Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 156: can you take me with you

  Chapter 156 Can you take me with you

   After waiting for less than two minutes, there were slight footsteps in the yard.

  If it weren't for Gu Chen's sensitive ears, he might not be able to hear it.

  He became vigilant. This kind of person can cooperate, but he must be on guard, it is too dangerous.

   While he was thinking, the courtyard door was opened, and a man in his thirties came out. He was about 1.68 meters tall and very thin.

   With an ordinary face, he looks like an ordinary person.

   "Come in and talk." The man checked around to make sure no one was there, and then he closed the door and walked in.

   There are two rooms in the yard. They went to the side room, turned on the dim light, and sat down to talk.

   "Brother Chen, right? First time meeting, hello, hello." The man greeted politely.

  Although he was older than Gu Chen, he didn't underestimate him because of his age.

   On the contrary, he was very polite and lowered his posture.

  Gu Chen did not relax, but became more vigilant, because the other party's actions were likely to make him relax his vigilance.

   "Your name is Yu Laosan, right? You don't need to call him Brother Chen. Wuqing told me about two hundred yuan for labor fees." He took out the money and put it on the table as he spoke.

  Compared to the money, in fact, the man opposite doesn't have to give it back to him.

  Yu Lao San looked at the money on the table with a smile, picked it up after a while, and put it in his trouser pocket.

   Then he turned around and went to the back room, and came out with a newspaper bag in his hand.

  After seeing the things, Gu Chen understood that this was the two thousand dollars.

   Sure enough, Yu Lao San opened the paper bag and handed it over, and there were two stacks of money neatly inside.

   "Let's count it." Yu Laosan said to him.

  Hearing the words, Gu Chen shook his head and rewrapped the newspaper, saying, "Since you can trust me, why wouldn't I trust you?"

  Yu Lao San was very comfortable hearing these words, but his purpose was not just to listen to a few words.

"Brother Chen, can you take me with you? Although I don't know what Wu Qing is doing with you, I will definitely make money." He rolled his eyes and said again: "I may not be able to do anything else, I don't have much energy, but I can speak well and have a strict mouth .”

  After getting it today, his eyes widened when he saw the two thousand dollars.

  Yu Lao San really wanted to take the money and fly away, but he thought of Wu Qing's words.

  Wu Qing: If you can do good things, if you hire him, you won’t have to worry about making money in the future.

   This sentence made Yu Lao San wake up in an instant. After all, Wu Qing bought a lot of things at home during this time, which are not affordable by ordinary people.

  At least Wuqing’s family couldn’t afford it before, but now they can afford it if they get along with others.

  So, Yu Laosan made up his mind, instead of making a fortune for a while, it is better to have a long-term one, so as to have continuous income.

  Hearing his words, Gu Chen raised his eyes and looked over.

  Although this person looks like an honest person, the shrewdness in his eyes cannot be ignored.

   What's more, pickpockets can do such a thing, what kind of simple person can it be?

   Gu Chen didn't dislike the opponent's skills, but was wary of such a person.

   After thinking about it, he said, "Let me think about it."

   Did not agree, nor refused.

   But for the third child, the matter is already half successful, as long as he doesn't refuse immediately.

   "Okay, okay, Brother Chen can just tell Wu Qing when he has made up his mind." He nodded in agreement.

  Wu Qing's family also lives nearby, and the two have played together since they were young. If they can mention this to the third child, they must not be ordinary friends.

   After getting the money, Gu Chen left without talking nonsense.

   On the way back, he kept thinking about what happened in the past two days. In fact, he had already made up his mind when he promised Shen Zhengxin that the money would not be easily taken away by the other party.

  If it is a normal parent, don't say two thousand, and he won't say a word of nonsense if he gives another two thousand.

   Eat and drink well and serve you like a distinguished guest.

  But what is the attitude of the three of Shen Zhengxin? Especially Zhang Mei's mother and daughter, that attitude made him look very angry.

   And Shen Zhengxin was just a little bit smarter than the two of them, not much, just a little bit.

  It's all bad-hearted, who can think of using the daughter's lifelong happiness to gain a future, who can do this.

  When I think of these Gu Chens, I get angry, but fortunately, this time they have suffered a disadvantage, and it can be regarded as an outlet for my daughter-in-law!

   Naturally, Shen Man didn't know about this. She was sitting in the space studying Russian. If she didn't study now, when would she wait?

   When the book is used up, she will regret it less. She didn't expect to regret it.

  In fact, Shen Man originally wanted to go to a prestigious university, but later he thought about doing business in the future. In fact, it doesn't matter which school he goes to.

  Going to college is also the dream of the original owner. The little girl dreams that one day she will go to college, become a cadre after graduation, and be able to leave her uncomfortable family.

  Unfortunately, she only left after she died of illness.

  Shen Man sighed and closed the book.

  Study is really not happy, especially after so many years of graduation, she doesn't want to study anymore.

the next day.

  When Shen Man came back from school, he found Gu Chen staying at home.

   Seeing her coming back, she immediately went over and said, "I bought food, and I'll wait for you to come back to eat."

   Originally, Gu Chen planned to go to the university to find her, but he didn't go because he was afraid that Shen Man would not like it.

  I didn’t even want to pick her up to and from get off work before, and now I don’t even dare to.

  Shen Man looked at the food in the lunch box and said, "I can cook by myself, so why are you bringing me food?"

  That's what she said, but the happy smile on her face can be seen, and she is very happy at this moment.

  Gu Chen sat down to serve her a meal, and waited for Shen Man to wash his hands and came back before saying: "I want to tell you something today, so I brought the meal back, not on purpose."

   "What's the matter?" Shen Man raised his head and asked.

   But Gu Chen didn't answer immediately, but collected his thoughts, and then said: "Actually, I have someone get back the money your father took away."

  After saying this, he carefully observed the person opposite, for fear that his wife would be unhappy.

  Shen Man was taken aback for a moment, then his expression was very exciting, and finally he asked in surprise: "Really?"

   Seeing that she was not angry, but a little excited, Gu Chen smiled.

   Fortunately, the daughter-in-law is not angry, she is sensible.

  He nodded and said: "Of course, there are many people on the train, so it's easy to succeed."

  He didn't know the details, because he wasn't there, let alone asked.

   Shen Man is happy now, "Thank you!"

   After finishing speaking, she gave Gu Chen a big boo.

that is really good!

  She just said, it would be better to feed the dog for so much money. It's all right now, the money is back, but it is estimated that the expressions of the three members of the Shen family will be very exciting.

  At this time, Shen Man was still a little uncomfortable, it was a pity that he didn't see them jumping.

  How happy the three of the Shen family were when they got the money, how disappointed they are now.

  So much money, if you say no, it will be gone.

  Gu Chen felt relieved and ate with her, feeling that the decision he made was very wise!

  (end of this chapter)

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