Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 137: Letter from the Shen family

  Chapter 137 Letter from the Shen Family

   After a long time, Gu Chen finally recovered, at least the reaction was gone.

  After he cleared his mind, he was a little embarrassed, even embarrassed to face Shen Man.

   Fortunately, his shame came and went quickly, and he turned his head and said solemnly: "Go to rest early, you can rest for another day tomorrow, we both have to go to work tomorrow."

  Gu Chen wanted to continue to rest, but just as Shen Man thought, skipping work all the time is not enough.

   You have to stick to your job. It is impossible to fish for three days and hang out on the net for two days. The director is not a fool, so there is no need to treat idlers like this.

  There are many people staring at his work, so be sure to pay attention.

   Seeing what he said, Shen Man nodded and agreed: "Be careful on the road."

  The two walked out of the room one after the other, and then sent people away.

  Gu Chen reluctantly got on the bike and left.

  He left home and didn't go directly back to the dormitory, but rode all the way to the house he went to when he first arrived in Jicheng.

   There was no light in the yard, and it was quiet all around.

  Taking out the key in his pocket to open the door, Gu Chen went to the warehouse lightly, turned on the dim light in the warehouse, and everything inside came into view.

   These things were covered with a layer of gray cloth, and the front piece of cloth was torn off.

  The items in it are all in short supply from the mainland, such as chocolates, silk scarves, lipsticks, and moisturizers, all of which are foreign products.

  Gu Chen counted it, then carefully counted it with the notebook placed next to it, and after confirming that it was correct, put it into the luggage bag, which was two big.

   These things are not something ordinary people can get. Before leaving, confirm the door lock again, and then leave with confidence.

  Back to the dormitory, Jin Baoyu hadn't slept yet. When he saw the person coming back, he immediately leaned over.

   "Brother Chen, did you bring the goods back?" He saw the two luggage bags he was carrying at a glance, he had no choice but to ignore them.

   Seeing his courteous look, Gu Chen sat down and put the luggage bag on the ground: "The things have been brought back, but the price must be raised. If someone buys it, buy it. If you don't buy it, you'll tear it down. I'm not used to that problem."

  In the era of scarcity of supplies, now you have the goods, you are the uncle. Besides, how can there be so many tickets for things purchased by tickets?

  So this kind of thing that doesn’t need a ticket but only needs money will be scrambled as soon as it comes out.

  Hearing that, Jin Baoyu felt a little troubled, "Brother Chen, you really don't feel pain in your back when you stand and talk. If this thing can't be sold, where can I take it back and put it? If I get caught, I will be useless."

  Private trading is forbidden, and he is also afraid.

  Gu Chen glanced at him, and said: "If you are afraid, don't do it. You are timid all day long, what can you do?"

   I have no ambition at all, and I am still in business.

   After all, he is an old man. Jin Baoyu is young, so he doesn't hesitate to say that.

   "You can see if I can sell it! It's so interesting, who is afraid, who is afraid?" He rolled his eyes, then took the luggage bag and stuffed it directly under the bed.

  Wu Qing came back at this time, saw the two of them and said: "Hurry up and go to bed, and catch the first wave tomorrow morning, or we will be delayed when we go to work."

  He also did it with the two of them, so he understands what happened just now.

   It was indeed getting late, no one said anything, turned off the lights and went to sleep.

   Shen Man didn't go out the next day, and finally had a rest, so why not stay at home?

  Actually, I don’t have much free time when commuting to and from get off work every day, and I even look forward to going to school now.

   When I go to school, I guess I will have more time. After all, there are not classes every day, and there are also holidays.

   After lying on the bed for a while, it became very hot. Shen Man got up to take a shower, and when he came out, he heard someone knocking on the door.

   Fortunately, I was wearing clothes, otherwise I would have to be in a hurry.

   "Here we come." She said as she walked towards the door.

  Opened the door and saw that it was Gu Chen's aunt Wang Chunying.

   "Auntie? Why are you here at this time, you didn't go to work today." Shen Man led people into the room while talking.

  Wang Chunying replied with a smile: "Isn't this a rest today? I just have time. I heard from your uncle that Gu Chen said that you are resting at home after the exam, so just come here."

  Before I heard that Shen Man was going to take the college entrance examination, I was actually very shocked. After all, the threshold for colleges is different now, and they are all recommended.

   You must be an outstanding youth in your unit to be recommended, and most of them have backgrounds. Otherwise, it is difficult for this kind of quota to fall on ordinary people.

  Before she also thought about whether it was Li Jinyuan who helped, but she was denied.

   After all, no matter how powerful Li Jinyuan is, he only has connections in various state-owned units.

  University side, really can't speak.

  Hearing this, Shen Man nodded and poured her a glass of honey grapefruit water. Although it was not iced, it was still delicious.

   “What kind of water is this?

  Shen Man sat next to him and replied: "I made this myself, honey and other fruits."

  Wang Chunying didn't understand either, so she put down the water glass and remembered what she was going to do, so she took out the things in the bag.

  She said: "This is a letter from Gu Chen's mother, saying that it is a letter from your family, and it has not been opened."

   "They didn't know your address, so they sent it to my home. It happened to be off today, so I sent it to you."

  Since Shen Man left, Li Jinhua has not contacted them. I don't know a few words when I write a letter, and I think it is expensive to send a telegram, and I am even more reluctant to make a phone call.

   When the letter arrived at the Shangjiang Brigade, the head of the brigade gave it to Li Jinhua, who sealed it again and sent it to Wang Chunying.

   After tossing back and forth, it finally reached Shen Man's hands.

   Upon hearing that it was a letter from home, Shen Man frowned unconsciously.

  Who would want to hear from them, nothing at all.

  She took it over and said, "Auntie, I'd like to make a trip. It stands to reason that I should go and see you when I'm resting. It's really busy during this time."

  Although the words were polite, Wang Chunying still understood very well, and replied: "You don't have to be so polite, young people should be busy. You have just come to the city not long ago, and it is the time when you need to socialize. We have plenty of time to get together."

  The letter arrived, but she didn't want to stay any longer, she finally had a rest and had to clean up the house.

   "Leave now? Auntie and uncle come to have dinner tonight." Seeing that she had already reached the door, Shen Man quickly followed her.

  Hearing this, Wang Chunying refused with a smile: "No need, your old uncle has a social event tonight, so I have to take Wen Ting to visit her grandma's house. I haven't been there for a long time."

   Having said that, Shen Man couldn't force someone to come, so he smiled and sent it to the door.

  Wang Chunying came by bicycle, and quickly disappeared into the alley.

   Shen Man went back and looked at the envelope on the table, feeling very complicated.

  She didn't want to read what was written in it at all, as long as it was related to the original owner's family, the appointment would not be a good thing.

   Asking for a monthly pass, I have been getting injections for the past few days, and the update is not fixed.

   Updates will be added on the 12th.



  (end of this chapter)

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