Chapter 144 Marriage arrangements

  Shen Man just sat like this, with a calm expression on his face.

  Her face was calm, and she didn't seem to be in a hurry.

  Seeing this, Zhang Mei's eyes darkened slightly, and she couldn't help guessing in her heart that she might not be able to take anyone away this time.

   But if she goes back like this, her man will definitely be impatient, and she must not go back like this.

  Thinking of this, she said: "Xiaoman, the family treats you well. Although you are a daughter, you are treated better than other girls in the family courtyard."

   "Don't you think about Xiao Hua? Her life is not half as good as yours."

  Xiaohua from the family courtyard has many brothers and sisters and is the eldest, so she does all the work. Wake up earlier than chickens and sleep later than dogs.

  But those who live better than this kind of person, this is not something to be grateful for.

  Who treats children like this? Is that a child? That's a slave!

  Shen Man laughed angrily at her comparison. Do some parents really think that if they give a little favor, they can think that they have fulfilled their responsibilities as parents?

  If you don’t want a child, you don’t have to. If you regret it, you can throw it at the gate of the orphanage. At least give people a way out.

   "Do you think I will be happy? I should be grateful to you if I am better than Xiaohua?" Shen Man looked at her with cold eyes.

  Although Zhang Mei did a decent job on the surface, her behavior made people even more sad.

   Talking about fairness, in fact, she is the best for Shen Yu. After all, Shen's father works every day, and Zhang Mei is in charge of the family affairs.

  Even if she really treated her fairly, Father Shen wouldn't say anything. In Father Shen's heart, girls are all the same, and they go to other people's homes sooner or later.

   But Zhang Mei is the executor, but if anyone cares more about the original owner, the person will not just disappear like this.

   Zhang Mei felt a little guilty when she saw her, and felt that the child had become different. She could put on whatever she wanted before, but now she is not allowed to say a word.

"Xiaoman, you have changed." She said with a complicated expression: "You never talked like this before, but you have to know, when will we be a family. Parents are your safe haven, you let me like this Very sad."

  Her words did not move others, nor did she necessarily move herself.

  Shen Man sat opposite her and looked at her clearly. The original owner's impression of a mother who was in a dilemma was actually affectionate on the surface, but there was a hint of disgust in her eyes.

   "There is no need to say these words anymore." Shen Man said lightly: "As you can see, I have already returned to the city. Although I have not returned to the capital, I still enjoy my time here."

   "You should go back, I appreciate the kindness, and there is no need to return to the capital."

  Since they are all hypocritical, why go back? It's better to live with Gu Chen here.

  At least Gu Chen was sincere to her, without any false feelings. And it's nice to her, where can I find this kind of man?

  Hearing her words, Zhang Mei was a little surprised, but she didn't expect to be unshakable when she returned to the capital.

  Thinking of this, she said: "The family has arranged a marriage for you. The other party is the son of the factory director. Once you go, you can be arranged to work in the office as a cadre."

   "Your father begged for a long time to give you a gift before you got it. Isn't the treatment over there much better than yours here?"

  Shen Man raised his eyebrows, after all, he was waiting here?

   She just said, why did she suddenly let her go back to the city, and two people came to look for her.

   Isn't this just to let her marry someone else, and then the Shen family will get benefits?

  Shen Man sneered, and said, "A marriage? Since it's a marriage you asked for, why didn't Shen Yu go, but asked me to go."

   "She is a sister, how can I get married before her."

   What is emphasized now is that older brothers and sisters get married first, and then younger siblings. It doesn't make sense that my sister is not married yet, so let her get married?

  After hearing this, Shen Yu couldn't sit still, "I'm not going!"

  Her reaction was a little violent, and it seemed very wrong.

  Seeing this, Zhang Mei quickly pulled Shen Yu back, signaling with her eyes to stop talking.

  Shen Yu also knew that she was too radical, so she didn't say anything more, but the gloating look in her eyes made Shen Man unable to ignore it.

  What do you mean?

   "Xiaoman." Zhang Mei changed the subject and continued: "This time I arranged a marriage for you for your return to the city. You also know that it is difficult to return to the city. It is very good to be able to do this."

   After all, isn't it just to let her go back to the city to get married?

  Hearing this, Shen Man lost interest in listening to her again.

   "Let's go, I will definitely not go back to the capital. I will develop here in the future, so don't come to me." Her tone was indifferent, but she had a firm gaze.

   No matter what pancakes their Shen family draws, it has nothing to do with her, Shen Man.

   These small favors and favors may be just to buy her.

  Seeing her saying this, Shen Yu panicked, "What are you talking about? You will stay here if you don't go back to the capital? Let me tell you, Dad won't agree, and you have to go back if you don't go back!"

  Father Shen still has some majesty as the head of the family, but it may be a deterrent to the original owner, but it is of no use to Shen Man.

   I even want to laugh a little bit, who are I threatening?

   "What if I don't return? Now the account is in my own hands, and I can go wherever I want." Shen Man crossed his legs, with a very embarrassing expression on his face.

  That's right, the account is in your own hands, who do you want to know?

  Before Shen Man agreed to go to the countryside, there was also this reason. Because in this way, the household registration can be taken away, even if they come back, the household registration does not have to be sent back to the Shen family.

   Sure enough, the expressions of the two people on the opposite side changed as soon as these words came out.

  Zhang Mei knew that the only thing that could restrain Shen Man was her household registration, but she had to take her household registration with her when she went to the countryside, and no one knew that she just returned to the city like this.

   Besides, everything at home has been arranged. Now that Shen Man doesn't go back, how can she explain it?

   Shen Yu lost her mind and turned to look at Zhang Mei, not knowing what to say.

   But Zhang Mei had no idea, looking at Shen Man opposite, she couldn't accept it.

  The child who used to play around casually, now doesn't listen to a word, what can she do?

  At this time, there was a sudden sound of the door opening outside, and with the sound of parking bicycles, the two entered the house one after the other.

  Both Gu Chen brothers and sisters were soaked by the rain. Although they were wearing raincoats, they were not completely covered.

  The face and hair are all wet, and the pants are also soaked.

   Entering the room, I saw two strangers. They didn't dare to speak, and looked at Shen Man together.

   "This is my mother, and that is the second sister." Shen Man introduced casually.

  She really doesn't want to say more, because it's unnecessary, after all, everyone doesn't get along well, and if there are too many introductions, Gu Chen will mistakenly think that they have a very good relationship.

   Gu Chen understood her expression and tone of voice, nodded and greeted the two of them.

   "Hello, everyone, I am Shen Man's partner, and my name is Gu Chen." He explained his identity without hesitation.

  Before, Shen Man mentioned the disagreement with the family, so there is no need to hide this kind of thing, it is better to explain it clearly.

  Especially for families with a bad relationship, what if they want to marry Shen Man?

   Ask for a monthly pass



  (end of this chapter)

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