Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 155: is it useful to call me

  Chapter 155 Is it useful to call me

  Shen Yu was stunned by his scolding, and froze on the spot, daring not to speak.

   It wasn't her who lost it, why did you send it to her?

  Although Shen Yu complained in her heart, she dared not say a word, for fear that Shen Zhengxin would beat her because of these things.

   If you are impatient, you will do it. This kind of thing is not unheard of.

  After Shen Zhengxin finished venting, he found that other people were looking at him and pointing fingers.

   This made him blush suddenly, and he didn't know if he was angry or ashamed?

   "See, it's that person. I heard that the girl was sold for 2,000 yuan and lost."

   "Really? Two thousand dollars?!"


  The whole carriage is only this big, some people just came back from watching the fun, so I whispered it to everyone.

   Said it was quietly, but couldn't hold back, and finally the voice became louder, and Shen Zhengxin and the others could hear it.

  At this time, Shen Zhengxin's face was very ugly. Although he asked for a high-priced gift, the other party didn't say anything. Why should others talk about him?

  Everyone was discussing, but the three of Shen Zhengxin sat there and dared not speak.

  The conductor came after about half an hour and said, "I'm sorry, your money was not found on the train. In addition, we have notified the police and will come and tell you when the time comes."

  Their trains are still unable to handle this kind of case, especially if the amount is huge, they cannot handle it.

   In this era, two thousand yuan is equivalent to a huge sum of money, and no one dares to deal with it lightly.

   Therefore, it is most appropriate to hand it over to the police.

Upon hearing this, Shen Zhengxin couldn't maintain his composure, stood up and shouted: "Why? I lost my money in your car, and you saw it, and your pockets were all slashed open. Now you lightly tell the police Having said that, who is going to find my money? What if the thief gets out of the car!"

   Two thousand yuan! He has never taken so much money in his life!

  The train conductor was still not happy, and said dissatisfiedly: "What are you yelling at me? What can I do for you? We will actively cooperate when we need to cooperate. Is it useful for you to yell at me!"

   I’m really convinced. If I go out with so much money by myself, if I don’t find a post office to deposit it, is it still up to them?

  How can there be such a reason!

  Shen Zhengxin was very angry at her words, and opened his mouth to continue the theory.

   But the conductor had other jobs, so he called the police to tell him. She couldn't understand this person, and she yelled loudly here again.

   If you have something to say, can you solve the problem by shouting?

   It's not that she doesn't feel pain in her back when she stands and talking, even she herself is not stupid enough to go out with two thousand dollars and take the train.

  There are a lot of good and bad people here, how can there be so many good people?

  The police officer was doing business, and told him that there would be a policeman on the bus at the next stop, and that he would cooperate with the work at that time.

  Who would have imagined such a thing? Usually there are thieves and pickpockets. It is normal to lose money, so everyone is very vigilant when taking the train and will not bring cash.

  Or hide the money in the clothes, so there is no way to lose it again.

  Those like thieves can never be caught. If this one is caught, that one will come tomorrow.

   Besides, the two thousand yuan that Shen Zhengxin brought could not be hidden at all, who would carry so much money at any time.

   Not vigilant at all.

   Seeing the attitude of these people, Shen Zhengxin was speechless, his face darkened the whole time.

   As a result, although Zhang Mei and her daughter felt sorry for Qian, they dared not say a word, for fear that the enraged Shen Zhengxin would take it out on them again.


  Shen Man prepared the meal in the afternoon, and when he saw the brother and sister came back, he greeted them for dinner.

   "So many dishes today?" Gu Nan put down her satchel, washed her hands and came over to see that there were four dishes on the table, and all of them were meat dishes.

"I went to school today, and there is not much pressure to study there, so I will come back early to cook." Shen Man continued with a smile: "I originally wanted to cook two dishes, but who knows that after doing it, it will become four. "

  The weather is hot and it is easy to break if it is made too much. Usually it is made in the morning, and the food will be sour before noon.

   Not to mention leaving it overnight, throw it away the next morning.

  Hearing the words, Gu Chen said: "It's okay, I can finish eating too much."

  Eat less food and more food, anyway, I can’t let my wife’s cooking be thrown away.

   Gu Nan pouted, "Well, you can eat it."

  That guy eats so much in one meal, enough for Shen Man to eat for a day.

  Gu Chen glanced at her, and said coolly: "It seems that you eat less, whose girl eats four taels of rice for a meal?"

  Watching their brothers and sisters fight, Shen Man felt that they were very loving. The brothers and sisters could directly play around and respect each other as guests.

  It's okay if there is no calculation between the Shen family, at least you won't be caught inadvertently.

  The three of them ate happily. After eating, Gu Nan washed up and went to sleep.

  Gu Chen looked at Shen Man and said: "They have already left, you can go to school normally from now on."

  He knew that the other party must still be thinking about these things.

  In fact, Shen Man has already been mentally prepared. If the three of them come again, she will use the anti-wolf tools in the space to deal with them.

   But there was no chance, and before she could do anything, Gu Chen came to help.

   "Alas..." Shen Man sighed and said, "I thought of dealing with it according to the circumstances, but you gave me the two thousand yuan too happily."

   It's not fun, people said that this person agreed directly, and sent all the money before staying overnight.

   Shen Man wanted to stop it, but Gu Chen refused.

   You say you are not angry.

   Gu Chen smiled and replied: "What are you afraid of for two thousand yuan? As long as they don't pester you anymore, I'm willing to give another two thousand yuan."

  He may just want to clear all obstacles for Shen Man, no matter what he pays.

   Actually, Gu Chen didn't know what happened to him, but when he saw Shen Man, he felt that everything was worth it.

  Hearing this, Shen Man was very speechless, and she also knew that Gu Chen paid for her, so she couldn't say any accusations.

  When someone helps you, you still have nothing to do. Isn’t that hurtful?

   This is the end of the story, she can't say anything more.

   Gu Chen said with a smile: "This time you have more time to go to school, you should study hard, and ask me if you don't know Russian, I'm sure I'm no worse than a professional teacher."

  The two had discussed before that Shen Man chose a major. Russian is a better major, and he chose it very well.

   And Gu Chen's words are not exaggerated. When he first learned Russian, he was very serious.

  Others regard Russian as a side subject, but he regards it as the main subject.

   If he hadn’t had the opportunity to go to college, he must have graduated and become a cadre by now.

   Shen Man nodded in agreement, after all, Gu Chen's professional knowledge is indeed rich, more than enough to be a teacher.

  The two chatted for a long time, and Gu Chen didn't go back until it was almost eight o'clock.

  Gu Chen didn't stay here at night, so he walked back after saying hello.

   On the road, Gu Chen turned a corner and went to the other side, but did not return to the dormitory.

   Arriving in a quiet alley, he looked at the house number, and then knocked on a courtyard door.

   "Knock knock...Knock..."

  Three long and two short voices are particularly loud in the silent night.

  Gu Chen looked around, and after confirming that there was no one there, he felt a little relieved.

   In fact, there are bad guys in every era. It doesn’t mean that if you haven’t met them, it proves that there are no best, no thieves, and no criminals in the world.

   At that time, there were more people who didn’t have enough to eat and thieves. I didn’t write too much, and everyone didn’t have to read novels with the heart of Our Lady.

   A novel is a novel. The fictional stories I created may be mixed with some sophistication, but they still need to be rational.



  (end of this chapter)

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