Chapter 132 Exam

  In the next few days, the toilets and showers will be covered, and people will come to work during the day, but no one will be seen when they return home from work at night.

  Shen Man has no time to take care of those, because she will have an exam tomorrow, and she is very nervous.

   I don’t know if I have this ability, can I pass the exam?

   After dinner in the evening, Gu Chen saw that she was in a daze, so he walked over and asked, "What's the matter? You look listless."

  Hearing this, Shen Man turned to look at him, and replied with a wry smile: "I have an exam tomorrow, and I don't know if I can pass it."

   Upon hearing this, Gu Chen was not happy, "Why can you live? Don't think about that, if you can get in, we will get in, if you can't get in, I will support you."

   "It's really interesting, our family has plenty of money, so there is no need to suffer."

  Although he also went to school and knew the importance of knowledge, he never could bear to think that learning is an easy thing.

   Gu Chen has no talent for learning, and his academic performance is good, it is all hard work. He was studying while others were resting, went to bed at 3:00 in the morning, and got up after 5:00 to recite.

  So he feels that learning is hard work, and that is suffering.

  Hearing the words, Shen Man laughed directly, and the depressed mood just now was swept away.

   "I don't think it's a crime, don't worry, I will never do things I don't like."

  Before she knew that education is the first stepping stone to the society. It is not enough to have education without ability, and it is even more impossible to have ability without education.

   Therefore, she will not underestimate her education, thinking that she can get rich without an education.

  Although Shen Man is not a perfectionist, she doesn't want to be successful in the future. She was dug out of her academic qualifications and said that she only had a high school level.

  Excellent people are often given preferential treatment. After experiencing social baptism, she naturally understands.

   Seeing that she said this, and she was very serious, so Gu Chen didn't persuade her anymore.

   In fact, it is really important to have a high degree of education. He also discovered it when he entered the social work.

  So I was only interested in Russian before, but now I am very proficient in conversation.

  In the evening, Shen Man seized the time to review for another two hours before going to sleep in peace.

  Woke up the next morning, Gu Chen came over early with breakfast.

   Fried dough sticks with soy milk and eggs, this is Shen Man's favorite breakfast.

   She prefers these things to bun porridge.

  After dinner, Gu Chen proposed to send her to the factory, and then wanted to accompany her to take the exam.

   "No need, I will look for you after the exam." Shen Man felt that it was useless to go now, so she asked for leave to play with Gu Chen after the exam was over.

   And she doesn't know when the exam will be, don't waste any more time.

  Gu Chen wanted to say that he asked for leave, but seeing her full of confidence, he nodded in agreement.

   Came to the food factory, Gu Chen took her hand and said, "Normal, don't be too nervous, you understand?"

  He didn't want to say something frustrating. It's not good to admit counsel before the exam.

  Hearing this, Shen Man nodded, "Don't worry, I'll go find you when it's over, let's go back to work first."

  The two parted, Shen Man entered the factory, and saw Director Liu waiting at the door as soon as he arrived at the workshop.

   "Director Liu." She walked over to say hello.

  It's just after seven o'clock, I don't know if I have to take the exam.

  Director Liu nodded and signaled: "Let's go, it's time to wait. The exam will be at 9 o'clock soon."

   Shen Man is not the only one taking this exam. There is another person in the food factory, who was wanted by Director Shao's nephew before.

  But when Shen Man saw the person who went to the exam with her, he knew that this person was not Director Shao's nephew.

  Because this person has an upright expression, without any trace of crookedness.

   This feeling is very strange, that's what Shen Man thinks.

   "Shen Man, this is Chen Xu, a technician from our factory, and he also took the exam with you." Director Liu took the initiative to introduce.

  Hearing this, Shen Man nodded and said hello, and the other party also responded politely.

  They all went by bicycle this time. Fortunately, they bought bicycles before, otherwise they would have to take someone else's car.

  Riding a bicycle is not an easy job, Shen Man is not willing to do it if he bothers others.

  Riding for about 20 minutes, I arrived at the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University. There are really many students here. It is the school day, and there are many people coming in and out.

  Shen Man found that most of the people were well dressed, and their hair was combed meticulously, which looked like a school of aristocrats.

   But more earthy...

   Arrived in a classroom, there were many people sitting in the room at this time, ranging from around 30 years old to 18 or 19 years old.

  Most of them are young people in their twenties, and they are also the main force of each factory.

  The directors all greeted each other. Director Liu took the time to let them go in, find their names and sit down, and just ask them to wait.

  It seems that the time for the exam has not yet come, and there are still people who are reading and studying.

  Shen Man sat down and checked her pens, just in case she brought three pens and a bottle of ink, all prepared for her by Gu Chen.

  Because it is convenient to buy everything in department stores, you don’t need to worry about these things yourself.

  After getting ready, I sat for half an hour, during which several people went to the toilet and came back.

   I'm afraid that you will be anxious during the exam, so you won't be allowed to go again casually.

  Shen Man naturally followed him once, anyway, there is enough time.

   When it was almost nine o'clock, a middle-aged teacher came in with a stack of papers, put them on the podium, and then someone went to distribute them.

   Shen Man knew that the exam was about to start.

  The teacher stood on the podium and said: "Put the books in the schoolbags and hang them on the side of the desk. You are not allowed to touch the schoolbags during the period. The exam will start soon."

   They are all adults, and everyone knows the consequences of cheating.

  Shen Man didn't have any books either. Apart from notebooks and pens, there was nothing else in his backpack.

  I took out my pens just now, so I can save myself touching my schoolbag when the time comes.

  She took the paper and quickly reviewed the questions, but she was stunned after reading it.


So simple?

  She is a little unbelievable, the college entrance examination will not be so simple, right?

  But now is not the time to think about this, Shen Man seized the time to answer the question. There are still a few subjects in the back, so we can't waste time all the time.

  It took her more than ten minutes to answer, and another five minutes to check.

  After the inspection, she didn't hear anyone handing in the paper.

   Naturally, Shen Man wouldn't be the first to submit it, and even if he did, he couldn't pretend to be approved.

   When the time was almost up, she saw someone handing in the paper.

   Handed in with everyone, and then left the teacher with the schoolbag.

  Outside Director Liu was still chatting with others, he didn't know what he was talking about, with a serious expression on his face.

   Shen Man did not go to disturb, but stood not far away to relax his eyes and look into the distance.

  Chen Xu from behind also came out, but his expression was a little serious, and it seemed that it should be difficult to be honest.

  Shen Man thought for a while, and felt that those questions were actually at the high school level, probably because the questions were changed, and the question types remained the same.

   But she didn't say anything, she just knew it.

   Looking for a monthly pass



  (end of this chapter)

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