Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 149: difficult to deal with

  Chapter 149 is hard to deal with

  Shen Man didn't wait for the best mother and daughter, so he could only act as if they had come and gone.

  She went back and took out the food in the space, replaced the packaged milk powder, and some milk tea powder.

  In fact, milk tea is delicious, and it is most suitable for making drinks, but the raw materials are too expensive, so she didn't propose it.

  The new hawthorn product developed before is actually because there are many hawthorns on the mountain here, and it is easy to receive a large number of raw materials.

   And the price is cheap, very affordable.

  Shen Man's research and development is to combine local specialties every time, and raw materials are indispensable.

  I just want chocolate ice cream, I can’t even buy chocolate, so I have to go to a friendship store, and I can only buy it with foreign exchange.

   So this stuff, how do they do it? That's not wasting everyone's time.

   After making a cup of milk tea, Shen Man took out the few remaining ice cubes from the space and poured them in.

  Where did the ice come from?

  Sneakily freeze a little bit in winter, so that no one can find out, otherwise they will think she is sick, and eat ice cubes in winter.

  Shen Man was idle throughout the afternoon, took a nap, read some books, and had a very fulfilling life.

  When Gu Chen and Gu Nan came back, she had already prepared the meals.

  On a hot day, I can only eat some refreshing cold dishes, and I cooked some over-watered noodles, which were marinated.

  The three of them have similar tastes, and they are not picky eaters, so the rice is quite easy to cook.

   "Daughter-in-law, aren't they here?" Gu Chen asked these questions as soon as he came back.

  The main reason is that I am afraid that my daughter-in-law will be bullied, and he is not at home, can I not worry?

"Second sister-in-law, when my second brother came back, he was riding very fast, and the chain of the bicycle was sparking." Gu Nan continued with sweat on his face, "It took me a lot of effort to catch up, look how tired I am." , I'm sweating!"

  She didn't know what happened, so she saw that Gu Chen was riding fast, and she also took the time to ride.

  Hearing that Shen Man looked at the two of them, Gu Nan's head was sweating, and Gu Chen was not much better.

  The weather is so hot and there is a lot of exercise, who doesn't sweat.

   "I'm fine, they didn't come, wash your hands and go to eat." Shen Man answered Gu Chen's words, feeling very touched.

  She actually understands the other party's intentions, but there is really no need to ask for leave to accompany her for these things.

   You're not a child, can't you handle this well? That's why she didn't let Gu Chen ask for leave.

  Seeing what she said, Gu Chen felt relieved, and then went out to wash his face and hair, it was too hot.

  The weather like this is really uncomfortable. There is no fan at home, even if there is a fan, the power will not be able to handle it.

   Once you use it at home, the whole alley will trip, and it will be lively at that time.

  After dinner, the three of them sat in the living room blowing the draft. Fortunately, there were no buildings nearby, otherwise the draft would not even be blown.

   While taking a break, there was a sudden knock on the door.

   "Open the door!"

   The voice sounded like Zhang Mei, which was very familiar in the memory of the original owner.

  Gu Chen got up directly and walked out first.

   Seeing this, Shen Man hurriedly followed, not because he was afraid that Gu Chen would not be able to handle it, but because he was afraid that there would be no room for him to express himself.

  The two came to the gate one after the other, opened the small door and saw Shen Zhengxin.

  Gu Chen didn't know him, but Shen Man did.

  Behind Shen Zhengxin stood Zhang Mei, mother and daughter, and the two looked gloating in their eyes, as if children had quarreled with their parents.

   "Who are you looking for?" Gu Chen looked at Shen Zhengxin vigilantly, his eyes sizing up.

   At first glance, the man opposite him is a coolie who has been doing hard labor all year round. His skin is not very good and his hands are calloused.

   Could it be the recruited thugs?

  Shen Zhengxin had heard from Zhang Mei a long time ago that Shen Man was in love now.

  He took the train all night last night and arrived at the place all day and night. He came after sitting down and eating two biscuits, not to mention how tired he is now.

  Looking at Shen Man's appearance, he knew that he was doing well now. At least he hadn't looked at this girl before, but now he looks really pretty.

   "I am Shen Man's father, can't I come in and talk?" He stood with his hands behind his back, as if he were the head of a family.

  Hearing this, Gu Chen's eyes darkened slightly, and then he gave up his position. The other party came and didn't say anything. If he made a gesture of pushing people away, it would be unreasonable.

  And he knew that this matter must be resolved today, otherwise he would not be able to live a peaceful life.

  The three of them walked into the house, Shen Zhengxin looked at it all the way, it was really good, this small yard is very spacious, and the house is also very new.

   "How long have you guys lived here?" he asked, sitting in a chair.

  Shen Man didn't expect him to be so calm, so he thought for a while and replied: "Not long, two or three months."

  It has been more than two months since I returned to the city, time flies so fast.

  But she was a little curious why Shen Zhengxin didn't ask about returning to Beijing. This made her secretly vigilant!

   Sure enough, the smartest person in the Shen family is the head of the family. Looking at Zhang Mei and Shen Yu, they are not deep at all.

   Shen Man knew that he was not easy to deal with, so he raised his spirits.

  Seeing her expressionless face, Shen Zhengxin said with a smile: "Don't be so nervous, I'm just asking casually. You haven't written a letter to your family for so long, and I can't even contact you if I want to."

Fail to contact?

   Shen Man raised his eyebrows and looked at the three of them, but couldn't contact her, so how did he find her?

  Let’s not say that Zhang Mei is responsible for the matter of going to the countryside. Even if I go to the Educated Youth Office to inquire, I’m afraid she will know about it, right?

   Besides, how the letter was mailed to the Shangjiang Brigade is really interesting.

  Looking at Shen Zhengxin's acting, Shen Man didn't bother to say anything if he wanted to ridicule.

   "Dad?" Shen Yu stood aside a little anxiously, trying to remind him of the purpose of coming here.

  Shen Zhengxin frowned, turned to look at Shen Man and said, "Your mother has already told you, right? The matter of letting you go back to Beijing."

  Hearing this, Shen Man nodded, but did not speak.

  Who will go back? That is really a big fire pit, and I only go back when I have a brain.

  Shen Zhengxin didn't know what she was thinking, and said to himself: "I've been begging for this marriage for a long time. If you go back, they will arrange you to sit in the office. That's the salary of a cadre."

   "I thought you were working in the countryside before, but now that you are like this, you don't need to go back. This job is definitely easier than your current job. You are not young anymore. It's time to think about the situation at home."

  Although he doesn't know how Shen Man left the countryside, he must have a job when he enters the city. No matter how good the job is, is it better to go to the office and sit and work?

  In Shen Zhengxin's opinion, if their family has someone who works in an office, that's a big deal.

   Shen Man smiled, a little annoyed.

   "Do you think I will go back? Why not let Shen Yu go to arrange the marriage? She is not married yet, right? It's not good for me as a younger sister to get ahead of her."

  Speaking is better than singing, what is the premise of cadre work? From the big fire pit of the Shen family, jump into another big fire pit?

   Asking for a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

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