Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 133: Where is the cheek

  Chapter 133 Where is the thick skin

   After two minutes, Director Liu came over, and the others also went to find the person they brought, and asked how they were doing.

   "It's okay, I don't know how it will be until the result comes out." Shen Man's answer was vague.

   After all, Chen Xu didn't seem to be doing well when he came out. If he said it was very simple, wouldn't he be digging a hole for others?

  She is also from a food factory, so she has to keep a low profile. No matter what happens to Chen Xu, the result will be a proof of his strength.

  Hearing that Director Liu didn't ask too many questions, it's really not good to ask this kind of thing, and the questions are different every time.

   After resting for half an hour, I should go to the toilet, drink water, and read books.

  It's time for everyone to enter the classroom and continue the exam. After all, time is limited, and today we must finish the exam.

  Now there are only four subjects in the exam, and the most important one is Russian.

   Fortunately, she had books given to her by Gu Chen before, and from time to time she solved questions and doubts, so she should have no problem coping with the current exam.

  Sitting on the chair, Shen Man looked at the paper, which was still an easy question to answer.

   Except for mathematics, other subjects are memorized by rote, and Shen Man has never let down his vigilance, which is why he finds it easy.

  Since she went to the countryside, she hasn't put down her books. Fortunately, she hasn't put down her books. Otherwise, you won't be able to deal with the opportunities before you.

  Taking two subjects in the morning, Director Liu took the two of them to the cafeteria for dinner at noon. The university cafeteria here is very lively, and the food is even better than that of the food factory.

   Director Liu sat on the stool and sighed: "Now here are all future talents, you must study hard."

  Because knowledge is important, the conditions in all aspects of the school are very good.

   Shen Man agrees with what he said, no matter where he will work in the future, it will definitely be better if he has a college degree.

  Lunch is free, and you can eat anything. After all, they are here for the exam, and Director Liu has made arrangements.

   Braised pork, shredded potatoes, and chicken stewed with mushrooms, I have to say that the dishes are really good.

  Shen Man ate a big steamed bun and ate a lot of dishes. The taste of this dish was really good, comparable to that of a chef in a big restaurant.

   I didn't expect that a university cafeteria could have such craftsmanship, which is really good.

   After dinner, the three went out to sit for a while. Director Liu told them not to be nervous and just relax.

  Actually, Shen Man is no longer nervous, because she handles the two exams with ease.

   There is another test in Russian, which is all memorized by rote, so don’t worry at all.

  Even if you haven’t memorized it or can’t remember it, it doesn’t matter, as long as you answer everything you know.

  She doesn't have to answer all the questions correctly, it's useless to force herself like that.

   Soon came the afternoon exam, and the rest was less than three hours, and it was all over.

   It was just four o'clock in the afternoon, so there was no problem.

   "Are you going back to the factory or going home to rest?" Director Liu asked.

  They don't have work today, and it's almost time to get off work, so that's why they asked.

  Chen Xu said he wanted to go home, he looked a little tired, it is estimated that this day's exam would be too much for him.

   On the contrary, Shen Man was very relaxed and said that he would not go to the factory.

  Director Liu still wanted to go back to the factory, so he said goodbye to them at the school gate.

   Shen Man went directly to the department store by bicycle. As for the people behind, she really didn't care about it.

  Chen Xu, who stayed behind, looked at the back of leaving, with mixed feelings in his heart. He didn't know that Shen Man handled the exam easily, after all, they were all in the same exam room.

  But he struggled to answer those questions, but Shen Man didn't show any expression of struggling.

   This made Chen Xu wonder whether he was too stupid.

  For this exam, he has prepared for a full year, and he has already prepared for the quota.

   Shaking his head, he sighed helplessly, he just wanted to pass the passing mark...

  Shen Man rode a bicycle to the department store. At this time, there were a lot of people. Many people who got off work at this time came to shop.

  She was hesitant to go and see, after all, Gu Chen was still at work, if he went there rashly, he might quit.

   From the perspective of work, the behavior is very ineffective.

   After looking at the time, there was still about half an hour before get off work, Shen Man decided to stand at the door and wait, it was not less than half an hour away.

   "Second sister-in-law?"

  After waiting for more than ten minutes, she heard Gu Nan calling her,

   Looking back, this person has already walked in front of him.

   "It's really you, second sister-in-law, aren't you taking an exam today? Why are you here?" Gu Nan also knew that today was the exam day.

  Hearing the words, Shen Man replied: "Isn't this the end of the exam? Come here and wait for you to get off work."

   "So that's how it is, then I'll call your second brother." Gu Nan thought about going to call someone first, and they were about to get off work.

  Shen Man grabbed her directly and said, "It's almost time to get off work, so don't call him. It will be time in a few minutes, you go to work first."

  Anyway, it's only a few minutes, so it's okay to wait any longer. She thinks it's completely unnecessary to skip work in such a short time.

   Seeing what she said, Gu Nan was naturally obedient and nodded in agreement.

   "Okay then, Second Sister-in-law, I'll go in first." After finishing speaking, she went back.

  Gu Nan entered the door of the department store, saw people coming and going in the room, so he hurried over to help.

  She followed Gu Chen in the logistics, and sometimes helped to organize the sales.

  But she is a stupid person, and she has offended many people because she hasn't made friends for such a long time.

  The main thing is that he speaks too bluntly, which is not likable at all.

   Gu Nan delivered all the goods to the counter, and today's work is over.

   "Nan Nan, wait a minute." Zhou Juan called her to stop, and said, "Has your second brother left after get off work?"

  Hearing this, Gu Nan was a little puzzled, but still replied: "No, come with me later."

  They commute to get off work together every day, but Zhou Juan is a salesperson, and she can get off work at 6:30 in the afternoon.

   Seeing what she said, Zhou Juan hesitated for a moment, but there were so many guests that she had no time to linger.

   "Ask him if he can wait for me? I have something to tell him." Zhou Juan's face was unnatural, and her eyes dodged when she spoke.

  As soon as Gu Nan heard this, he immediately refused, and without thinking about it, he said: "That's not okay, my second sister-in-law is waiting outside, if you have anything to say, go tell him yourself."

   Let Shen Man wait for them, why?

   And this Zhou Juan, how could she have the cheek to make them wait to talk.

  Zhou Juan obviously didn't expect to wait for such an answer, and froze in place.

   Waiting for Gu Nan to leave, he didn't react, he was still impatient to buy things.

   "What's the matter with you, comrade? You still haven't replied when you buy something!"

   Zhou Juan came back to her senses and immediately apologized to him, and then went to get things.

  Department stores don't have the bad habits of salesmen in remote areas. They might meet the family members of the leaders who come to buy things. If they don't know each other, wouldn't they offend people if they have a bad attitude? So she dare not be careless.

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  (end of this chapter)

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