Chapter 136 She compromised

   "In the future, don't do things that are sorry for others!" Gu Chen walked over and just heard them talking.

  Looking at Gu Nan with a bad expression, dissatisfaction has been written on his face, even overflowing the screen...

   Gu Nan pouted aggrievedly and replied: "You think I am willing? I don't feel sorry for anyone at all!"

  How is she? The second brother is also true, it's fine if he doesn't know how to comfort others, and he still talks like this.

   "Yes, I don't feel sorry for you, and I don't know who I'm going to walk out behind my back, and I'm bothering you with trash!" Gu Chen was choked up by these words.

   Well, he has done all kinds of work, but in the end he doesn't care about people.

  Shen Man quickly stopped them: "It's almost done, there is no end."

   Really convinced, these two people can't live without fighting?

  Gu Chen shut up obediently, and sat beside him honestly.

  Gu Nan still curled her lips in displeasure, but she knew in her heart that he came to the restaurant behind her back and cleaned up the mess.

  The food was ready soon, and the weather was too hot so I ordered a vegetarian dish and a meat dish so as not to be overwhelmed.

   Gu Nan must have been overwhelmed. He ate four taels of rice in a row, but Shen Man stopped him if he wanted to eat.

   "Okay, you just vomited and your stomach can't stand it, don't eat it. Eat whatever you want at night, don't eat too much."

  Why doesn't this kid know when enough is enough? Eat anything delicious.

   Seeing her say this, Gu Nan obediently put down the bowl and chopsticks, "It's a pity that I wasted the rest of my mind."

   "With me here, can there be any leftovers?" Gu Chen picked up the rice, put all the leftovers into a big bowl, stirred them up and ate them all.

   Not to mention, when there is no leftovers when eating with him, he never wastes food.

   After eating, Gu Nan regained her energy and insisted on going to the park again.

  Because I took the boat just now, I didn't go to other places. The park is very big, and she still wants to go.

  Gu Chen directly rejected her proposal, "I'm going to go by yourself, I have to take your second sister-in-law back, did you see that she was tired?"

  Hearing this, Gu Nan turned to look at Shen Man, his complexion was indeed not very good, his already fair face was even paler now.

"OK then."

  She was a little disappointed, but not unhappy.

   Shen Man hurriedly said: "It's okay, I'm just a little hot, let's go for a walk."

   It is rare to come out, and she also wants to continue shopping. It may be that it took too long to come out out of the cold, and I was a little panicked.

  But Gu Chen had already made up his mind, and no one said it would work, so he went straight back home.

  Back at home, Shen Man washed his face and went to sleep, feeling a little weak.

   Originally, the original owner's body hadn't recovered, and it would be over after all the tossing. Before working in the countryside for a period of time to get used to it, this winter plus spring made her unable to adapt.

   Seeing Shen Man fall asleep, Gu Chen blew his beard and stared at Gu Nan when he came out.

   "How come you are such a big girl and can't see the height of your eyebrows and eyes? Can't tell that your second sister-in-law is uncomfortable? You play around all day long. The boss is so old that he doesn't even have a date, so you just toss about my date, right?"

  Although he lowered his voice, Gu Nan was still a little scared.

  Although she was wronged, she also understood the truth, knowing that she was not caring for the second sister-in-law, she said: "Second brother, I was wrong, I really didn't see the second sister-in-law suffering."

   But saying that she has no partner made her feel even more uncomfortable. Unfortunately, she was not given a chance to speak, so she turned her head and went out.

   Gu Nan sighed and sat on the sofa, feeling worried.

  Which object should I go to?

   What she cares about is not what Gu Chen focuses on at all, maybe it's because her brain circuit is different...

  But it was the first time in Gu Nan's life that he seriously thought about the matter of dating. How can I find the object so that I won't be rejected.

   Not only Gu Chen disliked her, but Li Jinhua also disliked her, saying that she couldn't get married.

  When Shen Man opened his eyes again, the sun was already setting outside.

  Looking at the watch on his hand, it was half past six in the evening.

   She slept for four hours, Shi Shi was a little too surprised, she didn't expect to sleep for so long.

  Get up and change into house clothes, then throw the dirty clothes in the hamper and wash them tomorrow morning.

  It's night now, so I can't dry it after washing it.

   "Second sister-in-law, are you awake?" Gu Nan sat in the living room and saw her come out, and said, "My second brother is cooking in the kitchen. The food he bought is delicious."

   It took a long time for Gu Chen to come back after going out in the afternoon, and he bought a lot of vegetables and some nutritional supplements.

  Hearing this, Shen Man looked at the things on the table, a pile of nutritional products, and some fruits.

   "What is this for?"

  Buying so many things?

  Gu Chen poked his head out in the kitchen and said, "I'll give you something to eat. You'll have to eat these things every day from now on."

  His head was covered with sweat, and he looked very hot.

   Looking at a lot of things on the table, again, a lot!

   Shen Man was dumbfounded, "Why don't you eat it? Feed the pigs, let me eat so much."

   "I'm not thin, look how good and strong I am." Gu Chen raised his hand in a showy manner, and his muscles were all available.

   "I..." Shen Man was at a loss for words, and was speechless.

   All right, she compromised.

   They had a great time during this day. They went out to play, rested, and had delicious meals.

  In the evening, Gu Chen cooked braised fish in brown sauce, as well as stir-fried vegetables and seaweed stewed with meat.

  Looking at these things, Shen Man didn't ask where they came from, it must have been bought by Gu Chen.

   As for where you bought it, there is no need to ask.

   After the three of them had dinner, Gu Chen had the cheek to follow Shen Man into the room, and the two of them were truly alone in the room.

   Looking back, Nan didn't go to scold me stupidly, she has been scolded so much that she doesn't want to continue to be scolded.

  Gu Chen closed the door in satisfaction, then sat beside Shen Man with a cheeky smile.

   "What are you doing? It's so late and you don't go back." Shen Man glanced at his watch, it was already half past seven in the evening, and it was getting dark.

  Hearing the words, Gu Chen said pitifully: "I want to stay with you later, let me leave later."

  With his previous experience, now he thinks it's only good to have a thick skin. Anyway, it's useless to have face.

  Seeing what he said, Shen Man didn't bother to talk to him, "Sit down and be honest."

  Small, what is she thinking that Shen Man can't see?

   It was because he was pitiful that he didn't say anything.

  After all, I never gave him a sense of security before, so I was immersed in my own world.

  Shen Man glanced at him, seeing the person getting closer, and simply ignored him.

   Then, Gu Chen succeeded.

  Bobo naturally wants to be bobo.

  No one is here today, and the atmosphere in the room is rather blurred.

  The two of them were a little sunk.

   Fortunately, Shen Man was more rational and stopped his movements, and then he slowed down.

   Gu Chen is the kind of person who has just tasted the sweetness, and looks at her with unfulfilled interest.

   "Sit down for a while and go back." Shen Man didn't give him any chance, and the next thing had to be on the day of the wedding, otherwise there would be a mess.

   "I know." Gu Chen is not a fool, so he naturally knows how to respect others.

  He just wanted to see Shen Man more.

   Ask for a monthly pass.



  (end of this chapter)

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