Chapter 138 Why?

   After hesitating for a moment, Shen Man finally picked up the letter and opened it.

   Let's see what their plans are, so we can deal with them.

  After the letter was opened, there was only one piece of paper inside, and only half a page was written.

   Seeing that the envelope did not show any signs of being opened, Shen Man is very satisfied with this, the Gu family is a respectful person.

  Some people will use ignorance as a shield, open your letter and read it, and then say that it was not intentional. Such people are very annoying.

  Although Shen Man had never met him before, he had heard of it, and it was very embarrassing.

   Opening the letter and looking at it, the content that catches the eye is nothing like Shen Man, hello, but directly narrates the matter.

  ‘Shen Man, the family inquired about the operation, and finally found a way to return to the city. Father has already contacted someone, and we will talk about it when you come back. The transfer order will be available soon, and I will go back to the city as soon as I receive the letter to explain it in detail. '

   In a short sentence, he didn't say anything clearly, except that he wanted to help her return to the city.

   Shen Man frowned. If it was the original owner, he would have been happily walking around in circles.

   But she is not the original owner, nor is she a real nineteen-year-old girl.

  After experiencing the family who knew the original owner, she will not easily trust the Shen family.

  The sudden concern made her feel that something abnormal must be caused by a demon!

  How the Shen family treated the original owner before, this Shen Man vividly remembers.

   It's too strange to say why he suddenly helped her return to the city.

  Let's not talk about how they found the relationship, just this one, I'm afraid there is no big price, there is no way at all, right?

   It is obviously impossible for the Shen family to spend a lot of money to buy back the city's indicators for an unfavored child.

   So, why?

   Shen Man couldn't figure it out, sat on the chair for a long time, then stuffed the letter back intact, and then went into a daze.

  Since she couldn't figure it out, she didn't want to. As for whether to go back to the capital, sorry, she won't go back.

  Even if the Shen family has connections, why should she give up everything now and go back to hate people like a pug?

  The Shen family's dislike for her was not written on their faces, but engraved in their bones. Their behavior reflects their disgust and rejection of the original owner all the time.

  So, under such circumstances, how can she go back?

  Now there is Gu Chen, so many people in the Gu family treat her well, why should she go back?

   Shen Man is not stupid, she knows who treats her well.

  With these feelings, why did she go back and face those wolf-hearted family members?

   Throwing the letter into the drawer at random, Shen Man got up and went to the space to see what ingredients were there.

   It's best to eat something cool on a hot day. She thought of cold noodles.

  The cold noodles in Northeast China are excellent, especially the cold noodles in Yanzhou City, which taste the same as those in Xiaoxi Baguo.

  Shen Man found a bundle of cold noodles and soaked them in water. There are also these things in stores, but not many people buy them, and they don't know how to make them.

   Then I took out some cucumbers, tomatoes, eggs, and coriander.

  The rest is to prepare the juice, mix it with cold boiled water and concentrated orange juice, then add some white vinegar, white sugar and light soy sauce, cut two pears and throw them in for soaking.

  Cut the coriander in the middle and throw it in the cold water, so that it will be cooler when you eat it.

   It would be great if there is a refrigerator, and put some ice cubes in it, the taste will be better.

  It was still very early, so she turned to wash clothes and change the sheets and quilts.

  Gu Nan's room was also washed by her. After all, this girl usually takes care of herself, making breakfast and cleaning the house. She is very diligent.

   After packing up these things, it's time for them to get off work.

   After rushing Gu Chen and Gu Nan into the door, she put the noodles into the pot and cooked them.

   "Oh my god, it's so hot!" Gu Nan entered the door with a bitter face, throwing her bags on the ground.

   It's over, she doesn't want to move at all, so she sits slumped on the sofa.

  Sweat all over her body when she moved, she is really not lazy!

  Although Gu Chen was also covered in sweat, he was not like her, but walked towards the kitchen listening to the movement.

  When I entered the door, I saw the slender figure busy, so I hurried over to help.

   "Let me come, you go and rest for a while." He stretched out his hand and was about to rush to work.

  Hearing the words, Shen Man said helplessly: "I haven't done anything all day, why don't you take a rest, go and have a rest."

  He didn't even think about it, today is Shen Man's rest day, where can he be tired?

   But Gu Chen didn't think she was right, and retorted: "What didn't you do? The sheets outside were covered with clothes and washed in the diving water by myself? This is much more tiring than us going to work."

  Maybe in his eyes, no matter what Shen Man does, it will be very hard.

  Hearing this, Shen Man laughed helplessly, "You, I know you are good to me, but this matter is not enough for me."

  With such a person who cares about her, what more do you need?

  Gu Chen saw that she was really relaxed, so he didn't continue rushing to work.

  He went to work at four o'clock this morning, and he was already tired and wanted to sleep.

  Go out to wash your face and sit on the sofa, looking at Gu Nan next to you and getting angry.

   "What have you been doing every day? Why don't you hurry to serve the bowl and get the chopsticks?"

   "The sister-in-law doesn't help her sister-in-law with work, but waits for her sister-in-law to serve her!"

  He talked more and more vigorously, and even turned around to continue teaching.

  But how could Gu Nan let him continue talking? Immediately got up to help.

   Anyway, I have to help when I am scolded, so I might as well run away.

   Seeing her go to the kitchen, Gu Chen leaned on the sofa contentedly.

  You want his wife to serve you? Think beautifully!

  He couldn't bear to let his wife suffer, hum...

  After the cold noodles are soaked in water, they are cooked very quickly, and they can be soaked in cold water in two or three minutes.

  Take out the cold noodle soup from the cold bucket, and Gu Nan puts the noodles on the table.

  It’s time to eat this time, put a little spicy cabbage, as well as shredded cucumber and tomato slices, and everyone has eggs.

   It was the first time they had such cold noodles, and they thought the noodles looked delicious.

   "Second sister-in-law, what is this? Why are the noodles like this?"

  Gu Nan had never eaten cold noodles, so she was very curious. It smelled sour, but very refreshing.

  Hearing the words, Shen Man replied: "Cold noodles, I have eaten cold noodles from Yanzhou City once before, and they are very delicious. I don't know if the cooking is right, you should try it."

   She really didn't try this time, but she did it like this before, and it tasted very good.

   The three of them ate noodles together, and the taste was just as Shen Man thought, sweet and sour, and the small amount of chili noodles inside was also good.

  She wanted to eat something spicier, but it was a pity that the weather was too hot, and eating spicy food was even more uncomfortable.

   "Hmm... delicious!" Gu Nan said inarticulately.

   This is the first time I have eaten this taste, it is really delicious, sour and sweet, especially appetizing.

  Gu Chen also thought it was very delicious, his eyes lit up and he said: "Daughter-in-law, you are really good, this noodles are really delicious!"

  Although he doesn't like the sweet and sour taste, this is acceptable, and it's a staple food, so it's pretty good.

   Anyway, in the restaurant in Jicheng, he has never eaten this kind of noodles.

   Looking for a monthly pass



  (end of this chapter)

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