Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 143: Why are you here? !

  Chapter 143 Why are you here? !

  Back home, Shen Man took the vegetables bought on the way and put them on the table.

   There are still some green vegetables bought before in the space, but she doesn't want to use them right now.

  Since you can buy them anytime, it’s better to buy groceries often.

  The space can keep fresh, and those green vegetables can be eaten in winter, saving radishes, cabbage and potatoes every day.

   Shen Man went out to wash her face. The weather is getting hotter and she is still wearing long sleeves.

  Now there are also short-sleeved shirts, but I haven’t bought them since I haven’t had time to go shopping.

   Thinking of resting these two days, I am going to buy some clothes tomorrow.

   She is going to report to school in two days, and she probably won't have much time to go shopping by then.

  As soon as the dishes were washed, the sky suddenly changed outside. It was gloomy and strong winds were blowing, and it looked like it was going to rain.

  Shen Man was worried about the two brothers and sisters who went to work, but it was useless for her to pick them up. How could she hold an umbrella while riding a bicycle? Such a strong wind has to be blown away.

  She remembered that the department store sold raincoats, and hoped that the two of them could come back after the rain stopped, or buy two raincoats.

  If you get wet, you will definitely catch a cold.

  Seeing the strong wind blowing outside, Shen Man waited anxiously. After waiting for a long time, she saw someone walking at the door, and then there was a knock on the door.

  Back so soon?

  Shen Man was stunned for a moment, and hurried to open the door. It was already raining outside, so there was no longer any delay.

   "Come here!" She ran to the gate, the rain slapped on her hair, and then flowed into her eyes, and she couldn't keep her eyes open for a moment.

   Wiping the rainwater off his face, he opened the door.

  Seeing the two people at the door, Shen Man froze in place.

   "Why are you here?" She didn't expect that it was Zhang Mei's mother and daughter.

  That's right, it was Zhang Mei and Shen Yu standing at the door.

  The two of them were a little embarrassed by the strong wind, and the raindrops fell. The hair was almost wet when the bean-sized raindrops were photographed.

   Zhang Mei was also a little surprised when she saw her. She didn't expect Shen Man to live so well, and she gained weight visibly with the naked eye, and even became more fair and tender.

   "Is it okay to enter the house? Let us stand in the rain and talk after running all the way?" Shen Yu stood aside very dissatisfied.

  The new clothes she just wore were soaked, and the wind was so strong that it made her feel even more uncomfortable.

  Hearing this, Shen Man took a look at the two of them, and then led them in.

   There is a reason why she didn't drive her away. After all, she is a relative of the original owner. It is definitely not acceptable to pretend to kill relatives right now.

  Let's see what tricks they play first.

  Recalling the letter from the previous few days, Shen Man was a little puzzled. People came not long after receiving the letter. How anxious is this?

   After entering the house, the two looked around. This place is much better than the tube building in their house, at least it has a spacious yard.

   Although Tongzilou is a building, it is too aggrieved. The room is not big, and the family is crowded in a house of 40 to 50 square meters. You can hear it when you turn around and go to another room.

   "How did you find this place?" Shen Man sat down and asked with a flat face.

   It stands to reason that even if you found the Shangjiang Brigade, it is not easy to find here, right?

  She felt that Li Jinhua would not tell them.

  Hearing this, Zhang Mei's imperceptible eyes flashed a hint of calculation, and then she smiled and said: "Xiaoman, we didn't hear from you when we wrote to you for a month, so we came here."

   "Call the Shangjiang brigade and say you have returned to the city, so you are here. How did you return to the city?"

  To be honest, she never expected Shen Man to have a job. After all, it is not easy to get the index of returning to the city, and it is even more difficult to enter the provincial capital.

   Shen Man glanced at her, and then replied slowly: "You don't have to worry about this, just tell me if you have anything to do with me."

   For some reason, she didn't want the Shen family to clean up her current life, because the current life was hard-won, and she didn't want to lose it.

  Seeing that Shen Man was so impatient, Shen Yu became unhappy, and said loudly, "What's your attitude? Your family members came to look for you, and you just talk like this? You can't come if you have nothing to do."

   Seeing Shen Man getting more and more beautiful, she felt even more uncomfortable.

   Originally, Shen Man was better looking than her, but because of malnutrition and often being bullied, she couldn't hold her head up when she was at home.

  I thought that if I came here to live a hard life, this person would become thinner and suffer more, and then marry a peasant with mud legs, and he would never be able to return to the city for the rest of his life.

  Now the good people not only return to the city to have a job, but also live a more enjoyable life. The clothes they wear are made of good materials, the skin on their faces is whiter, and they look better when they gain weight.

   Shen Yu couldn't accept this, and hated it so much.

  For some reason, she doesn't like Shen Man.

   It may be that the other party has been studying since childhood, is beautiful, and oppresses her everywhere. Therefore, she wished that the other party would die. Why is it a family?

  Hearing what she said, Shen Man's face turned cold. With such a family, who cares, why don't you hurry up and take them away?

   "Shen Yu, if you can speak, speak, if you can't, shut up."

  She has a tough attitude and doesn't save face at all.

  A person like this, to be honest, she doesn't take it seriously at all, she has no brains, and she has a bad mouth everywhere.

  As long as it is green tea and white lotus, maybe Shen Man will still feel a headache and will fight wits with her.

   But this rank is too low.

   "How do you talk?" Shen Yu stood up angrily and said, "I'm your second sister. I'm not old or young at all. I think you've come to work in the city, so you think you're amazing, right?"

  At this moment, Zhang Mei held Shen Yu back, turned to look at Shen Man and said, "Xiao Man, she is your second sister anyway, so you can't talk like that."

"We came here to let you go back to the capital, so that our family can be reunited. Your father has gone through a lot of relationships for this matter, isn't it just to get you back to the city as soon as possible? Let's see who goes to the countryside for a while." You can go back to the city in a year."

  Her expression was helpless and sad, as if she had done a lot of hard work.

  But Shen Man didn't accept this, and his heart was very hard.

  Seeing that she stopped talking, Shen Man said: "Who am I going to the countryside for? She doesn't miss my favor, and is aggressive when she comes. How much respect do I have to show her?"

  Originally, Shen Yu didn't care about this matter, and came up with a high-ranking appearance. Who would treat her well?

   She even picked a reason, who cares about her coming.

  When the matter of going to the countryside for her was mentioned, Shen Yu's face became even uglier.

  Because since Shen Man left, she has been listening to the rumors of the neighbors nearby.

  The words about driving Shen Man away, it seems like she drove people away.

  The person who was in a good relationship with her is now all yellow. Can this not make her angry?

  Shen Man directly ignored Shen Yu's eyes, and almost rushed forward to eat her alive. Is it necessary?

  Obviously the original owner was the one who was wronged, but she was still in good spirits, her skin was thicker than the corner of the city wall.

   Really convinced such a person, how about licking your face?

  Looking at her attitude, Zhang Mei couldn't say anything. If she had known earlier, she wouldn't have brought Shen Yu here.

   Ask for a monthly pass.



  (end of this chapter)

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