Chapter 150 Two Thousand Dollars

  When Shen Zhengxin heard what she said, a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

   Whether he was in the capital after all, he held back his breath, and said in a good voice: "Xiaoman, you also know that you are much prettier than your sister, and people are looking for you."

  Of course Shen Zhengxin wanted to use Shen Yu in the beginning, after all, he stayed at home and didn't even have a job.

  But Shen Yu disagreed desperately, so he had to focus on Shen Man.

   Besides, the other party has seen Shen Man's photo and is very satisfied.

  Hearing this, Shen Yu pulled her face down first. What does it mean that Shen Man is much prettier than her?

   These words pierced her heart, it hurts so much!

  Although Shen Man listened to this, she would not agree.

   "Forget it." Shen Man shook his head and said, "I won't go back with you, and I already have a partner here, and I plan to get married next year."

   As she spoke, she turned her head to look at Gu Chen and smiled.

   Gu Chen felt quite embarrassed when she said that, but he was more happy in his heart.

  I wanted to get married a long time ago, but I never mentioned it. Now that Shen Man is going to school again, I can't delay her.

  Seeing this, Shen Zhengxin followed his gaze. That young man is indeed good-looking, but a man must have a good job. Seeing how young he is, what can he do?

  Although the son of the director of the mine has defects, his conditions are good.

   Sure enough, young people are ignorant, which really makes him worry.

He sighed, with a heartbroken look on his face, "Xiaoman, why are you so ignorant? I have raised you for more than ten years, provided you with food and drink, and let you go to school. Now you just marry someone else lightly, If you don't go home, do you still have a conscience?"

  It is not easy to have children, but the previous owner has long been neglected and died of illness. If a child is sick and no one cares about it, and he doesn't even know it's dead, how can he talk about his conscience?

  Shen Man sneered and said: "You are right, I have no conscience, my conscience was eaten by dogs."

   To deal with this kind of person, it's enough to be thicker than him. It's shameless. Who else can you kidnap with morality?

   Sure enough, Shen Zhengxin's face turned green when he said those words.

  Although he has no feelings for Shen Man, he is his own child after all, and they have lived together for more than ten years.

   Don't you have this little prestige?

  Looking at Shen Man's expression, Shen Zhengxin realized that this person was so strange, as if they had no relationship at all.

   But going back like this is impossible.

  Shen Yu jumped out anxiously, and said: "Shen Man, don't you know what is good or bad. The family has raised you for so many years, and you won't go back if you say you can't go back? How dare you disobey your parents at the order of your parents and the words of the matchmaker."

   "Tsk tsk tsk." Shen Man laughed when he heard her words, "You've put all the things you've learned over the years to use. Why didn't you see you speak so actively when you were in school?"

  When the two sisters were in school, Shen Yu was basically a bastard, and Shen Man was able to go to school because Shen Zhengxin had a good face.

  There are only three children in the family, and the children in the neighbors and neighbors all go to school, but none of them go to his house, so people will definitely be accused. So both sisters go to school, but their grades are very different.

  Shen Man looked at her out of breath, not to mention how happy she was.

   "Okay!" Shen Zhengxin grabbed Shen Yu who was still about to jump, and said, "You plan not to go back, and you have been here all this time, marrying someone else?"

  His face darkened, and he was very angry.

   "Yes." Shen Man looked at him calmly, the meaning was already very obvious.

  Hearing this, Shen Zhengxin stood up and said, "You don't have to go back. I've raised you for so many years. How should you repay me?"

   Hehe, this is obviously an advantage.

  Shen Man was a little surprised that he was so straightforward, but he thought about it. She has her household registration in her own hands, and she won't fall for tricks and abductions. No wonder Shen Zhengxin said that.

  Thinking of this, Shen Man sat up straight and asked, "So, how much do you want?"

   "Two thousand!" Shen Zhengxin knew that she had no money. She had been studying all these years, so where did she ever work?

  If you want to take out two thousand yuan now, you will definitely not be able to take it out.

   And his purpose of doing this is to make Shen Man quit. Either take out two thousand yuan, or return to Beijing with him now.

   Zhang Mei behind her took a deep breath, two thousand yuan, after so many years, they only saved more than one thousand, not including the one for Shen Peng to marry a wife and start a family.

   Even if Shen Man started making money from birth, he still couldn't earn two thousand yuan.

  Shen Man on the opposite side was silent, looking at Shen Zhengxin with probing eyes.

  She didn't know whether the other party really took the money and left, or said it on purpose to make her quit.

   "I'll give you the money." Gu Chen suddenly stood up and looked at Shen Zhengxin opposite.

   "Isn't it just two thousand yuan? I'll send it to you in the evening."

   He has no cash for the two thousand yuan, and the deposit certificate cannot be given to others, so the money still needs to be tricked. (that is, to borrow money)

  As soon as he heard this, everyone looked at him in unison, two thousand yuan if you want to give it?

  Shen Zhengxin was also a little surprised. According to his observation, the two were not married at all, so they can take out two thousand yuan now?

  But he didn't believe it, because he hadn't seen the money yet, so how could he believe it?

  He said in a deep voice, "Young man, you have to be responsible for what you say."

   "Tell me the address, and I will send the money to you in the evening." Gu Chen didn't say anything else, anyway, wouldn't it be enough if the money was delivered?

  Shen Man stepped forward to hold him back, and said, "What are you doing? What if they don't keep their promise? They won't leave after taking the money."

  Shen Zhengxin was still there next to him, and he became angry when he heard this, "As long as you get the money, I will definitely not make it difficult for you! I still won't leave, what kind of good place is this?"

  Although Jicheng is also a big city, its development is definitely not as good as that of Beijing, that's for sure.

   So it's okay for him to say that.

   Shen Man was not angry when she got the answer, she just wanted to hear this sentence, and there was a reason for saying this.

   Gu Chen looked at Shen Zhengxin and said, "Since you said it, then it's fine. I'll look for you tonight!"

  Things suddenly developed like this, and Shen Zhengxin did not expect it at all.

   He pursed his lips and looked at the young man in front of him. To be honest, he felt that he had stepped into a trap.

  However, if you can get 2,000 yuan, it is fine, as long as the factory manager refuses. Anyway, there is Shen Yu as a backup, and when the time comes to marry Shen Yu, and then here is two thousand yuan, why not do it?

  Thinking of this, he nodded with a smile, "Okay, I'll wait for you at the Jixiang Hotel tonight."

   After speaking, he turned and left.

  Before he left, he looked at Shen Man and realized that he could no longer control the child, so it would be a good idea to take the money.

  Even if you bring it back to the capital to get married, you will probably only get a bride price of one or two hundred. Is it worth taking two thousand?

   Seeing the person leave, Shen Yu was dumbfounded, why did it suddenly become like this? Didn't you agree to take Shen Man away?

   Ask for a monthly ticket!



  (end of this chapter)

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