Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 130: Eat out (ask for a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 130 Eating restaurants (seeking a monthly ticket)

  When I arrived at the door of the workshop, I happened to meet Lin Yu coming out.

   "Are you here? How did you do it with your hand." Lin Yu saw Shen Man's hand arranging his hair at a glance. A piece of flesh was exposed on it, which seemed to be just scratched.

  The incision is not big, only as big as the cover of a little mother's finger, but the bright red flesh can be seen, it must be very painful.

  Hearing this, Shen Man said with a smile: "It's okay, it's been cleaned."

  If it is bandaged, it will be even more difficult to restore the catchy mouth. Now that the weather is hot, what should I do if the cover is broken?

   Lin Yu didn't talk nonsense, he greeted the people in the workshop, and took her to the infirmary.

   "You can't do it like this. There are many bacteria in the workshop and it is easy to get infected." He said as he walked, feeling a little helpless.

   This girl usually looks very smart, why doesn't she know how to protect her when she is injured?

  Seeing what he said, Shen Man felt that he was being too ambitious? Otherwise, people who are just colleagues, why are they still thinking about their injuries so much.

  I raised my hand and looked at the side of my palm, oil had already started to leak out from the opening. It was a lie to say that it didn’t hurt, it hurts a lot.

   Soon came to the infirmary, the young doctor treated her mouth, disinfected it, then soaked the gauze with purple syrup, and then carefully bandaged it.

   "You have to be careful, we don't have tetanus in our factory, if the wound is really infected, it will be too late for you to regret it." The doctor said and asked her to sign.

   There is no cost for medical treatment in the factory, all you need is a signature. Usually headaches and brain fever can be treated, but if it is serious, you have to go to the hospital.

  Hearing this, Shen Man nodded, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

   It's really troublesome. Lin Yu is still working, so someone absenteeism will bring her over to bandage her mouth.

   Seeing that nothing happened, the two went back.

  No one spoke on the road, and when he entered the door, Shen Man thanked him again.

  Lin Yu turned to look at her with a complicated expression, and then said: "Little girl, take care of yourself, don't treat yourself like a rough old man."

  That little girl won't rush to bandage her when she's injured. It's the first time he's seen someone like Shen Man letting go.

   In fact, Shen Man is also used to it. When he was injured when he was a child, no one will take care of him, unless it is very serious.

   After all, there are so many children in the orphanage, how can they take care of them all.

   "I see, I'm sorry to trouble you, Team Leader Lin." Shen Man didn't know how to answer.

   Fortunately, the other party didn't say much, and the two went in one after the other.

  The exam was scheduled for next week. Director Liu came to inform him early in the morning, but he didn't see anyone.

   Waited for someone to come back before telling her.

   "What's wrong with your hand?" Director Liu noticed the bandaged hand at a glance.

   Shen Man explained: "I accidentally fell off the bike, it's okay."

  That's what she said, but she was still a little worried. What if it affects the exam? I just hope that the wound will heal quickly in these two days.

  Director Liu didn't ask any more questions, just told him to be careful, and then went back to work.

  As the director, he has endless things to do almost every day, which is also normal.

   After all, the workshop director is not idle, so there is no time to rest.

  Shen Man doesn't know how to read books in the factory, so try not to do things that have nothing to do with work.

   At most, I just read some information about food to enrich my knowledge.

  After get off work in the evening, I happened to meet Ma Xiaoli on the way, and she asked about Xiaojun's condition.

   "It's ready, I'm going to nursery school this morning." Ma Xiaoli had a relaxed expression on her face.

   Raising two children by herself, she is not only tired from work, but also tired from heart.

  As long as the child is healthy, she can work with peace of mind.

  Hearing this, Shen Man was also relieved, it is not a good thing for such a small child to have a fever all the time, it is easy to cause pneumonia and encephalitis.

  Especially in this era of scarcity of supplies, it is difficult to cure a little disease.

   "That's good." Shen Man said goodbye to Ma Xiaoli when she saw Gu Chen waiting for her at the door.

  Actually, they all go together, but they are embarrassed to ask people to go together, because they have children at home and need to go home as soon as possible.

   Ma Xiaoli went to the nursery first, and then took the child home.

   Shen Man pushed the car over and said, "Why do you get off work so early every day?"

   To be honest, she was a little envious.

   "Second sister-in-law, my second brother left early, and I got off work half an hour earlier than you." Gu Nan said, not forgetting to look at the people next to him.

  Gu Chen's face turned dark, he was really afraid that Shen Man would know that he skipped work and came to pick up someone, and he would not be allowed to come here in the future.

   But he obviously worried too much, so Shen Man nodded without saying a word.

   "Today is the holiday, let's go out to eat out." Gu Chen quickly changed the subject.

  Now that the weather is hot, the vegetables bought in the morning are no longer fresh at night, so it is more cost-effective and convenient to go out to eat.

   Shen Man nodded in agreement, and the three of them went to Jicheng Hotel together.

  This restaurant not only has hot pot, but now that the weather is hot, eating hot pot is even hotter. After all, there is no air conditioning at this time.

   Eating hot pot in this weather is undoubtedly making yourself guilty.

   The hall with a mouthful is almost full, except for the kitchen entrance, there are also tables at the main entrance empty, and the good seats are gone.

   "I'll go to the manager to see if I can get a private room." Gu Chen asked the two of them to wait where they were, and then went to the back room alone.

   "Shen Man?"

   Suddenly someone called her name.

   Shen Man looked back in response. Lin Yu was with several colleagues in the first workshop, and there were a few people he didn't know.

   There were a dozen of them in total, and they seemed to be here for dinner.

  It is really rare to go out to have dinner instead of eating with family members during the festival.

  Lin Yu smiled and said, "Why are you here?"

  He also noticed the little girl next to him, but he didn't want to ask them too much.

   Shen Man nodded and replied: "Yes, I came here for dinner with my partner and my sister."

  Her expression is natural, and she greets a familiar colleague without any difference.

  But Lin Yu on the opposite side was obviously taken aback when he heard the word object.

  He had never heard of Shen Man having a date before, but now that he thinks about it, he is so beautiful, how can he not have a date?

   "Ah, okay, then you have a good meal. I'll go upstairs with them." Lin Yu smiled unnaturally, and went upstairs with the others.

   Gu Nan asked curiously: "Second sister-in-law, who is that person?"

  She always felt that there was something wrong with the way this man looked at the second sister-in-law, but she didn't know what was wrong.

  Wearing this, Shen Man explained: "That's a colleague from one of our workshops."

   At this time, Gu Chen also came back. He asked the manager to arrange a private room, and the three of them also went upstairs.

  There are quite a few people in the private rooms upstairs. To be honest, those who have a little spare money these days like to eat out.

   Not only because it is delicious, but also because it has batch ingredients.

   After all, being able to go to restaurants is enough to prove that the family conditions are good and that they have that strength, otherwise, who would have nothing to go to restaurants?

  So there are not many people eating out now, but there are many.

   In the new January, I am asking for a monthly pass again...



  (end of this chapter)

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