Chapter 147 Want to come with me?

   "What do you mean?" Seeing that he was not moving, Shen Man asked, "Do you want to live here?"

  This kid's thoughts are written all over his face, and he deliberately let her see it.

  Gu Chen said with a smile: "Then I'll do what I can and stay with you for one night?"

   "It's a good idea!" Shen Man threw him a blank stare.

  What do you think? If you still want to live with her, you won't be eaten up by the big bad wolf!

   She won't do it.

  Gu Chen got up and went to the next room, and said to Gu Nan: "Go and live with your second sister-in-law, I will live in this room."

   Gu Nan, who was lying on the bed in a daze, got up abruptly, looked at him and said, "Are you still living here? Go back to the dormitory."

  Actually, she is very comfortable living alone, she can sleep however she wants.

   "Hurry up!" Gu Chen stared at her, without saying anything.

   Gu Nan curled her lips, and went to the living room in a dejected manner with the quilt in her arms.

   "Second sister-in-law, he asked me to live with you."

   "Okay, go put the quilt." Shen Man didn't care about these, she understood what Gu Chen meant.

   Probably because he was afraid that the Shen family's mother and daughter would disturb him again. If he was bullied, he would be worried.

   Gu Chen took out the quilt from the cabinet, this one was used by Shen Man, and Gu Nan bought the quilt after he came here.

  He bought all these things in order to take the quilt that Shen Man used as his own...

  Gu Nan's current job is quite tiring, and it is not easy to tally goods every day. She fell asleep soon after returning to the house.

   While Shen Man was still sitting in the living room, she didn't know what other tricks the mother and daughter had, so she sat here thinking of countermeasures.

  Gu Chen came back from the shower and saw that she was still sitting there in a daze, and said, "Why haven't you slept yet, do you want to share the quilt with me?"

   "Why are you so narcissistic?" Shen Man rolled his eyes at him, then changed his posture and sat down.

  Hearing this, Gu Chen smiled, sat opposite her, and said, "Don't worry, with me around, no one will make you do what you don't want to do."

  He knew what Shen Man was thinking, it was nothing more than the arrival of the mother and daughter, which upset her.

   This matter is very simple, anyway, they can't do anything to Shen Man without a registered permanent residence. As long as Shen Man is determined not to leave, he will not let others take Shen Man away.

   Besides, the mother and daughter looked unhappy at first glance, who knows if they are going to sell his wife.

   Shen Man looked at him, feeling particularly at ease. No matter what, it was enough for someone to stand by her side and support her.

   "I don't think they will leave so easily." She continued: "From what they say, it is estimated that they have found an in-law who can help them, and they will not give up so easily."

  Hearing this, Gu Chen frowned. Whose parents would use their daughter like this?

  He has been in the countryside for so many years, at most he heard about changing relatives, and selling girls for glory is really rare.

   "I see who dares!" His tone was cold, and he would not let anyone touch Shen Man!

   No matter who the other party is, Gu Chen has made his decision, and no one else should think about it.

  The Shen family is so unkind, he won't give face.

  He discovered just now that the second sister wore the best clothes. On the contrary, when Shen Man first went to the countryside, it was poor. How could there be any good clothes?

   It’s fine to treat them differently, but you still have to sell your daughter!

   "Don't worry, I won't leave. As long as I don't agree, no one can take me away." Shen Man stood firm and expressed his thoughts.

  She is not the original owner, and she can't bear to be submissive.

   Both of them understood what the other meant, so they went to sleep with peace of mind.

   Gu Chen wanted to have a bo-bo before going to bed, but was pushed away by Shen Man.

   "Almost done."

  The main thing is that both of them can't control it. Since they can't control it, then don't happen.

  Gu Chen also understood, after all, no one could control this matter, so he went back to sleep resentfully.

  Woke up the next morning, Shen Man made breakfast for the two of them, just in time for a rest, so Gu Nan couldn't keep cooking.

   During this period of time, Gu Nan made breakfast, she could do whatever she wanted, and if she didn’t like cooking, she could just buy and eat.

  The state-run restaurant at the entrance of the alley has breakfast, so eating is very convenient.

   Seeing that it was getting late, Shen Man served the meal, just as both of them got up.

   "Second sister-in-law, why did you get up so early today." Gu Nan yawned and came out rubbing his sleepy eyes.

   "I'm not going to work anyway, and I'll help with cooking in the future." After Shen Man finished speaking, he asked them to wash up quickly, and they were late for work in a while.

  Gu Chen came back after washing his face, and said, "Why don't I ask for leave and stay at home with you?"

  He thought a lot last night, because the Shen family hadn't left Jicheng yet, so he was afraid that someone would come and cause trouble.

   Two people against one person, the result is already imaginable.

   "That's not necessary." Shen Man directly rejected his proposal, saying: "You should go to work, and I will run out if something happens. Besides, I don't have to open the door when they come."

   Originally, she didn't plan to go back to Shen's house, even if the whole family came now, it wouldn't shake her determination.

  Seeing what she said, Gu Chen could only shut up. Although he was worried, he still respected Shen Man's opinion.

   Sometimes it is not necessary to hold people in your hands, they are all adults, and he believes that Shen Man will handle it well.

   After breakfast, the brother and sister went to work. They didn't have much rest, and they almost took a day off between shifts.

   They took a break after going out to play a few days ago, and they can only ask for leave this month and can't rest anymore.

   After Shen Man packed up his things, he washed his clothes and hung them outside to dry.

   After finishing all this, I went out with my bag on my back.

  She plans to buy some clothes today. Despite the heavy rain yesterday, the sky is still clear today.

  The sun is very hot, and now I can only go out by wearing sunscreen every day.

  She does not have a body that cannot be tanned, and her skin needs maintenance.

  When he came to the department store, Shen Man looked around, but he didn't see the two brothers and sisters of the Gu family, probably in the logistics.

  The reason why she didn't say that she came to go shopping was because she didn't want to trouble them.

   Originally, Gu Chen had just come to work not long ago, so it would definitely not be good for someone to accompany him as soon as he came.

  Zhou Juan stood behind the counter, a little surprised to see Shen Man coming.

  She had spoken to Shen Man before, so she knew her.

  Thinking of the relationship between Shen Man and Gu Chen, Zhou Juan felt uncomfortable.

   After all, it is rare to meet a person who meets her requirements in all aspects, and he still has a partner. How can she accept this?

  Shen Man didn't pay attention to this person, and went straight to the clothes counter to look at the ready-to-wear.

  No way, she doesn't know how to make clothes, if she wants to buy clothes, she can only buy ready-made clothes.

   Looking at the pink plaid shirts hanging in the first row, she just ignored them.

  The things Gu Chen bought her were all pink plaid, so she is a bit rebellious now, and doesn't want to buy pink plaid clothes, or bed sheets.

   "Comrade, can I have a look at this blue short-sleeved dress?" Shen Man pointed to the clothes hanging in the front and looked at the salesperson.

   Ask for a monthly ticket



  (end of this chapter)

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