Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 148: Offend Gu Chen (ask for a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 148 Offending Gu Chen (ask for a monthly ticket)

  When the salesperson heard the voice, she first looked at the person in front of her, and seeing that she was not shabby, she picked up the pole and took off the clothes.

   "This dress costs twelve yuan." She did not forget to remind the price.

  If she can't afford it, isn't she working in vain?

  Shen Man pretended not to hear, and asked for one after seeing that the fabric of the clothes was pure cotton.

  Accurate is the most popular now, but she doesn't like airtightness.

   Even if there are many patterns, it is still dirty. It is better to choose pure cotton and breathable, at least it will be comfortable to wear and not uncomfortable.

  It's summer, she doesn't want to go out and sweat all over. And this one is not enough, she will buy a few more, although the ready-made clothes are expensive, they don't need coupons.

   "Comrade, please show me that orange short-sleeved shirt, and that..." Shen Man pointed to several pieces.

  The salesperson was dumbfounded, thinking to himself, can this person afford so many clothes?

   "Comrade, you will delay our work." At this moment, Zhou Juan came out from the counter and walked towards the clothes shop.

When she came to the front, she continued: "When you buy clothes, you have to decide which one to buy, and the clothes that hang up also need to be sorted out. You just buy one or two, and do you want to take them all down for you to see? You are not the only customer .”

   Zhou Juan's expression was indifferent, but the arrogance in her eyes could not be ignored.

  Shen Man on the opposite side was a little puzzled, you are a seller, how can you treat customers with arrogance?

  Although we can’t serve future generations with the customer first, we must at least respect people, right?

  Look at this tone of voice, tsk tsk tsk...

  Shen Man smiled slightly, and said, "What does it matter to you that I bought a few clothes? Is there a regulation in your department store that you are not allowed to see it? Or do you have to let you see when I enter the door, how much money I have in my pocket?"

   A series of questions asked them directly. Zhou Juan thought that if she said this, the other party would be embarrassed or leave in embarrassment.

  Even if I could afford one or two pieces of clothing, I wouldn’t buy them.

  Who knew that Shen Man was so stubborn, but still responded calmly.

   "I'm kind enough to be a donkey, you can do whatever you want." Zhou Juan didn't want the manager to hear it, and if she reported it to the director, she wouldn't be able to get this month's benefits.

   It's not that this kind of thing happened before, offending the plainly dressed leading lady, the salesperson was transferred away immediately.

  Watching Zhou Juan leave, Shen Man felt a little baffled, and turned to the clothes salesperson and said, "Can you bring the clothes here?"

  The salesperson on the opposite side looked hesitant, not knowing who to believe.

  Seeing that she was not moving, Shen Man sneered directly, "Why, is it possible that you really want me to show you the money, whether I can afford it?"

  As soon as he heard this, the salesperson on the opposite side didn't hesitate any longer, and went directly to get the clothes from Guazi on the wall.

  Why are you suddenly scared? Faced with such a strong customer, the general salesperson would not dare to offend the other party.

  What if there is any background? Even if he has no background, if people really can afford it, isn't he the one who slapped him in the face?

  So the salesperson didn't listen to Zhou Juan's instigation, and just showed Shen Man the clothes. Anyway, he just went back and forth a bit, and he wouldn't die of exhaustion.

   Seeing this, Shen Man took the clothes with satisfaction. Sure enough, people like to bully honest people who don't like to talk. There is no harm in being strong.

  In the end, she chose three pieces of clothing and two pants, which cost more than 50 yuan in total.

  Expensive is definitely expensive, but you don’t have to do it yourself. It’s cheap to buy fabrics. The most expensive fabrics are only one foot more than one piece, but what’s the use if she doesn’t know how to make clothes?

  Holding the clothes, Shen Man was just about to go to the non-staple food store next door when he was stopped.


  She turned her head to look, and it was Gu Chen who came.

  The face of the person opposite was not very good-looking, he scanned all the nearby salespersons, and then walked towards Shen Man.

   "Why didn't you tell me in advance when you came here?" He stared at the person opposite, and he was relieved when he saw the expression of no anger.

  Just now in the back office he heard someone saying that there was a beautiful girl in front of her, and the salesperson made things difficult for her when she bought clothes. In the end, she bought all the clothes.

  In fact, Gu Chen didn't think that a beautiful girl must be Shen Man, but he just wanted to come out and see, this was an intuition.

   Sure enough, when he came out from a distance, he knew that it was Shen Man, even if it was just a back view, he could recognize it.

  Shen Man said with a smile: "On a temporary basis, I thought of coming over to buy two clothes."

   "Go back and get busy. I'll go to the grocery store to buy something and then go home."

  She didn't want to delay Gu Chen's work, the leaders were watching.

   Seeing what she said, Gu Chen nodded and sent her to the door. On the way, he did not forget to glance at the other salespersons with a cold expression.

  Although he has not been here for a long time, the salesperson dare not offend Gu Chen.

  Because Gu Chen is working in the logistics, the defective products are leaked from other people's hands.

   Sometimes you can get rare items, and if you can buy them, you are lucky.

  So for such people, they will not offend.

  The salesperson who sold clothes just now saw Shen Man and the two knew each other, so don't regret it now.

  If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't believe Zhou Juan's words, and Gu Chen would definitely know about his hesitation not to bring clothes to others.

   It's all Zhou Juan's fault, why bother about nothing!

   And Zhou Juan looked at people talking and laughing, not to mention how depressed she was. And Gu Chen glanced over with indifferent eyes...

  Actually, she has been courting Gu Chen these past few days and wants to have a private chat. After all, her conditions are not bad, and she is worthy of the other party.

   It's a pity that Gu Chen has never looked at her directly, and always looks cold.

  I can’t even say anything, so what else can I mention?

   Shen Man said goodbye to him when he walked to the door, and went to the grocery store next door to buy some food, mainly because he was sloppy.

   At that time, buy a little bit of things to take home, and put more food in a little space, isn’t that all right?

  After coming out, there was no sign of Gu Chen nearby, so Shen Man found a remote place to directly put things into the space while no one was there.

  It was almost noon, so I went to a state-run restaurant for dinner before going home satisfied.

  Actually, Shen Man was already ready to fight, and she had already thought about it on the way back. If Zhang Mei and her daughter came to quarrel again, she would definitely not speak well.

  But what she didn't expect was that when she came to the door, there was no one at the door?

   It stands to reason that the best should not have been waiting here for a long time, and then started talking in a strange way, finding faults frantically, and then being slapped in the face by himself?


  Shen Man looked around, and after confirming that there was no one nearby, he frowned in disbelief.


  She glanced at the yard, and she could tell at a glance whether there was anyone in it.

   So, no ambush either?

   Is it because I have too many dramas?

  Shen Man didn't think any more, took out the key to open the door, and then plugged it in.

   It shouldn't be...

  Why hasn't this face-slapping super product come yet? Not professional at all.

   Asking for a monthly pass!

   There are more than a dozen more after adding more today



  (end of this chapter)

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