Chapter 157 Photography

   After eating, Shen Man said directly: "Have you brought your household registration to the city?"

   "Bring it, after buying a house, my household registration will be listed on the house." Gu Chen didn't know what she was going to do.

  Hearing the words, Shen Man nodded, "Then you go to get the account, the two of us will go to register today."

   During this time, she has seen how much Gu Chen has done for her and paid a lot.

  So let’s get the certificate ahead of time, and we’ll talk about the wedding next year.

   Upon hearing this, Gu Chen froze in place, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

  Seeing that he didn't speak or move, Shen Man said, "Why, you don't like it?"

   Yoho, it's rare that you take the initiative to ask for marriage, and the other party is so disrespectful? What a slap in the face.

   "No, no, no!" Gu Chen was so excited that he couldn't speak, and immediately grabbed her hand and said, "Get married! It's a must!"

   "What are you talking about?" Shen Man didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

  Finally, the two went to the marriage registration office together, and Gu Chen rushed to get the household registration, and then the two of them registered.

   Looking at the freshly baked small notebook, Gu Chen was very happy.

  When passing by the photo studio, he suddenly remembered that the two of them hadn't taken a photo yet.

   It is popular for people in the city to take a group photo when they get married. Although it is black and white, it is meaningful to have time to prove it.

   "Shall we go take a photo?" Gu Chen carefully put away the marriage certificate, and then dragged people away.

   It was clearly a question, but it dragged on without waiting for an answer.

   Shen Man was dragged to the photo studio, and he thought he didn't put on any makeup, so he just took a picture like this?

   "Comrade, let's take pictures." Gu Chen has already started to pay.

   There are only the two of them in the photo studio. There are not many people who can take pictures these days. With that money, everyone would rather eat something delicious. Who will take pictures.

   That is to say, those who live well, only take pictures once a year, and those who do not take pictures often.

   Shen Man was pulled in front of the camera, and then arranged her hair. There was nothing to tidy up the braids, put them in front of him, and looked at the camera with a smile.

  The old master who took the photo adjusted the angle, and then snapped a photo.

  The two people changed positions and took another photo, and then separated and took another photo, a total of four photos.

   "So many shots?" Shen Man was a little surprised.

  She thinks she should change clothes and take pictures when taking pictures, which is too monotonous.

   Gu Chen said with a smile: "We will take pictures after you like to take pictures."

  The master handed the note to Gu Chen, and asked him to come back to pick it up in a week. The photos can't be finished in a day, and there are other people's photos, which need to be queued.

  The two left the photo studio, and Gu Chen felt that he was floating in the sky now.

  What happened today was like a dream. I used to look forward to getting married every day, but today I suddenly got a marriage certificate.

   "I'll go back by myself, you go to work." Shen Man watched the buses coming not far away, and the department store happened to be nearby.

  Hearing this, Gu Chen pulled her back and said, "What work do you have? I'm taking leave today. Let's go, go home first."

  He rode a little excitedly and took people back. Today he is very tough, he didn't listen to a word of Shen Man.

   Shen Man was also very helpless, sitting in the car and letting Shen Man take her home.

  As soon as they arrived at the door, the two found someone sitting there.

  There is a stone at the door, which is good for sitting on.

   "Mom? Why are you here?" Gu Chen approached and found Li Jinhua, feeling very surprised.

  The people who came without saying a word came, and I didn't hear that they were coming.

  Li Jinhua stared blankly at him, and said, "Why, I'm your mother, so I can't come to your house, right?"

   "One or two is not worrying. If we agree to come to play for a few days, they are all at work."

  She was talking about Gu Nan. She thought about letting the child out to see the world, so she might be able to restrain her temper.

   This is great, the people who sent it out confiscated it, and they never returned home.

   Gu Chen said with a smile: "It would be better not to be at home, so as not to make you angry."

  He went to open the door while talking.

   Shen Man walked over and said hello, "Auntie."

   It's been a long time since I saw Li Jinhua. She felt very happy to see her again and also missed her a lot.

  Li Jinhua nodded with a smile and said, "Are you used to it in the city? It's much better than the countryside."

  The colorful world has charming eyes. After entering the city, she felt that her eyes were not enough.

   This is not the first time she has come to the city, and she has been to Li Jinyuan's house before, but she has stayed in the countryside all year round, so she must prefer the prosperity of the city.

  The three of them walked into the yard, Shen Man said a few words to her, and then went to boil water to make tea.

   There is no refrigerator at home on a hot day, and herbal tea is unavailable.

   Li Jinhua was so hot that she couldn't wait any longer, so she went to the kitchen to scoop up water with a ladle and poured it into the tea mug, drinking it happily.

   "Auntie, drinking unboiled water at this time is easy to cause diarrhea." After seeing it, Shen Man had no time to stop her.

  Although the city is good, the water is trapped in the water tank every day. There is no running water at home, and the water is usually pressed in the yard.

  Li Jinhua didn't pay much attention, she waved her hand and said, "It's okay, I'm used to it."

  It has been like this all year round, and her stomach has long adapted to this way of drinking water.

   Shen Man went out and poured tea, then sat by and listened to their chat.

  Li Jinhua said: "Two days ago, the captain said that someone wrote to Shen Man, so I mailed it to you."

   "Later, the captain said it was sent from your house, but the captain received a call from Shen Man's house and asked about his current address. If I'm worried about anything, I'll come and have a look."

  She was afraid that the Shen family would take away her daughter-in-law, would Gu Chen accept that kind of consequences?

  So she bought a ticket and rushed over overnight, regardless of the work points of the brigade.

   Seeing her dusty appearance, Gu Chen understood what was going on, it must be Li Jinhua who felt that he would be dumped again.

   But Shen Man felt very heartwarming, because the Gu family knew that she couldn't get along with the family, and now they came to see her, that is, they regarded her as a family member.

   "Thank you, aunt, they have already left." Shen Man didn't say anything specific, it was too troublesome to say.

  Some things are better left unsaid, and she doesn't care if Gu Chen will say it in the future.

  Li Jinhua didn't ask any further questions, and was relieved to hear that the person had left.

   "You didn't go to my uncle's?" Gu Chen saw that she didn't bring anything, so he thought that this person would leave tomorrow, right?

  Hearing this, Li Jinhua said: "I've gone, the things are still at his house. I'm going to live there at night, and I just haven't seen your old uncle for a long time."

   This time I came here mainly to see Shen Man, and secondly to see my brother, Gu Chen and Gu Nan, just by the way.

   Seeing what she said, Shen Man said: "Then come to the house for dinner? Let the old uncle come too, and I will go out to buy vegetables."

   "It's rare that my aunt is here, and we get together to have fun."

   You haven’t seen each other for a long time, so of course we will get together if we have the chance.

   "Okay." Gu Chen agreed and asked her to go grocery shopping.

  There is a vegetable stand nearby, and Shen Man usually goes there to buy, so he is already familiar with the way there.

  (end of this chapter)

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