Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 139: What is your attitude?

  Chapter 139 What is your attitude?

  When Shen Man heard this compliment, he was very grateful. Who doesn't like to be praised for their cooking skills? Especially she loves to cook food.

   "If it's delicious, eat more. I cooked a lot."

  Because Gu Chen eats a lot, she prepares too much food.

  The three chatted while eating, Gu Nan didn't care about talking, so he just listened to them saying that the meal was fast.

  In the end, the three of them ate up all the cold noodles, leaving only half of the cold noodle soup.

  Patting her belly, Gu Nan was directed by Gu Chen to clean up the table before she could rest for a while.

  As for the two of Shen Man, they sat on the sofa and watched her tidy up, very leisurely.

  Shen Man didn't say anything this time, after all, he cooked by himself, and someone had to do the rest.

  She is not an old lady, she likes to serve people.

  When other people cook, Shen Man will help with other things. Everyone works together, and will not let others do it alone.

   This is the best way, it will save her exhaustion and others will enjoy it.

  Gu Chen turned his head to look at her and said, "I heard from my aunt that I sent you a letter today. It was from your house. What did you say?"

   Today Wang Chunying went to the department store after delivering the letter. She was not going to report the letter, but to go shopping.

  At that time, Gu Chen happened to be out to deliver something, so he bumped into it. This matter was brought up during the chat, but it was just mentioned in one sentence, Gu Chen did not expect to write it down.

  Hearing the words, Shen Man replied: "It's nothing, it's just that I asked my family to find a relationship and let me go back to the city."

   This matter does not need to be kept secret, anyway, she never thought about going back.

   And Gu Chen originally thought it was a letter from the Shen family with bad words, but when he heard that she was looking for a relationship to let her go back to the city, he instantly became restless.

  Gu Chen said nervously: "Daughter-in-law, you...what's your attitude?"

   Do you really want to agree? But even if Shen Man agrees, he is not qualified to manage others.

   After all, there are family members over there. If he wants to go back, how can he stop him?

  Thinking of this, he became even more nervous.

  Hearing this, Shen Man turned to look at him, it didn't matter, Gu Chen's sweat dripped down his cheeks.

   "What's wrong with you? Why are you sweating so much?" She couldn't help but wanted to laugh, so she laughed too.

  I didn’t sweat so much when I came back just now. Why did I get hotter after eating?

  Gu Chen picked up a towel and wiped the sweat off his face, then hesitated for a moment, then said after a while: "Do you want to go back?"

  His tone was full of reluctance and resentment, as if Shen Man had betrayed him.

   This feeling is actually very uncomfortable, and I feel suffocated in my heart.

  This is the first time he feels a crisis, afraid of losing...

  Before Li Jinhua said many times that Shen Man would abandon him, but she never felt this way, but now she has a sense of crisis.

   Seeing Gu Chen's complicated expression, Shen Man understood that he was afraid of leaving by himself.

   "Don't worry." Shen Man smiled, looked at him tenderly and said: "I can't leave, I am home with you, and not over there."

  That’s right, home is when you are with the person you like.

  With wolves, tigers and leopards, what kind of family is it? That is the wolf den.

   Abandoning someone who loves her wholeheartedly, Shen Man can't do it, how stupid that is.

  Gu Chen didn't expect her to answer so neatly, he froze on the spot, then recovered and said in surprise: "Really? Daughter-in-law, are you really not going to leave?"

  The excited look seemed to be waiting for Shen Man's confirmation.

   Shen Man nodded and looked at him seriously: "Yes, I won't leave."

   Having received a definite answer, Gu Chen smiled with relief, and he knew that his wife would not abandon him!

   After getting along for such a long time, the two are in a relationship, so they are really reluctant to part.

  Gu Chen is used to caring about and taking care of Shen Man. If he really separated, he didn't know what kind of mood he would feel, and how he would face life.

  Although this kind of thinking is disappointing, that's what he thinks.

   "Daughter-in-law, as long as you don't leave, I will treat you well in the future." He said with a smile.

  Shen Man also laughed. To be honest, she just likes Gu Chen's honesty. It's really good to be nice to someone.

  It was getting late, Gu Chen was sure that he would not leave, so he went back with confidence.

   The next day, Shen Man went back to work as usual. As for the test results, he must be able to go to school anyway.

  She put the drink she made into a thermos and sent it directly to Director Liu's office.

  Going to school soon, she has to concentrate on studying in the future, and it is impossible to have a part-time job to help.

  So before leaving, she wanted to fulfill the previous promise.

   It was agreed to make a drink, which must be done, and the factory cannot wait for four years.

  Director Liu saw her coming back, and said with a smile, "How is your rest? You haven't had a vacation since you've been in the factory for so long."

  The workshop is not like a clerical job. It is usually very busy, so there are basically no holidays.

  Hearing the words, Shen Man replied: "I had a good rest. I took advantage of the rest to study a drink in the past two days. How about I bring it here for you to taste today?"

   As she spoke, she took a cup from the tea table next to her, opened the thermos, and poured out a cup of light red drink.

   "Drink?!" Director Liu looked at her in surprise, and then glanced at the cup on the table.


  He thought it would take time for a new drink, maybe half a year or so? Who knew it could be done in two days?

  Shen Man didn't look at his shocked expression, handed over the drink and said, "How about you try it?"

  Seeing this, Director Liu came back to his senses, then picked up the cup and took a sip. It was sweet and sour, soft in the mouth, very good.

   "Is this hawthorn? Hawthorn can also be used to make drinks." He also drank soda, which was completely different from this one, which was aerated.

  Shen Man nodded and said: "Hawthorn is available in our area, and the purchase price is not high. It is very good for making drinks. It also has the effect of appetizing and invigorating the spleen. There are many people who like hawthorn."

   Hawthorn is really popular in the north, and even the hawthorn cake in the non-staple food store of the supply and marketing cooperative sells very well.

  Hearing the words, Director Liu couldn't help but praise: "You are still amazing, and you think very comprehensively. And this thing is really delicious when made into a drink, and it may become our specialty here."

  As long as one thing is done well, there is no need to worry about sales.

  Although ice cream is good, it can only be sold nearby, and it is too far away to be transported.

   But beverages are different. They have a shelf life and can go farther without special treatment.

   And with a lot of water mixed in, the cost of this kind of thing is not high, and you can earn a lot.

  Thinking of this, Director Liu couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart.

   "Comrade Shen Man, you are really a talent!" He sighed, feeling a little bit reluctant to send him to school.

  What else do people like this learn?

   Researched three kinds of cold drinks in less than two months after coming to the factory!

  But this is just thinking about it, learning is still very important.

   Looking for a monthly pass



  (end of this chapter)

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