Chapter 140 He has sunk...

  Shen Man knew what Director Liu meant, so he didn't have the nerve to respond.

  Who can lick his big face and respond: Ah, I am a talent, look!

  Anyway, she was embarrassed.

  Unknowingly, after drinking a cup, Director Liu smacked his lips and said, "Do you use this cup now? If you don't need it, I will take it to the factory manager."

  Since there are ready-made samples, we must discuss with the leader, and if possible, speed up the pace of perfecting the formula production.

   After all, their factory is already going to make profits now. There are two ice creams in front. If they don't make a rush this year, they will be sorry for the talent Shen Man.

  Hearing the words, Shen Man naturally did not refuse, nodded and said: "Take it away, I don't need it now."

  The two said a few words, and Director Liu couldn't wait to take the thermos and left to find the factory director and the others.

   There is no need to delay this matter. Anyway, the production can be put on the schedule as soon as possible.

   Watching the people leave, Shen Man returned to his seat and sat down.

   At this time, Lin Yu came over, his expression was calm, but his eyes were complicated.

   Shen Man looked up and greeted with a smile: "Team Leader Lin."

  She didn't notice what was wrong with Lin Yu. After all, it was very tiring to observe the leader, but also to look at the state of others. Wouldn't it be exhausting.

  Lin Yu also nodded with a smile: "How was the exam? Are you confident?"

  Because Shen Man didn't come to work after the exam, he took two days off by the way, so he didn't see anyone.

  Hearing the words, Shen Man replied: "It's not bad, it should be no problem to pass the exam."

  Anyway, she can answer the questions well, but as for the results, she doesn't know.

   Seeing her so confident, Lin Yu couldn't help but be attracted. Which man doesn't love such a confident and beautiful girl?

  Anyway, Lin Yu knows that he has sunk.

  Since realizing this, he hasn't taken the initiative to talk to Shen Man for a long time.

  After all, Shen Man mentioned that he had a partner at the time, which made him dare not approach him anymore.

  Because he knows that if he can like such a beautiful girl, the other party must be an excellent person, and he will not have a chance.

  Seeing that he had been staring at her without speaking, Shen Man asked, "What's wrong?"

   As she spoke, she fiddled with her hair, could it be something?

   Lin Yu on the opposite side suddenly blushed, and he turned his head and said, "It's okay."

   Immediately, he left the workshop, very fast.

  Shen Man blinked, not understanding what was going on at all, but she didn't struggle and continued to read.

   Going to college soon, she can't relax just because she is going to school. If she wants to graduate early, she must complete her credits.

  Director Liu didn't even come back during lunch, Shen Man took the lunch box to the cafeteria, just happened to meet Ma Xiaoli, and the two went to eat together.

   "Xiaoman, I haven't seen you for the past two days. I wanted to ask you how your exam was, but I couldn't find anyone." Ma Xiaoli wanted to ask about the situation, but she couldn't find anyone.

  Seeing what she said, Shen Man said with a smile: "The test is not bad, this is not two days off, I stayed at home for two days to rest."

   She didn't have much time to rest, so she didn't go to play with Ma Xiaoli either.

   "Oh." Ma Xiaoli nodded: "Just do well in the exam. After graduating from university, it will be easier to advance in work. Work hard."

  Shen Man is younger than her, and his future is boundless. Just looking at it now is already amazing.

   To be honest, she envies Shen Man very much for having such an opportunity.

  Shen Man said with a smile: "You must work hard. If you become a leader in the future, you will definitely be promoted."

   "Then I'll just wait!" Ma Xiaoli laughed, and the two entered the cafeteria while talking and laughing.

  The food in the canteen today is good, there are several meat dishes. Shen Man chose braised pork and fried cabbage. The two dishes filled a lunch box, and put a big white steamed bun in the lid of the lunch box.

  Actually, she couldn't eat so much, but she wanted to go back to see the children with Ma Xiaoli, so she took some more.

  Right after finishing cooking, I ran into Director Liu who came out head-on. Seeing her, he said, "Oh, I just wanted to find you, and I happened to come here."

   "Let's go to the single room, the factory manager and the others are waiting."

  Hearing that Shen Man asked Ma Xiaoli to take away her food, "I may not be able to eat it anymore, you can take it back and feed it to the children. The weather is so hot, it will be sour in the afternoon."

  Following Director Liu must have dinner together, so I can't take it with me.

   Seeing what she said, Ma Xiaoli had no choice but to take it, "That's fine, I'll deliver the food first, and I'll give you the money when I come back."

   Shen Man didn't respond, and went to the private room with Director Liu, where the three leaders were all there.

   "Shen Man is here, sit down quickly." Director Zheng had a smile on his face, looking high-spirited.

   You can tell by the expression, you are in a good mood.

   After saying hello to each of them, Shen Man sat down. There were four dishes and one soup on the table, which was standard for a cadre.

  Tang Zhenyun sat next to her and said, "Comrade Shen Man, the hawthorn drink that Director Liu gave us just now is very delicious and appetizing. You are really good, and you have developed a new product quietly."

   To be honest, she also admires Shen Man a little bit. She has only been in the factory for less than two months, and she has researched new products one after another.

   It's a bit like a savior.

   You should know that their food factory had mediocre performance last year and was named at the end of the year.

  But it was because of Shen Man's efforts that Jiang Cechang came to inspect the factory ahead of time and praised their factory.

   Without Shen Man, none of this would exist.

  Hearing this, Shen Man smiled and waved his hands: "Secretary Tang, I'm not that good either. Human potential is limited, and I can't guarantee that I can always develop new products."

   It is still necessary to make it clear in person, otherwise she will go to school and have no time to develop it, and they will dislike it.

  Ugly words are good for everyone.

  Seeing what she said, no one else refuted it. If you can have this strength, why ask so much? This is enough for them to deal with in the past few years.

   At least I haven’t heard of any factory that launches three products a year and can still be at the bottom.

  Ice creams are very popular now, and the Hawthorn drink is not bad either.

  Director Zheng turned to say: "Your results have come out, and you are the first in the exam that day."

   After speaking, he sighed a little, excellent people are really different.

  You can do so well without preparing for the college entrance examination. If you really have the college entrance examination, you can go to any excellent university in the country with this kind of score.

   Shen Man was a little surprised when he heard this, he didn't expect to get the results so soon. However, the meaning of this statement seems to be that it was not announced, but it was a gossip that Director Zheng knew.

  She breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, she really wasn't too happy about the first place.

   After all, this is not the era of the college entrance examination, the first and last place, as long as they pass, they can go to university.

   Several people chatted and had dinner. Before parting, factory director Zheng asked her to study hard, so that she could become a cadre after she came out.

  For Shen Man, the factory did give a lot of preferential treatment.

   Looking for a monthly ticket



  (end of this chapter)

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