Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 131: Daughter-in-law (ask for a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 131 Daughter-in-law (seeking a monthly ticket)

   Shen Man put down his backpack, and at this moment his injured hand was fully exposed.

  Because she was wearing long-sleeved clothes just now, no one saw her, and she also hid it on purpose.

  There are so many people at the gate of the food factory, she doesn't want to talk about it over there.

   "What's wrong with your hand!" As soon as Gu Chen saw the hand wrapped in gauze, he immediately stood up and knocked down the stool next to him.

  Seeing that he was so excited, Shen Man hurriedly said: "It's nothing, just a broken piece of skin. The doctor in the infirmary insisted on wrapping it up for me, but there is nothing wrong with it."

   In her opinion, this is indeed the case, and the problem is not big.

  Maybe the current level of medical treatment is not very high, so the doctors in the infirmary bandage it so solemnly, right?

  But Gu Chen didn't listen to her words, and asked with a serious face: "How did you do it? It was fine when you came to the factory, why did you end up like this after get off work?"

   Could it be a fight? Who the **** bullied his precious wife!

Seeing his excited look, Shen Man replied: "It was when someone was riding a bicycle, someone rushed out of the factory suddenly, and we bumped into each other. If it's okay, it will really break the skin, or I'll open it for you to have a look? "

   To Gu Chen, she could say that she bumped into someone, but it is inconvenient for others to say that.

  But Gu Chen frowned and didn't want to look at it: "Pull it down, I don't know how to bandage it, and it won't wrap it up after opening it."

  He looked at the young daughter-in-law's heartless look, and felt very distressed. He must be afraid that he would be worried, so he said it.

  The bag is so thick, it must be a big hole.

   Gu Nan leaned over to take a look. It was indeed quite scary, but seeing Shen Man's expression didn't make her uncomfortable. I guess there really isn't much of a hole, right?

  She turned her head to look at Gu Chen: "Second brother, you didn't care about me when my leg got stuck like that last year. Everyone was bleeding at that time!"

  Is the difference too big? Is this what her mother used to say, "Marry a wife and forget your mother"?

  Not right...

   The description is inappropriate.

Gu Chen blankly glanced at her, and said: "As for your rough skin and thick flesh, can it compare with your second sister-in-law's thin skin and tender flesh? Besides, you've been stuck once or twice, and I haven't seen you yet." cry."

  Hearing this, Gu Nan wanted to refute, what's the use of crying? Didn't the second sister-in-law cry too?

   But before she could speak, someone came in with food.

  Seeing the food on the table, Gu Nan immediately put all the things that were tangled up just now behind her.

   "Emma, ​​it smells so good, what is it?" She smelled the fragrance in the big porcelain basin, it was very fragrant and spicy, and it choked her nose.

   "Boiled fish, Sichuan cuisine is quite spicy." Gu Chen saw that Shen Man likes spicy food, so he ordered this dish, but now it seems that he can't eat it.

   "You can't eat it. I ordered the non-spicy one. You can eat something else later." He urged, pushing the boiled fish aside and putting it in front of Gu Nan.

  Looking at the boiled fish so far away from him, Shen Man swallowed unconsciously.

  She really wants to eat it. She used to like Sichuan food, which is spicy and delicious, but now she is not allowed to eat it...

   It’s been a long time since she has eaten Sichuan food!

   "Actually, there's no problem, it's just that the skin can be scratched and can eat spicy food." Shen Man tried his best to explain, in order to convince the other party.

  But it's a pity, Gu Chen replied blankly: "No!"

   Shen Man: …

  In the end, she still didn't eat the Sichuan cuisine she was thinking about. She ate some stewed chicken with mushrooms, and she also had pot-packed meat to eat.

   Seeing Gu Nan sweating profusely while eating, and not stopping chopsticks, it really made Shen Man's mouth water.

   What a crime!

  After eating and returning home, Gu Chen went out for a while, and came back with gauze, purple syrup and disinfectant in his hand.

   "I'll help you change the gauze."

  It is not good to bandage for a long time, and it is better to disinfect frequently.

  But if I wait until tomorrow to go to the infirmary, I guess the cover will be broken.

  Shen Man didn't refuse, just let him have a look, there wasn't a big hole at all.

   But after opening it, both of them frowned.

   This purple potion looks even scarier when applied. Although the mouth is not big, the color of the purple potion makes people feel uncomfortable.

   "Look, isn't there a big mouth? It's almost closed." Shen Man pointed to the opening, trying to prove it.

   "It's not that big?" Gu Chen frowned and said, "How big is the opening, your hands are bigger! Be honest, I'll sterilize it for you."

  Don't say that the fingernail is so big, it's just a red mark, he also feels distressed!

   This is the little daughter-in-law he holds in his palm!

  Shen Man was very speechless. He thought that letting him see the wound would make it better, but it turned out to be the case.

  No way, she also knows that the other party cares about her, otherwise she wouldn't do this.

   After changing the gauze, Shen Man frowned the whole time without saying a word.

   In fact, the disinfection process was quite painful, but she is not a hypocritical person, so she got used to it and kept silent.

   Seeing this, Gu Chen was a little surprised, feeling sour in his heart.

   "Daughter-in-law, if you feel pain, you can say so, don't hold it back."

   "What?" Shen Man looked up at him.

  The meaningful eyes made Gu Chen smile awkwardly: "No...hehe..."

   Oops, I accidentally said what was on my mind.

   Taking a sneak look at Shen Man, she saw a smile on the corner of her mouth.

   Is this the default?

   Gu Chen felt very happy when he thought of this, it seems that it is good to be thick-skinned.

  The two of them didn't talk anymore, and it was getting late after the bandage was finished, so Gu Chen sat for a while and was ready to leave.

  Before leaving, Gu Chen remembered something, and said: "I have already asked someone to look at the shower room, and it can be built in two days."

   He has always had to do what Shen Man asked for. After all, there is only such a daughter-in-law, how can he not spoil her?

   Hearing that Shen Man was a little surprised, of course it was a surprise, and then said: "By the way, let's rebuild the toilet? Our toilet is too dangerous, and I dare not enter it with two boards."

  Nowadays, the toilets in the city are dry toilets, and people often have to find someone to clean them. Their alley is okay, and every family has a cesspool.

  People in other places have to go to the public toilet, which is more troublesome. If you are unlucky in the morning, you have to queue for a long time.

  I have to wait in line to go to the toilet. It's scary to think about it.

  As soon as Gu Chen heard the word 'our family', he immediately nodded in agreement: "Don't worry, daughter-in-law, I will definitely do it for you!"

   Shen Man: …

  She raised her forehead helplessly, "Can you stop calling me that? It's fine in private, it's not good in front of outsiders, after all, we are not married yet."

   Not bad, although she is a modern person, but in this society, she has to be more cautious.

   "Don't worry, I still don't know? I'm going first." Gu Chen was pleased.

   As long as you give in privately, this is a huge improvement!

did you see? The benefits of having a thick skin are really great, as long as you have a thick skin, you can call a daughter-in-law.

  Watching him leave, Shen Man smiled. In fact, she knew in her heart that this man did it on purpose.

   It's just a title, anyway, the two will get married sooner or later, it doesn't matter if they are called or not.

   Ask for a monthly pass.

   Gu Chen has the cheek to be called a daughter-in-law successfully!



  (end of this chapter)

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