Chapter 135 Touring the park

   At around nine o'clock the next morning, Shen Man was lying at home lazing.

  Anyway, it is a rest, there is no need to go to work in the factory, it is more comfortable to stay at home.

  I thought that Gu Chen and Chen would go to work, and there would be news tomorrow, but the two came back together after nine o'clock.

   "Second sister-in-law, go out to play!" Gu Nan's voice came before he came in.

  Hearing the sound, Shen Man got up and went out of the room, just as the two of them also entered the room.

   "Why are you two back now?" She was very different, obviously not expecting it.

   Looking at the time, it was the time for work, and the two of them came back together.

  Hearing this, Gu Nan hurriedly replied: "Second sister-in-law, my second brother told the director that we are on vacation today."

   "You just opened your mouth, I can't speak, right?" Gu Chen looked at her, feeling very unhappy.

   Shen Man was a little helpless, the two brothers and sisters knew how to pinch each other, as did Gu Chen, who never gave in to his younger sister and gave in.

   She said yesterday that she thought she would go out to play the day after tomorrow. After all, she didn't explain in advance. The department store has to arrange someone to replace them, right?

   "Daughter-in-law, don't worry, the director and I have a good relationship, I've taken care of everything." Gu Chen said with a smile.

  This attitude is completely opposite to the attitude towards Gu Nan just now...

   Shen Man nodded, "Okay, then I'll change clothes and let's go out to play."

  She wears loose cotton and linen house clothes at home. These clothes are very comfortable, but they are not suitable for wearing outside.

  The three of them pushed their bicycles out, researching where to go along the way.

  Gu Chen suggested: "How about going to the largest park in Jicheng? There is an artificial lake and boats over there."

   Boating is also a good way to play, and there are more places to go.

   "Okay, go there! I haven't rowed a boat yet." Gu Nan was obviously very excited.

  When I was a teenager, I played with a board in the river and pretended to row a boat.

   I haven’t been on a boat yet, and I want to experience it for a long time.

   Seeing this, Shen Man had no objection, and the three of them headed towards the Grand Park.

   There are not many people along the way. They are either at work or at home at this time, and few people come out.

  There are very few unemployed people in the city. The young ones go to jump the queue, and the old ones have bad legs. They either stay at home or go to the park to chat and play chess with the elderly of similar age.

  So there are really not many people who can hang out outside.

  When we arrived at the Grand Park, the three of them were very tired from cycling, and it took a total of half an hour. Park the car in the carport and lock it before going inside.

   Gu Nan saw that the scenery inside was good, so he didn't feel tired, so he kept walking in front.

   Gu Chen walked slowly with Shen Man in the back, his usual steps were enough for Shen Man to take two steps, so he had to reduce his steps and walk slowly.

   To be honest, this is more tiring than running.

   "Are you thirsty? There are ice cream sellers over there." Seeing a thin layer of sweat on her forehead, Gu Chen couldn't help but become concerned.

   Hearing that Shen Man looked around, there were indeed some cold drinks, not only ice cream but also soda.

   "I'll go with you." She said and asked Gu Nan in front to wait a while, and the three of them went to buy ice cream.

  Give Gu Nan ice cream, and both of them drink soda.

  Orange-flavored soda actually doesn’t taste very good, it only tastes like saccharine aftertaste.

   But this is a very precious thing in this era, and very few people drink it.

   Shen Man returned the bottle after finishing the drink, the iced taste is really good.

  The three of them continued to walk forward. The area of ​​the artificial lake was indeed not small, so the three of them rented a boat.

  In fact, Gu Chen wanted Gu Nan to row the boat by himself, but this person can't, so the three of them can only go together.

   "Xiao Man, sit in the middle, Gu Nan, sit in the back and row the boat."

  There are many people outside, so he didn't call his wife.

  Gu Chen walked in front and sat down, holding the oars, and the two of them paddled together.

   Fortunately, Gu Nan is not stupid in this regard, he can understand it in just a few words, and the relationship between the two of them is quite stable.

  Shen Man sat in the middle and directly opposite Gu Chen, staring at each other.

  The boat was still swimming, and Gu Chen had stopped rowing, so he kept circling in place.

   "Stop rowing!" Gu Chen shouted towards the stern of the boat.

   Gu Nan was playing with the oars happily, having a great time.

   Seeing that he didn't give way, he pouted angrily.

   Now the boat is close to the center of the lake, and it will be docked if you go any further.

   Gu Chen thought in his heart, she should really be allowed to sit in the boat by herself, what a waste of time.

  Compared to his depressed mood, Shen Man feels very comfortable, the lake is very cool.

  The three sat on the boat and looked at the surrounding scenery, and many people were also rowing.

  Basically they are couples, or friends and brothers.

   Less than ten minutes after the boat stopped, the two were chatting when they heard Gu Nan talking.

   "Second brother, let's go ashore."

  Gu Chen was a little speechless, "Just sat for a few minutes?"

   Shen Man looked back at her, and found that Gu Nan's face was a little strange, and he kept frowning and covering his eyes.

   "Are you seasick?" She immediately thought of it. After all, some people are seasick, and it has nothing to do with the ship.

  After hearing this, Gu Chen stopped talking, and directly moved the oars vigorously, and landed smoothly.

  He is strong enough to paddle alone, but for others, it may take a little effort.

  Arrived at the shore, Shen Man helped him up, this movement didn't matter, Gu Nan just vomited out.

   "Slightly slightly slightly..."

   Shen Man: …

   Fortunately, he didn't vomit on his body. The man turned his head and knelt on the ground and vomited for a while.

  Gu Chen was very speechless, and quickly pulled his wife aside: "Stay away from her."

   Hearing this, I don't know if Gu Nan is sad, anyway, Shen Man is a little dumbfounded.

All right…

   When Gu Nan regained his strength, Gu Chen went to borrow tools, covered the vomit with soil, then swept it up and dumped it into the trash can.

  Gu Nan's face was covered with sweat and tears, pitiful.

   "May I take you to drink some water?" Shen Man went to help him up.

  There is no one to buy mineral water here. If you want to drink water, you can only go to the restaurant to find it.

  It’s getting late, and I wanted to continue shopping, but now it seems that I can’t go anywhere.

   When Gu Chen came back, he took over from Shen Man to support him, and the three of them were going to go to the restaurant to drink some water and have a meal and go home.

  Finally, Gu Chen disliked Gu Nan for walking slowly, and picked him up again.

  Looking at his actions, Shen Man couldn't help laughing, always disgusted, but isn't she going to take care of her sister now?

  Maybe these are brothers and sisters, no matter how disgusted they are, they will never give up on each other.

  The original owner is more pitiful, no one cares...

  She didn't think much, and went to the restaurant together, and asked for a pot of water for Gu Nan to drink first, and Gu Chen went to the window to order food.

   After drinking water, Gu Nan felt better. In fact, she felt much better after getting off the boat, but she couldn't help the nausea.

   "Is it better?" Shen Man asked with concern.

   It should be better depending on the situation.

  Hearing this, Gu Nan nodded: "It's much better, second sister-in-law, I'm sorry, it's rare to come out to play, and I'm still such a disappointment."

   Shen Man replied with a smile: "What are you talking about? There will be opportunities to come out to play in the future, don't think about it."

   Looking for a monthly pass



  (end of this chapter)

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