Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 141: You are amazing (ask for a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 141 You are so amazing (ask for a monthly ticket)

  Leaving the private room, Shen Man was thinking about messy things, and sometimes felt quite tired.

  It is really not easy to live according to your own ideas.

  A person walked towards her, she looked up, her eyes were dark, and she greeted politely.

   "Director Shao."

  That's right, it was Director Shao who came across from him. He felt sorry for her during the meeting in the factory and wanted to grab a place in the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University.

  Thinking of this, Shen Man's heart sank.


   Finally met.

  Actually, before going to the exam, Shen Man had been avoiding Director Shao.

   No way, who made him the director? She also doesn't have the strength to fight against others.

  Director Shao looked her up and down, the expression in his eyes was incomprehensible, and his expression was very flat.

  He let out a "huh" and then walked away.

  Just now when he saw Shen Man coming out of the private room, he must have had dinner with the leader.

  Last time, I thought I could fight for it again, but the quota was determined directly, and I couldn't even fight for it.

  Director Shao looked back at the back of Shen Man leaving, his eyes darkened.

   Shen Man returned to the workshop, just in time to see Ma Xiaoli standing at the door.

   "Miss Xiaoli, are you looking for me?" She walked over and said hello.

  I didn't see anyone Ma Xiaoli knew in this workshop, so she asked this question.

  Ma Xiaoli took out a dollar from her pocket and said, "You gave me your lunch, and this money is for you."

  I didn’t spend a dollar when I was cooking, but she rounded it up and gave it a dollar.

  Hearing the words, Shen Man quickly pushed back: "What are you doing? Miss Xiaoli, if you don't bring it back, my food will be sour and thrown away."

   "Hurry up and take back the money. I haven't thanked you for helping me eat it. It's a waste of food if it's sour."

  Seeing what she said, Ma Xiaoli felt very helpless. But think about it, it's really not good to give money like this.

  Thinking of this, she said: "Okay, next time you come to my house as a guest, I will cook for you."

  Maybe she has been favored these few times, so she is also embarrassed.

  Seeing what she said, Shen Man didn't refuse, "Okay, just don't find me annoying, Miss Li."

  The two separated after a few words. Ma Xiaoli had to go back to work. She was not as skilled as Shen Man, and she had more time to rest.

  A worker like her can only do her best to complete the work, otherwise she will be caught.

   After Shen Man got off work in the afternoon, he was ready to go home.

  As soon as he reached the door of the workshop, he was stopped by someone.

   "Comrade Shen Man, please wait a moment." Lin Yu hurried over and said with a smile, "Do you have time on weekends? Let's hang out together. The colleagues in the workshop have dinner, so I want to ask you."

  Hearing this, Shen Man was stunned for a moment, recalling that the workshop has been in the workshop for more than a month, and he has never seen them calling him for dinner.

   But this is also normal, the others are **** men, and the dinner must be accompanied by alcohol, so it may not be appropriate for her to go.

  Or, they never thought of calling Shen Man.

  Shen Man came back to his senses and said: "No need, you go, everyone is gay, it's not good for me to go. You just have to have fun!"

   Wouldn’t it be a disappointment to go, it’s better not to go.

   Seeing her say that, Lin Yu hesitated, and finally said nothing.

   Shen Man said hello and left, pushing the bicycle briskly.

   "Alas..." Lin Yu sighed, feeling that he had failed.

   Can't even call people to eat, and talk about other things!

   Followed to the factory gate, he happened to see Shen Man walking with Gu Chen, talking and laughing.

  Looking at his appearance, Lin Yu knew that this person was not from a food factory, but must be Shen Man's target.

  The two are talented and beautiful, and they look very well matched.

   "Leader Lin, what are you thinking?" The colleague behind came over and shouted.

   Lin Yu smiled and said it was nothing, the two turned to talk about other things, and then left the factory.


   "How's the school going?" Gu Chen asked while riding a bicycle.

  Since the exam was over, there has been no news. In fact, he is more anxious than Shen Man.

  It’s different when you go to university. After you come out, you must be a cadre, and you are still a worker.

  Shen Man smiled and said: "Director Zheng told me that I am the number one, but I haven't seen the notice yet."

   Those directly recruited by schools like theirs don’t need to publish their grades, and they don’t need to send any transcripts.

  The school will have this data at that time, just go to school normally.

  Now I don’t value good grades as much as before, but treat them the same.

   After all, many educated people are immersed in it. She is very lucky to still be able to go to college.

  Hearing this, Gu Chen was so surprised that he couldn't speak, and the car stopped.

   "What?!" He widened his eyes, looking at her with surprise.

   "Really number one?"

   It's... amazing!

  Although Gu Nan didn't quite understand it, she knew what it meant to be number one, and immediately said, "Second sister-in-law, you are really good, you can be number one in the exam!"

  When she used to go to school, she was always at the bottom, so Zhenxin is not a good material for school.

  Shen Man also stopped and said, "The exam is not too difficult now. I haven't given up studying, so I can have such good grades."

   That's what I said, but Gu Chen knew that even if it wasn't difficult, it wasn't the average person who could take the first place in the exam.

  It's not about being taller than a short person. Good grades are directly related to hard work.

   "Go home! I'll cook today!" Gu Chen happily stepped into the car, today is a good day!

  Although Shen Man said that the results were not made public, he believed what his wife said.

   Said the first test, that is the first!

  Thinking of this, he was so happy that he wished to see everyone and tell everyone.

  Gu Chen bought a roast chicken and half a catty of pork head meat at the entrance of the alley, and then stewed beans with pork ribs. It must be delicious today.

  He usually doesn't drink alcohol, but because of a happy event, he still has a drink today.

   Seeing him happy, Shen Man was also in a particularly good mood.

   Someone would be happy because of her good deeds, which she never knew.

   After dinner, Gu Nan took the initiative to clean up the dishes and clear the table, and let the two of them go to rest.

   Gu Chen sat on the sofa and said, "Daughter-in-law, just concentrate on studying, and I will definitely give you a strong backing."

   Now there is a subsidy for going to school, he can't say that he is supporting Shen Man, he can only say that he will do everything for her.

  In fact, he understands that after Shen Man graduates, the gap between the two will become wider and wider. Especially as a man, he will definitely be overwhelmed.

   But Gu Chen didn't feel distressed, he felt that this was Shen Man's chance and he should go to university.

   And he himself will work hard, even if his academic qualifications are not good, he will not be looked down upon in other aspects.

  In fact, what Gu Chen is most worried about is that Shen Man will look down on him.

  He won't care about other people's thoughts, only Shen Man's thoughts will make him care.

  Thinking like this, he looked up at the person next to him.

   Please ask for a monthly ticket!



  (end of this chapter)

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