Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 153: How can you open your eyes to money?

  Chapter 153 How can you open your eyes to money?

  In fact, Gu Chen also understands, thinking about Shen Zhengxin, a man who speaks like a lion, how could he not be greedy? The best way is to use 2,000 yuan as a bride price, so there is nothing to say.

   At that time, if there is written evidence, he will be the one who is right.

  Hearing this, Shen Zhengxin remained silent with a sullen face, wondering what he was thinking.

  Shen Yu on the side was a little anxious, so he agreed? What about their family? What will the factory manager say when you go back?

   She looked at Zhang Mei, the anxious look in her eyes was too obvious.

  Zhang Mei signaled her not to worry, there are some things that need not be rushed, besides, she also thought about Shen Zhengxin's words.

   Actually, it would be better to take 2,000 yuan, at least not suffer a loss. It would be the greatest benefit for Shen Man to marry him, that is, to change his job, but now that he actually got two thousand yuan, that would be different.

   Seeing that she was not in a hurry, Shen Yu knew in her heart that the matter was settled like this.

   Two thousand yuan won't let Shen Man go back? How can you open your eyes to money!

  Actually, she knows that two thousand yuan is indeed a lot, and many people will not be able to save this money in their entire lives.

  Looking at Gu Chen's calm appearance, Shen Yu felt even more uncomfortable. She might have used up all the jealousy in her life today.

  Why can Shen Man find a rich and handsome partner? Why can't she find it?

   She likes her but doesn't like her, and likes her but doesn't like her...

   After a while, Shen Zhengxin said: "How do I know if you brought money? What if you don't give me money after signing?"

   After thinking for a long time, his focus is here.

  Gu Chen didn't talk nonsense with him, and took out two thick wads of money from his satchel, each of which was a ten-dollar bill.

   Seeing so much money suddenly, the three people next to him couldn't help staring at it.

  Just now, Shen Yu felt that his family was open to money, but now he feels that it is really good to have money. When will so much money be spent?

  Since the money was also seen, Shen Zhengxin didn't say anything else this time, and took the paper over to read it again.

  The above means that Shen Man's bride price is two thousand yuan, which looks similar to a receipt.

  Now that the decision has been made, Shen Zhengxin immediately picked up a pen and wrote his name.

   Seeing that he had finished writing, Gu Chen was satisfied, carefully folded up the papers and put them away, then pushed the money over.

   "Then I'm leaving, I hope you will do what you say, and stop interfering in our lives in the future."

  The Shen family members were all counting the money, and no one paid any attention to him.

  Seeing this scene, Gu Chen couldn't help but sneer. This kind of family is really not a family, and it's easy to solve it.

  He turned his head and left here, he didn't want to see these people in the future.

  Shen Zhengxin counted the money, not to mention how comfortable he was, the money in his hand was the most solid.

   In contrast, the factory manager only dealt with it verbally, and I haven't seen any benefits yet.

   "Dad, is that all?" Although Shen Yu was happy to see the money, she felt very unwilling.

  Why should Shen Man live a better life than her? She is not reconciled!

   "Then what do you want?" Shen Zhengxin looked back at her dissatisfied.

  The money is already in hand, so what else to say? I really didn't expect this young man to be so rich. If he knew it earlier, he would have asked for more, but he also understood that it was not easy.

   Just because two thousand yuan can be taken out does not mean that more can be taken out.

  Shen Yu was taken aback by his question, not knowing how to answer. She wanted to take Shen Man away by force, but that was impossible.

   After all, Shen Man went to the train station and ran again, it was useless.

   That's it. It's useless for her to be unwilling, the matter has been settled.

   After Gu Chen left here, he went back to the dormitory directly. The matter has been resolved, and his heart is half relieved...

  Woke up the next morning, Shen Man and Gu Nan went out after finishing their meals.

   Gu Nan has to go to work, and Shen Man is going to report at school.

  After more than two months in the city, it was finally time to go to school. In fact, it passed pretty quickly. At least I didn’t experience any difficulties, and I could go to school honestly.

  The grades are also good, and she feels that she will be fine.

  The most important thing to go to college is to be gilded, and she doesn't particularly care about the rest. She didn't want to be a scientific researcher, whether she learned well or not.

   Shen Man himself is not that material, so he will not do things that he cannot do, and it is useless to force himself.

   In the end, I lived a miserable life and didn't bring benefits to anyone. Isn't that just looking for sin?

  So her goal is to graduate from university, then go back to work in a food factory, and start a business on the other side.

  When he arrived at the school, Shen Man went to go through the admission procedures first, just give someone a piece of paper.

  After the grade, you can choose courses.

  The current curriculum is not as complicated as that of later generations, so Shen Man directly chooses Russian as a course, which will be very useful in the next 20 years.

   As for the others, she is not interested.

  Now the school is not rigorous, you can come to the class if you want to, and no one will care if you don’t want to.

   After all, studying is not the most important thing at this time. Most of them come to gild, only a few people from ordinary backgrounds want to have a high degree of education and learn a lot of knowledge by the way.

  Shen Man took a book to attend a class, and had reviewed Russian before, and Gu Chen would give her advice when she was in the country, so it is no problem to cope with these classes now.

  She is not only here for gold plating, but also to learn Russian well, and she will do import and export business in the future.

   Judging from the current situation, this knowledge will be used in a few years.

  There are not many students in the classroom. There are more than 20 students sitting in a classroom with more than 100 people. Everyone is evenly separated, and some are still wandering.

  The lecturer is self-centered, and he has no control over whether other people listen to him or not. They are all in their twenties and thirties. How can he talk about such things that elementary school students know?

  Learning or not is your own business, there is no need to be serious.

   Shen Man went back after listening to the class, it was just eleven o'clock. She is very satisfied with this time. She comes to attend one or two classes every day, and she will have more free time in the future.

  Back home, she took out instant noodles from the space and cooked them. She was alone at noon, and she could eat whatever she wanted.

   After eating and taking a nap, no one came.

   Shen Man was a little curious, did these people just leave?

  That's right, inside the train station, the three of Shen Zhengxin are waiting for the ticket check.

  They bought a train ticket for noon today. The others are fine, but Shen Zhengxin has a job, so he has to go back quickly.

  If you can’t be promoted now, you have to work hard, otherwise you won’t even be able to receive your basic salary.

  Shen Yu sat beside her with a depressed face. She originally thought that Shen Man would go home with them in despair, and then marry the crippled son of the factory manager.

  When their family is rich, Shen Yu will also be arranged to work in the office. The next step is to find someone from a cadre family to marry. Everything is so beautiful.


  Now she can only look at Shen Zhengxin's bulging bag, which contains two thousand dollars.

  Her future is gone...

  (end of this chapter)

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