for the monthly votes for those without money.

   One or two yuan is not too little, and three or five yuan is not too much.

   1666 can give a monthly pass.

   (It's a bit shameless, everyone can join the group and I will distribute benefits.)



  (end of this chapter)

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