Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 159: never seen you like this

  Chapter 159 Never seen you like this

   Li Jinyuan was taken aback when he saw her reaction, "Yeah, what's wrong?"

   Then he looked at Gu Chen, and only then did he understand what was going on.

  In fact, he is used to life in the city, so making a phone call is nothing to him.

   But Li Jinhua is different. He is used to frugality so he is not willing to call. He usually writes letters.

   Li Jinyuan quickly interrupted and said: "Oh, sister, long time no see, let's have a drink."

   As he spoke, he pushed the wine glass over.

  Li Jinhua knew that he was trying to smooth things over there, so he glared at Gu Chen, and then took a sip of wine with his brother.

  She doesn't usually drink at home, but today she is really happy, so she has a drink.

  The siblings haven’t seen each other for a long time, and there is indeed a lot to say.

  Everyone ate and listened to the two of them chatting, and it was quite harmonious.

  Shen Man looked at Gu Chen, and said in a low voice, "I'll make you laugh."

  She felt that Li Jinhua would not pass by so easily, and when he left, she would probably call Gu Chen a prodigal.

   Gu Chen smiled and didn't refute, anyway, he was thick-skinned and casual.

  Seeing him like this, Shen Man didn't know what to say.

   After dinner, Li Jinhua went back to live with them.

  Shen Man said: "Auntie can live here at night, and Gu Nan and I will live here."

   It was a rare visit, and she also wanted to get close to Li Jinhua.

  Hearing that Li Jinhua refused, she said, "I won't be staying with you, I just went back to chat with them, I haven't seen you for too long."

  The two siblings have a good relationship, and what they want to say must not be finished within a meal.

  Seeing what she said, Shen Man didn't keep her anymore, and took the initiative to send her out.

  Gu Chen stood at the door watching them leave, but did not go back.

   "Why don't you leave?" Gu Nan looked back at him, asking very naturally.

   "You stinky girl!" Gu Chen said angrily, "What does it matter to you whether I go or not? You forgot that this is my house, right?"

   "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot." Gu Nan stuck out her tongue, and then ran into the house in despair.

  What did you forget? She did it on purpose.

   "Let's go into the room and have a meeting." Shen Man has long been used to the two of them doing this, so he went into the room after speaking.

  Gu Chen sat on the sofa, took out the newspaper from his pocket and said, "This is the two thousand yuan, you can keep it."

   After getting it back from the third child, he decided to give the money to Shen Man.

  But when I came back, I heard Shen Man talking about receiving a marriage certificate, and I forgot everything about this excitement.

  I only remembered it when I was having dinner at night, but it was inconvenient to take it out at that time, so I just waited for people to leave.

Seeing the money, Shen Man shook his head and replied: "No need, I have money, and I didn't spend what you gave me last time. When I left the food factory, the factory gave me another two hundred yuan. Now it's more money. The flowers are endless."

  Gu Chen gave her 1,000 yuan, and 700 yuan from the factory. That's 1700 yuan.

  Including the more than 30 yuan of expenses, I went to buy a bicycle, and there is still a lot.

   "I know you have money, you can keep the money, save it or spend it." Gu Chen insisted on giving it to her, with a serious expression on his face.

  Shen Man was a little helpless, it was the first time in her two lives that she had met such a person, and she insisted on giving him money, is it strange to you?

   "I've never seen you like this."

  Hearing the words, Gu Chen smiled, and replied, "Isn't that why you saw it?"

   After the two chatted and laughed, Gu Chen went back, and it was getting late.

   Shen Man sent him out, today is indeed a happy day.

   The two received their marriage certificates, and Li Jinhua also came.

  Back in the house, she picked up the towel and went out to take a shower. She sweated a lot from cooking today, which was quite uncomfortable.

  But she was thinking in her heart, what is the situation of the Shen family now?

   It's really depressing not to see their expressions.

  Shen family.

  After taking the train for a day and a night, they finally arrived home.

  It's a pity that the thief was not caught on the train. The police just asked them to go back and wait for news. If they have clues, they will tell them.

  Opening the door and entering the room, Shen Zhengxin had a dark face the whole time.

   Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Shen Peng winked and asked his wife to bring the child into the house, while he stayed in the living room.

  The living room was originally not big, and Shen Zhengxin kicked and kicked the door as soon as he entered, and everything was messed up all of a sudden.

  Zhang Mei didn't dare to complain, and followed behind to clean up. Who made this the head of the family?

  Shen Yu was so tired that she didn't care about anything else, so she went into the house to rest.

   After tossing and tossing for several days, I didn't get anything, and I was scolded all over my face.

  She doesn't even know what the picture shows!

  Shen Peng looked at Zhang Mei, not knowing what happened. He said to bring Shen Man back, but no one came back.

  Zhang Mei gave him a look, and then went out to cook.

  They haven't eaten yet. They are too hungry on the road and dare not talk about buying food.

   Only when Shen Zhengxin spoke, did she dare to go shopping.

  Cooked some dried noodles casually and brought them in. Shen Yu didn't eat, only the two of them ate.

   Originally, Shen Zhengxin didn't want to eat, but he lost the two thousand dollars, so how could he be in the mood to eat?

  But I have to eat again, I'm hungry!

   "Clean up." After dinner, Shen Zhengxin sat on the sofa and smoked.

   And Zhang Mei had to clean up the dishes obediently, tired all day and night, and starving.

  Cooking and tidying up when I came back, don't mention how depressed I am.

  Shen Zhengxin and his son were left in the room, so he said, "Xiaopeng, has the factory manager come over these two days?"

  Because Shen Man was called back this time, but he didn't call back, and the money was lost.

   My teeth hurt just thinking about it.

  Hearing the words, Shen Peng replied: "I didn't come, the factory has been very busy recently, and I am also busy with work over there."

  There are indeed many jobs in the mine, and there is a large workload throughout the year.

   While Shen Peng works in another factory, he doesn't know much about the mine.

  Shen Zhengxin sighed, rubbed his temples, feeling extremely worried.

   Now there is nothing left in the chicken and egg fight, can it make him happy?

  Don't mention going well, my heart feels blocked!

   Seeing that he was not in the right state, Shen Peng asked tentatively: "Dad, didn't you pick up Shen Man? Why didn't you come back with you?"

  He knew about these things. Although he felt bad, he couldn't stop it.

   After all, Shen Zhengxin is the head of the Shen family. What right does he have to stop him?


   Mentioning these things, Shen Zhengxin held back his anger and said: "Shen Man won't go home, so I asked her for two thousand yuan, which is considered a bride price. But when I got into the car, I lost the money..."

  When it came to the loss of money, he couldn't get angry, but he couldn't get angry with his son. In the future, he still expects his son to take care of him in the old age. It's okay to get angry with his daughter, so what if he beats him up? They're going to get married anyway.

  Hearing this, Shen Peng's eyes widened in surprise, "Two thousand dollars? Where did Shen Man get so much money?"

   If there is such money, it is definitely better than letting Shen Man marry.

  The crippled son of the factory manager has a bad temper, and he looks like he can beat people.

   "I've got a date, and I got the date." Shen Zhengxin's tone was a bit complicated, and he was a little bit unwilling...

  (end of this chapter)

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