Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 146: Purpose (seeking monthly ticket)

  Chapter 146 Purpose (seeking monthly pass)

   "Daughter-in-law, you stay at ease, they won't be able to take you away." Gu Chen said with firm eyes.

  As long as he is here, no one can force Shen Man.

   Seeing this, Shen Man smiled and said, "Who will take me away? Don't worry, you are the only one who can take me away in this world."

  Although she was annoyed that Shen's family came to find her, she didn't bring her bad mood to others.

  Gu Chen saw that she didn't hang her head down and show sorrow, and felt even more uncomfortable.

  Look, this must be because I was often wronged at home, or would I behave like this?

  Most people would cry out of anger, or be in a bad mood, but she was still smiling and unaffected.

   "Daughter-in-law, I have wronged you." Gu Chen hugged her directly, feeling extremely distressed.

   Shen Man was taken aback by being hugged, but then his heart warmed up. She was not wronged or angry.

   She is grateful for such a chance of rebirth. Even though she has a bad native family, she is still positive and optimistic.

  Because she met Gu Chen, a person who treats her well, and the Gu family, they are all worthy of being treated with care.

   "Thank you, with you here, I don't feel wronged." Shen Man's eyes were sore, since she was reborn, no, she hasn't cried for many years.

   It feels really good to be cared for and cared for like this. She always thought that she could handle everything.

  But now she feels that there are some things that Gu Chen can rely on.

  Gu Chen was very happy to be hugged, these Shen family members really did their best to push away such a good wife.

   Fortunately, I met Shen Man.

  The two were hugging in the living room, and Gu Nan in the kitchen suddenly turned around and couldn't bear to look directly.

  Is there anyone else at home in broad daylight, so blatant?

  But she didn't mind her own business, and turned around to continue cooking.

the other side.

  Zhang Mei left here angrily, and then the two went to the state-run hotel.

  There is no hotel near Shen Man's residence, and they walked for a long time before finding a place to live.

   Entering the room and sitting on a chair, Zhang Mei's face was not very good-looking, and she stared at the ground and didn't know what she was thinking.

   And Shen Yu didn't dare to talk too much, she knew that Zhang Mei usually had a smile on her face, but in fact she was the worst person in the Shen family.

  Zhang Mei usually looks like a good old man, so she can handle Shen Man and her elder brother Shen Peng, anyway, she doesn't believe it.

  But Zhang Mei treats her very well, because Shen Yu has a sweet mouth and can talk, and no one in her family hates her.

  The two have been silent since entering the room, and the atmosphere is very heavy.

   After a long time, Zhang Mei took a deep breath and said, "You came as soon as you came, why can't you be more steady?"

  She didn't have time to talk to Shen Yu just now, does she think this child is stupid? Obviously she was talking, but she just provoked Shen Man.

   And Zhang Mei noticed that Shen Man seemed to have noticed something, and it was definitely impossible to go home with them.

  Shen Yu pouted innocently, "Mom, am I in a hurry? People have said that as long as Shen Man can go back to get married, Dad's position can be transferred to the team leader, and then there is no need to go to the mine."

   "I love my dad too, he understands me."

  That's what I said, but Zhang Mei was still very unhappy, and things were messed up.

   "I think Shen Man doesn't want to go back, this matter can't be done." She sighed, and had already accepted the result in her heart.

  No way, what if they don’t go back? As Shen Man said, the household registration is in the hands of others.

   Upon hearing this, Shen Yu became anxious: "She won't go back? What about my dad? This is a golden opportunity. If I miss it, my dad will be a mine worker all his life."

  The salary of the team leader must be at least ten yuan higher, and there is no need to work, and there is no danger.

  The most important thing is that she will not be looked down upon when she finds her husband's family in the future.

   Otherwise, who would find a mine worker's daughter as a wife? She can't climb into the family of cadres either.

  So, what Shen Yu hopes most now is to let Shen Man go back quickly, and then marry the crippled son of the mine director.

  Zhang Mei rubbed her temples, and replied: "How can I not know that this is related to your father's future? I don't want him to be promoted?"

  Speaking of this, she wanted to sigh. If it wasn't for Shen Zhengxin who couldn't get away from work, she wouldn't come.

  Shen Man is not being manipulated now, and he doesn't listen to her, what should I say?

  So she has no choice.

  Seeing that she has been silent, Shen Yu thought about it and suggested: "Why don't you call my dad? We can't kidnap and leave, there is no other way now."

  She wanted to kidnap him, but she couldn't. How would the two girls deal with the three of them?

   I don't know where Shen Man found the muddy legs, they look weird.

  Shen Yu spat secretly, she was really blind, she was blind for being able to fall in love with Shen Man.

  Zhang Mei didn't know what her daughter was thinking, but she also knew that she couldn't do without asking Shen Zhengxin to give her an idea.

   "You stay here, I'll call." She got up and left the hotel.

   Next to it was the post office. She turned three lines before going to Shen Zhengxin's side. After waiting for a few minutes, she finally heard someone talking.

   "What's going on? I'm at work, why are you calling?" Shen Zhengxin's impatient voice came.

  He works overtime at this time. The work in the mine is very tiring, but he makes a lot of money, so he has to work overtime.

  Zhang Mei didn't bother to argue with him, so she quickly told what happened this afternoon.

   Now we are waiting for him to make up his mind, otherwise it is impossible for Shen Man to go back with them.

  After listening to her story, Shen Zhengxin frowned and said, "She really said that?"

  His tone was a little surprised, maybe he didn't expect Shen Man to be so tough. In the past, Shen Man couldn't say a word with a stick, but now he dared to speak like that.

   "Really." Zhang Mei replied: "I used to do whatever I asked her to do, but now she seems to be a different person, not obedient at all."

   Speaking of this, she was a little depressed. After all, a child who had been obedient for more than ten years changed drastically after being away for a year. Of course, she couldn't accept it.

  Shen Zhengxin was silent for a moment, and then slowly opened his mouth: "Don't worry, she has to come back. So, I'll go there tomorrow, just wait and tell me the address."

   Just like that, Zhang Mei told him the addresses of their wives, and then went back satisfied.

  Anyway, she can't ask anyone to leave now, so she can only let Shen Zhengxin come.

  Shen Man naturally didn't know about their plot. At this time, she had just taken a shower, and it was a bit damp after the rain. She felt sticky without taking a shower.

  Back in the house, Gu Chen hadn't left yet, seeing the beautiful daughter-in-law out of the bath, he was even more reluctant to leave.

   "Why haven't you left yet?" Shen Man looked at him indifferently, wiped her hair with a towel, and then combed it.

  Now her favorite hair is this hair, which is very smooth and has been maintained for almost a year.

  Hearing Shen Man's words, Gu Chen sat on the chair speechlessly and did not move.

  I won't leave, what can you do to me?

   Ask for a monthly ticket



  (end of this chapter)

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