Chapter 152 feels unfair

   Zhang Mei was silent for a moment when he heard his words, and asked after thinking for a while, "How can they have so much money? The factory manager promised us a bride price of 300 yuan."

  She didn't believe that Shen Man could come up with so much money, and that young man, who looked like he was working hard, how much money did he have?

  But they promised to send money at night, and she couldn't figure out what was going on.

   "Why do you care so much?" Shen Zhengxin replied calmly: "Take the money or go back with us, these are the two choices. Anyway, they have come, it is impossible to take nothing away."

  He has already figured it out, he must take away one benefit, otherwise he will not let it go.

   Seeing that he had said so, Zhang Mei didn't dare to have any further opinions. Thinking about it, the extra two thousand yuan is enough for them to eat and drink for ten years.

   At that time, they will also be old, so they can save some money for retirement.

   As for the daughter, that is secondary, she will have to marry sooner or later, she does not expect her daughter to provide for the elderly.

  Anyway, they have a son named Shen Peng, so they don't have to worry about providing for the elderly.

  She is also a daughter, of course she knows that her daughter is unreliable.

  Shen Zhengxin glanced at Zhang Mei and said, "Did Shen Yu do something bad again?"

  He could tell at a glance that this girl was not a bit deep, she was jumping up and down all day long, and there was never a time for honesty.

  Hearing the words, Zhang Mei sighed, "Don't mention it, I'll explain everything when I come up, this kid doesn't usually see it so stupid."

  When she was at home, Shen Yu was sweet-talking and caring, why did she become like this when she went out?

   "I knew it." Shen Zhengxin snorted coldly, then closed his eyes and rested.

  Shen Yu is a brainless person, so she can be compared with Shen Man, but not compared with other people.

the other side.

  Gu Chen rode a bicycle to the old uncle's house. He hadn't visited the house for a long time. When he came, he wanted to borrow money. In fact, he was a little embarrassed.

Of course. Just a little bit.

  Stopping the car, he walked straight into the yard of Li's house. At this moment, Li Jinyuan was resting on a recliner in the yard.

  After dinner in the afternoon, I have nothing to do. There is a radio and tea next to me, which looks very comfortable.

   "Uncle." Gu Chen came in and called for someone, and when he saw him lying there, he walked over.

   Li Jinyuan was surprised to see him coming, sat up and said, "It's really a rare visitor, it's been a long time since I came to see me."

  Since they moved away, Gu Chen has seen him twice. How long has this been moving out? Counting the days, it has been almost two months.

  Gu Chen said with a smile: "Isn't this a lack of time? Does the old man have any cash? Lend me seven hundred."

   He glanced at his watch again, and there was not much time left.

  Hearing this, Li Jinyuan glared directly: "Good guy, you are fine and come here!"

  That's what he said, he turned his head and yelled into the room after he finished speaking, telling Wang Chunying to come out.

   "What's the matter?" Wang Chunying came out and saw one more person, and said, "Chenzi is here, have you eaten yet?"

   "Don't talk about whether you want to eat or not, just take seven hundred yuan." Li Jinyuan interrupted her, and talked about business.

  Wang Chunying just nodded and went back to get the money without asking any more questions.

   Seeing that their family had all this cash, Gu Chen was relieved, afraid that the trip would be in vain and that he would not be able to borrow any money.

   Li Jinyuan looked at him and asked, "What happened to you? If you don't have enough money, tell my uncle, I still have some."

  He looked serious, afraid that something might go wrong.

  People defected to him, if something happened to him, how could he explain to Li Jinhua.

  Gu Chen shook his head and said nothing, he didn't want to say these things.

   After all, it's not a good thing, let's talk about it after it's resolved.

   Seeing that he didn't speak, Li Jinyuan sighed helplessly, "You child, you have been like this since you were a child, and you take care of everything by yourself."

   I'm really helpless, I want to help but I don't want to know, so how can I help?

   Soon Wang Chunying came out with the money and handed it to Li Jinyuan.

   Then Li Jinyuan handed him the money and said, "Come to my uncle if you have anything to do, and don't fight yourself if you can't handle it, you know?"

   "Understood! Uncle, auntie, I'm leaving." Gu Chen took the money and left, as if someone chased him behind him.

  Looking at his leaving back, Li Jinyuan shook his head, "This kid..."

   "What's the matter?" Wang Chunying didn't ask, and now that she's gone, she wants to know what happened.

  Li Jinyuan curled his lips, "I don't know either. He didn't say anything when I asked. Don't worry about it. He knows what this kid is doing, so don't worry about it."

  Compared with his own children, he likes Gu Chen more, because he is calm in everything he does, and he is also very smart.

   Don't be impatient when encountering things, even if something happens, there won't be the worst result.

  Gu Chen rode his bicycle to the Jixiang Hotel. He was exhausted for a while. He was very tired from cycling, and the sweat was dripping from his head.

  After more than an hour of tossing, he didn't rest for more than five minutes when his bicycle stopped.

  Rushing to the Jixiang Hotel, he just ran into Shen Yu who was coming back from cooking.

   The two saw each other and walked straight to the room on the second floor without speaking.

  Shen Yu looked at the tall figure in front of him, feeling very uncomfortable. It's not that she likes Gu Chen, but why do all good things happen to Shen Man?

  The person I found is so good that I am willing to spend 2,000 yuan to solve the trouble.

  She felt that since Gu Chen came, he must have brought money.

   It felt unfair to her to think about it.

  Why? Shen Man has been unfavored since she was a child, why is there such a good person who treats her well when she leaves home?

  Shen Yu's face was distorted, and she walked with her head down.

  Knowing that someone saw her before reacting.

   "Shen Yu, what are you doing?" Shen Zhengxin came out to open the door when he heard the knock, and was surprised to see Gu Chen.

   Immediately, she saw Shen Yu passing by the door. Is this girl stupid?

  Shen Yu came back to her senses and found that she had already passed by, so she hurried back.

   "I'm thinking about something..." She said casually, and then entered the room with a lunch box.

  Shen Zhengxin didn't care what she was thinking, he turned around and let Gu Chen into the room.

  In the room, Zhang Mei saw that everyone was here, and there was nothing to do about eating.

   "Sit down." Shen Zhengxin pointed to the opposite chair and told him to sit down.

  He is not as impatient as Zhang Mei's mother and daughter. As long as it is beneficial for him to take it, then there is no need to worry. Anyway, he will definitely not suffer.

  Gu Chen was not polite, sat down and took out a piece of paper and a pen from his pocket, and said calmly: "Since you don't care about Shen Man, then sign this."

   "What?!" Shen Zhengxin thought he was paying for money, but he didn't expect to take out a piece of paper?

   Are there any conditions?

   "This money will be compensated to your family as a bride price, and you can't interfere with Shen Man's marriage in the future. Otherwise, I won't give you the two thousand yuan." Gu Chen's expression was serious, and there was no room for relaxation.

  (end of this chapter)

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