Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 154: Your bag is broken!

  Chapter 154 Your bag is broken!

   "When I get back, I will give you activities and find a job." Zhang Mei patted Shen Yu's hand and said comfortingly.

  In fact, she has been looking for this year, but the problem is too big. It is difficult to find a job in the city now. Otherwise, how could so many people go to the countryside?

  Shen Zhengxin has a job at home, so it is impossible to retire early and let Shen Yu take over.

   Besides, Shen Yu, a front-line worker, can't do it, and if it's replaced by a temporary worker, it's not worth it.

  The family's finances cannot depend on the girl, but the man can be relied on.

  Hearing this, Shen Yu's eyes lit up, but then darkened again. Zhang Mei thought of it, how could she not think of it? No matter how stupid you are, you will figure it out this year.

   No matter who the children are, they have to go to the countryside if they don’t have a job, even the leaders can’t do it, let alone them.

  When Shen Zhengxin heard what they said, he also agreed, "I will ask about it then."

  He never cared about such things before, but now that he has money, he is in a good mood, so he can ask.

  Hearing what he said, Shen Yu became more energetic now, as long as he said it, it would definitely be more reliable than Zhang Mei.

   Pointing out that Zhang Mei didn't get a job this year!

   "Dad, you must find me a job, and I will be able to make money for the family by then!" She said obediently.

  Shen Zhengxin is very satisfied with her attitude, after all, it is fine to help with a few dollars, and solve many problems.

   And he also likes Shen Yu's sense of humor, unlike Shen Man, who doesn't even say a word when giving her something, and can't make a fart with a stick.

  It's annoying to think about it, but now that it's all right, with the two thousand yuan in hand, he doesn't care to find Shen Man anymore.

  With Shen Zhengxin's guarantee, Shen Yu wasn't bothered this time, and happily followed in the car.

  There are always a lot of people on this train, especially the one going to the capital. Some people go to study, some go on business trips, and some go to visit relatives' houses. There are a lot of people.

  When Shen Zhengxin got into the car, he was a little annoyed by being squeezed, and said loudly, "Can't you line up properly? You have no quality at all."

  That's what he said, but he didn't squeeze slowly at all. Zhang Mei and her daughter got into the car first.

   Look at the ticket and find a seat and sit down, not to mention how comfortable it is.

  People in small cities are just not good, they have no quality at all, and they don’t even queue up to get on the bus.

  It's not like their capital city, where everyone queues up to get on the bus, and no one grabs it.

  As soon as he took a breath, Zhang Mei and her daughter came over sweating profusely. Seeing that he had come up, no one said anything.

  Zhang Mei has long been used to men's selfishness and machismo, so sit on the opposite side and take a rest, and the wind from the window can cool you down.

   While Shen Yu sat next to him, he could tell something was wrong at a glance.

   Regardless of the profuse sweating, she pointed to Shen Zhengxin and made a surprised voice: "Dad! Why is your bag broken!"

  She could still tell that there was a lunch box in the bag, but that was the only lunch box left.

  In the morning, Shen Zhengxin wrapped the money in newspaper and put it in his pocket. Both she and Zhang Mei saw it.

   But obviously, the newspaper is gone, let alone the money.

   "What?!" Shen Zhengxin was startled when he heard this, and quickly took the bag from the side.

  Seeing the big broken hole, he froze in place. The sweltering weather didn't make him feel warm, but his body was cold.

   "What's going on!" Shen Zhengxin hurriedly opened the zipper to check, and after pouring it out, there was only a lunch box with appetizers in it, and he even bought a bottle of liquor.

   The wine is gone, the money is gone, the empty bag is as empty as the brains of the three of them.

   "Hurry up and find it!" Shen Zhengxin regained his senses and shouted at Zhang Mei's mother and daughter, and then ran out to find the money himself.

   That’s two thousand dollars! Not two dollars!

  Mother Zhang Mei and her daughter were also frightened, and hurriedly followed to find the money, but unfortunately the money could not be found at all.

  The train started soon, and Shen Zhengming anxiously went to the conductor to tell what happened, and he was still holding the damaged bag.

   "Look, this was deliberately cut open and stolen, you have to help me!" He has lived for decades, and this is the first time he has been so helpless.

   "How much is it?" Seeing the situation, the conductor understood that he had encountered a thief.

   "Two thousand yuan!" Shen Zhengxin said quickly.

  There were quite a few spectators around, and when they heard that the two thousand dollars had been lost, they all gasped.

   "Two thousand yuan?!"

   "So much money?"

  Others commented, most sympathetic to what had happened to them.

  The conductor hurriedly asked the police to find clues, then frowned and said, "What are you doing with so much money? Don't you know there are thieves? Even if there are no thieves, you are not afraid of losing it."

  How old are you, and you bring so much money when you go out, shouldn't you think about the consequences?

   "That's my daughter's gift money, of course I took it home!" Shen Zhengxin was a little annoyed, it's fine if this person doesn't help him find the money, and it's useless to keep asking.

   "Bride gift? Two thousand yuan!"

   "My God, the bride price is so high now? Then my son expects that the family will never be able to marry a wife in this lifetime."

   "It's not bad, my child's wedding gift is only 80 yuan, and the most nearby ones are only 1200 yuan."

   "Oh my God, what kind of family dares to ask for such a thing, sell a daughter?"

  The people around began to discuss, and there was no sympathy in looking at Shen Zhengxin, and they were all gloating.

  Generally, families with similar conditions would be told to sell a daughter if they asked for a bride price of 200 yuan. In the end, this person asked for 2000 yuan, and someone else gave it.

   That was enough to shock them for a year.

   The world is really big, full of wonders!

  Shen Zhengxin heard the words and pointing around, and immediately regained his senses.

   "What nonsense are you talking about!" He was a little annoyed, why are these people so nosy!

  The conductor was not happy to hear this, and asked: "Is it two thousand yuan? Don't hinder our work."

  Just now he said that he lost 2,000 yuan, and when people around him discussed it, he said that others were talking nonsense.

   Obviously he said it himself, but he also said that others were talking nonsense.

  Hearing this, Shen Zhengxin hurriedly said: "It's two thousand, comrade, you can find it for me quickly! That's not a small amount."

   This money is impossible to find, the conductor knows it well. Such thieves probably didn't get in the car. If they succeeded, they got out of the car and ran away. Who would wait in the car to be caught?

  The conductor didn't say anything about it, and asked him to go back and wait for the news first, and then went to the front to find the conductor.

  Shen Zhengxin couldn't stand other people's pointing and pointing, so he ran back to the carriage in a desperate manner.

   Seeing him come back, Shen Yu hurriedly asked, "Did you find him?"

   "Find a fart!" Shen Zhengxin was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger, so he scolded Shen Yu directly.

  Zhang Mei sat silently and didn't bother, because she knew that men were like this, and they used to lose their temper with people around them when they encountered things.

   I really don’t know if such a man is still a man? Bad temper will vent on the family.

  (end of this chapter)

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