Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 142: leave the food factory

  Chapter 142 Leaving the Food Factory

   "What's the matter." Shen Man inadvertently looked up and found that the person next to him was looking at him.

  The two stared at each other, but no one spoke.

  Gu Chen stood up suddenly, and dragged her into the back room.

   This made Shen Man a little confused, but he knew what he was going to do as soon as he entered the room.

  The man closed the door behind his back, and walked over with a pursed smile.


  Shen Man would like to remind that such a Gu Chen is a bit wretched...

   "Daughter-in-law..." Gu Chen didn't wait for her to speak, and went straight up.

  He now has certain skills in gnawing people. Before, he was pure gnawing, but now he will be lighter.

  Both of them were young people, and they couldn't control it for a while.

  When the hormones were on the rise, Shen Man wanted to give up resistance for a moment.

   Anyway, they will get married sooner or later, so what does it matter if they get together sooner or later?

   Fortunately, there was another person in the house, and with the sound of closing the door, the two calmed down.

  The kitchen door is like this, because it is a new door, it is relatively tight. So once the door is closed faster, the sound will be loud.

  The two sat by the bed, and this strange smell wafted through the room.

   is the smell of hormones.

   Shen Man took a deep breath, feeling that it was too dangerous just now, it seems that the two of them should not be alone together in the future.

  She was also a little scared, if she did something like that, there was no contraceptive in her dimension.

   In case of pregnancy, it would not be good for her current situation.

   Shen Man didn't want to walk a tightrope, so he made a decision in a split second.

  In fact, Gu Chen also felt bad, feeling a little wronged. If the two got married earlier, there would not be multiple light bulbs in the house, and there would be no need for emergency brakes...

   "It's getting late, you should go back first." Shen Man glanced at his watch, it was already eight o'clock, it was really late.

  Seeing what she said, Gu Chen could only get up reluctantly, and said before leaving: "Daughter-in-law, I will take you to play when I have time."

  He couldn't wait to be alone again, so he won't take Gu Nan with him next time.

  Shen Man smiled and neither agreed nor refused, let's talk about it later, she doesn't want to be alone now.

too dangerous.

  Two days later, the factory notified Shen Man that he could go to school, and the matter of drinks was fully handled by Director Liu.

   Shen Man has already given him the formula, so there is no need to worry about the rest.

  Before leaving, Director Zheng set aside time to talk to her.

   "How about it, are you ready to go to school?" Director Zheng smiled and handed over a cup of tea, and sat opposite.

   Shen Man took the tea to thank him, put it on the table and replied: "I'm not prepared, I don't know how college life is like."

  She has been to college, but she doesn't know the difference between today's college and future generations.

   And I haven't thought about my major, so I have to think again about what to study.

  Director Zheng smiled and nodded: "Study more while you are young and enjoy college life. This year is different from ours, and there are restrictions on going to college now."

   "The opportunity is not easy, you have to study hard."

  His earnest tone also proves that places are not always available.

   Each factory does not have quotas every year. This year, there are exactly two quotas, and Shen Man is very lucky to meet them.

   "Director Zheng, I will definitely study hard and contribute to the factory when I come back after graduation!" Shen Man said seriously.

  In fact, she really thinks so, and there are still two years after graduation before she has the opportunity to start a business.

   After all, it was the south that started the business first, and the wind from the north came later.

  The food factory will be stable for a while, and she contributes everything she knows to the factory, which is considered a contribution.

   The two just chatted for a few words, and Director Zheng mainly depends on her attitude this time.

  How should I put it, Shen Man is very young, but he is stable and capable.

  But what is the attitude, you can only know after talking.

   This time Director Zheng found out, and he was very satisfied with her answer.

  As long as I can remember that the factory recommended her to go to college, and paid a lot, it is fine.

   Their recommendation was not in vain.

   Shen Man glanced at her watch after going out, and just after ten o'clock in the morning, she went to talk to Director Liu again.

   After all, Director Liu recommended her, so you have to remember her kindness.

   "Here we come." Director Liu saw her enter the door, put down the file with a smile, and looked over with complicated eyes.

   I have to say that Shen Man's performance since entering the factory has surprised everyone.

  Because of her arrival, the food factory has changed so much. Maybe others will think that it is just a matter of two or three new products, but as leaders, they see it very far.

  Shen Man sat down and said: "Director Liu, isn't this because I'm going to school? Come and see you. Thank you for your care and cultivation during this time."

  In fact, Director Liu was of great help, and it was he who recommended Shen Man to compete for the number of college students.

  According to the selfishness of the leaders, they feel that Shen Man is just as good if he does not go to further studies, and he can continue to work for the factory.

   After all, three new products will be launched in two months. Even if the donkeys are poor in the future, they can develop two new products in one year!

  So the recommendation of Director Liu is very important, otherwise we will not be able to get it.

   Seeing Shen Man's grateful expression, Director Liu was very pleased. After all, no one wants to help an ungrateful person. He has done a lot more than others.

   "Comrade Shen Man." He said earnestly: "I don't need you to thank me, as long as I study hard, the knowledge I acquire is my own."

   "Whether you will come back to the food factory or not in the future, I will thank you for your contribution to the factory."

   Shen Man raised his eyebrows in surprise as soon as these words came out, he didn't expect to say that?

  What do you mean will you go back to the food factory? Could it be that he felt that he would not come back.

   "Director Liu, what are you talking about? I definitely want to go back to the food factory." She corrected the other person and promised to come back after graduation.

   But Director Liu was obviously not trying to test her. He shook his head and said, "That's your business. As long as you study hard with a correct attitude, you will live up to me and help you."

  Hearing the words, Shen Man didn't know how to answer, but thinking about what he said, he was still very moved.

   It is impossible for her to get a recommendation from a food factory and not come back to work.

  In any case, it will take two years of immersion, and Shen Man is more willing to return to the food factory to help them research a few more new products and live up to their expectations of him.

  The two chatted for a long time, and Director Liu asked her to come back if she had something to do, and try to help as much as possible.

  Even if Shen Man encountered difficulties, he would not think of coming back to ask for help.

  Anyone can help her, can he help her for a lifetime?

  She didn't want to become an incompetent person. Adults can't handle their own affairs well, so it's really useless.

  Leaving the food factory, Shen Man didn't say goodbye to Ma Xiaoli. He just went to her house when the time came, and it wasn't that he didn't know where she was.

  Looking at the gate of the food factory, Shen Man leaves firmly, and it will definitely get better and better in the future!

   Ask for a monthly pass!

   The heroine changed the map again, did she develop too fast?



  (end of this chapter)

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