Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 145: what are you thinking

  Chapter 145 What do you think

   Zhang Mei heard Gu Chen's introduction and stood up directly, "What did you say?!"

  Her expression is serious, with dissatisfaction in her eyes.

   That's right, no matter whether the other party is a good choice or not, she is disgusted.

  Because in her heart, she only hoped that Shen Man would listen to her.

  Seeing her reacting so violently, Gu Chen understood what was going on.

   Then he repeated: "I am Shen Man's target."

   Needless to say self-introduction, don’t you just want to hear who he is?

   Sure enough, after he repeated this sentence, Zhang Mei couldn't maintain the harmony on her face.

  Zhang Mei turned her head to look at Shen Man and said, "Xiao Man, you are young and ignorant. I don't blame you for that. But today you have to go home with me. Your family is your support, understand?"

   "I don't understand." Shen Man looked at her expressionlessly.

   Seeing her answer so crisply, Zhang Mei choked immediately.

What's the meaning? Are you planning to go back with them?

  Shen Yu couldn't stand it anymore, stood up and said: "Can you understand something? Going back to Beijing is good for you and us. I don't even know that my partner is sold here, and I still feel good."

  She looked Gu Chen up and down, and had to say, this person is really good-looking, completely in accordance with the aesthetics of today's little girls.

  Why Shen Man was so lucky to find a good partner, but she couldn't.

  In fact, Shen Yu doesn't look like Shen Man at all. If Shen Man has all the advantages of Shen's father Zhang Mei, she has not inherited any of the advantages.

   On the contrary, it was Shen's father's big mouth. She inherited it very well. A man with a big mouth doesn't look ugly, but a woman's mouth is ugly. Especially Shen Yu's teeth are not good-looking, and only a pair of eyes can see through.

   It’s okay if you don’t speak, but it’s not good to open your mouth.

  Hearing what she said, Shen Man glanced at her, "Are you sure it wasn't you who betrayed me?"

  Zhang Mei has already stated the purpose of the two of them, and Shen Yu's eagerness, which is enough to prove that the Shen family did not find her a good man.

  Hearing the words, Shen Yu was at a loss for words, and her eyes rolled around with guilt.

  She has a poisonous mouth, and she can't hide what she's thinking. To be honest, it's a complete failure for Zhang Mei to lead her.

  At this time, Zhang Mei also regretted it, so she should have come here by herself. Why did she bring Shen Yu?

   She looked at Shen Man, and felt that her thoughts seemed to be seen.

In this case, she stopped being hypocritical, and said directly: "Xiaoman, don't think that you don't have to go back with me if you have a registered permanent residence. Do you want the neighbors in the neighborhood to know that you are an unfilial person? I see you Why are you staying here?"

  She doesn't believe that she can't threaten Shen Man like this. You must know that this little girl is most afraid of other people's gossip.

  It used to be like this, if someone said her, she would change it.

   Shen Man suddenly laughed, "Do you think I will be afraid?"

   It's all embarrassing, who cares about the reputation?

   Besides, the Gu family knows what she is like, as long as Gu Chen understands and the Gu family understands, what does other people's thoughts have to do with her?

   Seeing her laugh, Zhang Mei didn't know what to do for a while.

   Now it’s all right, no one can hold on to it, so it’s a waste of time.

   Shen Yu grabbed Zhang Mei's sleeve and said, "Mom, call Dad, let's call Dad!"

  She didn't believe it, would Shen Man, who had been afraid of Shen's father since she was a child, be afraid?

   No matter whether she is afraid or not, Zhang Mei decided to leave today and ask her husband what he thinks then.

  Before she left, she looked at Shen Man hesitantly, and finally pretended to be heartbroken: "Xiao Man, Mom didn't expect you to become like this, it really makes me sad."

   After finishing speaking, she took Shen Yu away without waiting for Shen Man's answer.

   She probably didn't want to listen to the answer, after all, Shen Man's attitude had already explained everything, and she would definitely not go home with them.

   Watching people leave, Gu Nan came out of the room.

  She went to change clothes when she came back just now, besides, there is no place for her to talk to her in this situation.

  If Shen Man is bullied, then her second brother will definitely be there, regardless of her parents and siblings.

   "Sister Man, are you okay?" Gu Nan walked over to have a look.

   Didn't find anything wrong with Shen Man, maybe she doesn't know people's faces.

   Shen Man shook his head and said, "I've washed all the dishes in the kitchen, Nan Nan, go cook."

  She really wasn't in the mood to cook anymore, seeing that the two of them didn't even have the appetite to eat.

  Gu Nan nodded without saying anything, and went directly to the kitchen to cook.

   And Gu Chen didn't have time to change clothes, so he walked over to comfort his wife. After all, the two mother and daughter don't look like good people, and they must have bullied Shen Man crazily when they were not at home.

   It's just that before he approached or said a word, he was stopped.

   "Go change your clothes, do you want to catch a cold?" Shen Man glanced at him, and then said: "Wash your hair too, let Nan Nan wash your hair too, don't catch a cold."

  Hearing this, Gu Chen felt helpless, "I don't have any clothes here."

  He also wanted to change clothes, but he didn't have any. He wanted to move here before, but he didn't feel very good, so he didn't pack his things all the time.

   Shen Man also thought about it, looked at his figure, then turned his head and entered the room.

   Not long after, she came out with a set of dark blue pajamas in her hand.

   Passed the clothes over and said: "Put it on, don't catch a cold. I forgot to give you the one I bought earlier. These are pajamas, and I wear them when I sleep."

  She wasn't sure whether Gu Chen would wear pajamas to sleep, so she just said, this is pajamas.

   Seeing her saying that, Gu Chen didn't think much, and went to Gu Nan's room to change his clothes.

  It is really uncomfortable to wear wet clothes, and I feel particularly uncomfortable on my body. After changing clothes, I feel much better.

   "The clothes are quite strange." After Gu Chen came out, he felt that the clothes were more comfortable than usual. It had nothing to do with the fabric, it was quite loose.

   Shen Man replied: "Pajamas are of course different from ordinary clothes."

  Gu Chen nodded and didn't talk about it again, but instead asked: "They came to you to ask you to go back to Beijing? What do you think?"

  He also heard what Shen Yu said about going back to Beijing just now, and he knew it in his heart that he wanted Shen Man to go back.

  When he heard that sentence, he felt uneasy, afraid that Shen Man would really go back.

  Although this is a family matter, he is unwilling.

  The two have been together for so long, they must have feelings.

  Shen Man knew that he would ask, and took this opportunity to express his attitude.

  She said: "It is to let me go back to Beijing, but I don't want to go back. Now the account is in my own hands, and they have no other way."

  As long as the household registration is in place, the Shen family cannot make any decisions. No one can let her go back to Beijing unless she is kidnapped.

   Seeing Shen Man's firm attitude, Gu Chen heaved a sigh of relief. He believed what Shen Man said, after all, it had been so long, and he hadn't seen the other party cheat him yet.

  As long as there are Shen Man's words, he is not afraid of the Shen family's force. Who can take people away by force?

   Not even a family.

   Ask for a monthly ticket



  (end of this chapter)

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