Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 158: I'm not a white-eyed wolf

  Chapter 158 I am not a white-eyed wolf

   Seeing her walking away with a basket alone, Li Jinhua was a little worried, "Can you let her go by herself?"

  Gu Chen wasn't worried this time, and said, "Okay, it's nearby, less than a mile away."

   Shen Man knew all about the surrounding situation, and it was fine to go out alone.

   Seeing what he said, Li Jinhua didn't ask any more questions.

  But what Gu Chen said next really surprised her.

   "Mom, today we went to get a marriage certificate." Gu Chen's expression was a little embarrassed, and he couldn't restrain his expression of wanting to laugh.

   In the end, the mouth is grinning to the ear, which is too exaggerated.

  Hearing this, Li Jinhua looked at him in surprise and asked, "Is it true?"

   It's no wonder she didn't believe it, the main reason is that Gu Chen has always been catching up.

  Hearing what she said, Gu Chen stopped laughing, "What are you talking about? It must be true, take a look."

   As he spoke, he took out a small book from his pocket and handed it over.

  Marriage certificate! Fresh from the oven!

   Now Li Jinhua has no choice but to believe that she is really married?

   "Okay, you don't have to worry about it in the future." She was a little complicated.

  Two years ago, my son was a well-known wife in ten miles and eight villages, but now he actually got a marriage certificate.

   Gu Chen grinned and said: "Don't worry, we may get married next year, and now we need to get the certificate first."

  He has already made plans. When the time comes, the two of them will change to a bigger house and have five or six children.

   Make more money by yourself, and then Shen Man can just take care of the children at home.

  Looking at his silly smile, Li Jinhua really couldn't bear to watch it, so Gu Yuan became a little more serious, and Gu Chen was thick-skinned and shameless.

   Gu Nan is the same.

  Gu Nan:? ? ?

  When Shen Man came back, Gu Chen had already cooked the rice, and Li Jinhua was lying in Gu Nan's room to sleep, really exhausted after two days of driving.

   Seeing her resting, Shen Man quietly went to close the door, and then went to the kitchen to cook.

   Gu Chen took her vegetable basket and said, "Let me come, it's too hot to cook, you go out for a rest."

   On such a hot day, he really didn't want to let his wife suffer from cooking.

  Hearing that Shen Man refused, "That can't be done, I have to show my hand today, everyone is coming to dinner."

   "By the way, you remember to go to the old uncle's house in advance to tell him, so that he won't be too busy to entertain at that time."

   Li Jinyuan has a lot of entertainment at work, and he often does not eat at home, so he must say hello in advance.

  The daughter-in-law had already spoken, and Gu Chen nodded in agreement: "Okay, I'll call his work unit and tell him later."

   It's not easy, just make a phone call. It's a bit expensive, but it's easy.

  Shen Man felt very speechless when he heard his words, and the people in the same district actually called to notify.

  But she didn't care too much, and turned her head to continue processing the ingredients.

  Today she plans to show off her skills, what kind of hotpot buns are served, and the Northeast famous dishes will be arranged.

  She used to like to eat these things, and lived in the Northeast all year round, so she can do everything.

   My favorite is of course Sichuan cuisine. Let’s try some boiled fish today.

   Gu Chen was sent by her to slice the fish, and then she was in charge of doing it.

   Gu Nan came back after five o'clock in the afternoon, just as Li Jinhua woke up too.

   Seeing her mother coming, Gu Nan couldn't be happier. "Oh, mom, when did you come? Did you miss me and come to see me?"

  She used to be very annoyed that Li Jinhua was cruel to her, but after being away from home for so long, she still misses it a little.

  Hearing this, Li Jinhua gave her a blank stare: "You little heartless person, you won't go home after you leave. Isn't it better in the city than at home, and you are reluctant to leave?"

   "Yes, the city is better." Gu Nan nodded directly, without any ambiguity.

  How nice it is in the city. You can eat whatever you want, but you can’t eat anything in the village, and you can eat big pancakes all day long.

  In the past, Gu Chen ate dumplings from time to time at home, but the dumpling skins could not be seen when they left.

   Upon hearing this, Li Jinhua became angry, patted Gu Nan and said bitterly: "Wolf-eyed wolf! My old lady has fed you for so many years."

   "I'm not a white-eyed wolf!" Gu Nan quibbled: "I left all the money from last month, and I was going to mail it back to you, so you came here."

   After finishing speaking, she went straight into the room, took out an envelope and said, "Look, twenty-six yuan is here!"

  She is a tally clerk, with a basic salary of 26 yuan a month and a bonus of 5 yuan a month, a total of 31 yuan.

  However, Gu Nan left five yuan for emergencies. After all, he is away from home, so he can't point everything at Gu Chen and the others.

  Seeing the money, Li Jinhua felt a little touched, sighed and said, "Take it yourself, Mom knows you don't spend money recklessly, so you can buy whatever you want in the future."

  When the girl is older, she can no longer ask her family for money to buy a new dress or something, and her back will be straight when she has some money in her hand.

  Seeing what she said, Gu Nan hesitated for a moment, then accepted it. Anyway, I earned it myself, so I just need to buy more things for my family in the future.

  Growing up at home, she knows how difficult it is for her parents.

   "Where's my second brother?" Gu Nan glanced, and Shen Man was cooking in the kitchen.

  Li Jinhua didn't know either, she just woke up.

  Shen Man in the kitchen said: "He is going to deliver a letter to the old uncle, and he will come here for dinner tonight."

  She didn't say to call, otherwise, with Li Jinhua's character, she would definitely be blown up.

  What kind of family, let people come to dinner at night and call.

   It didn't take long for Gu Chen to come back, and Li Jinyuan came in a while, and they prepared the meals first.

   Cooked six dishes and one soup today, and Shen Man was sweating from the busy work. The kitchen is really too hot, and they are still walking around the stove.

  Gu Nan was also sweating when he helped lay the hands. He didn't sweat so much after working all day.

   After six o'clock in the evening, Li Jinyuan's family of three came.

   Seeing Li Jinhua, the two siblings greeted each other for a while. Their relationship was very good, and they had never quarreled since they were young.

   At the beginning, Li Jinyuan was able to study and develop so well, all thanks to Li Jinhua's dedication, so now he often helps the Gu family.

   He also respects Gu Dacheng, otherwise Li Jinhua would not be able to help him in this way.

  Wang Chunying knew she was coming a long time ago. She was at home at the time, and later sent Li Jinhua here and went to work again.

   After exchanging pleasantries, the meals were served on the table one after another.

  These dishes are full of flavor and taste, better than those made by restaurant chefs.

  Li Jinyuan said with a smile: "If I knew Xiaoman's good craftsmanship, why should we go to a restaurant?"

  I also ate the dishes made by Shen Man last time I came here, but without these special dishes, most families don’t know how to make them, only restaurant chefs can.

  Shen Man smiled and said nothing, seeing everyone's delicious food, he was also happy.

   And Li Jinyuan took a sip of wine and said: "Sister, why don't you tell me in advance when you come, so that I can pick you up at the train station. If Gu Chen hadn't called me to come to dinner, I would have gone out to socialize today."

   This unintentional remark stunned everyone.

   "Call?" Li Jinhua looked directly at Gu Chen, with anger shining in his eyes.

  (end of this chapter)

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