Chapter 160 Going home

  Actually, Shen Zhengxin never thought that Shen Man would have a successful day.

  Of course, in his eyes, being able to find a capable partner is also called promising.

  Don’t women depend on men all their lives? If you marry into a wealthy family, you don't have to worry about food and drink for the rest of your life.

  Shen Peng was very surprised, he did not expect such a result.

  He hesitated for a moment and said: "Then I don't think I can get the money back?"

  I lost it on the train, where can I find it?

  At this moment, his thought was the same as that of the conductor, why didn't he exchange the money into a deposit receipt? In the past, the certificate of deposit was very small, just put it in your pocket.

  So much money is carelessly put in pockets, who will the thief steal if he doesn’t steal it?

  Hearing this, Shen Zhengxin's face turned black. He was already unhealthy because of going down the well all year round, but now he looked as if he was going to die.

  Shen Peng didn't dare to say anything more, and lowered his head quietly.

  Everyone knows Shen Zhengxin's temper, and if he talks too much, he will be scolded.

  If it was Shen Yu, he would have been scolded by this time, but he was tolerant towards his son, and waved his hand to let people go back.

  This is the only way to go. Shen Zhengxin prayed that the thief would be caught and the money would be returned.

   Seeing him go into the room to sleep, Shen Peng quietly went out to stand in the kitchen, "Mom, did you really lose two thousand dollars?"

  His voice was very low, afraid of being heard by the people in the room. If it is true, then you have to jump up and scold people again.

  Although Shen Zhengxin treated him more preferentially, he also cursed at him when he was in a hurry.

  Hearing this, Zhang Mei's face was complicated, and she couldn't help sighing: "Yeah, I was so worried that I didn't dare to speak along the way. Look at your father, who dares to say that?"

   Losing money makes everyone upset. After all, we are a family. If the family has money, everyone will benefit.

  Hearing this, Shen Peng also felt a little distressed, it was two thousand yuan!

  He comforted: "Mom, don't worry too much, we must be unlucky to encounter such a thing. But according to your opinion, Xiaoman is developing very well now, and when she has money in the future, she will definitely help the family."

   "Come on." Zhang Mei shook her head and said, "This time it's very tense. I don't think she will help in the future, let alone go home."

  I originally thought that if I took the money, I would just break up, and it didn't matter. But now that the money is lost, how can it be the same as before.

   "Xiaoman has become different from before, and is not human at all now." She couldn't help complaining.

  The obedient and hard-working Shen Man in the past has become unknown to her.

  Shen Peng thought for a while and said, "I've been out for a year, and it will definitely be different. Let's rest early."

  He didn't say anything more, turned his head into the room and went to sleep.

   In the end, he had never seen the two thousand dollars. At most, he just sighed, not as troublesome as they were.

   In the next two days, when Shen Man wasn't in school, she would go out with Li Jinhua to play.

   Neither of them had a good time visiting Jicheng. It is rare that they have time, so they must go to play.

  Back home in the afternoon, Shen Man bought vegetables and prepared to cook, and Li Jinhua also came to help.

   "Let me cook, you go and rest for a while." Seeing her sweating, Li Jinhua felt very distressed.

   After getting a marriage certificate, she is my daughter-in-law, how can I not feel distressed.

  Shen Man smiled and shook his head: "No, I'll be with you. I'm not tired from cooking, I'm hot."

  The weather is too hot. There is no air conditioner at home, not even an electric fan.

   There is an electric fan in her space, but unfortunately it cannot be used because the power consumption is too large.

  If this trips, there will be no lights all night.

   Two people cook very quickly, one washes the vegetables and the other chops them, and the meals are ready soon.

  The two Gu Chen brothers and sisters also got off work, and now they are in ambush. The weather is getting hotter every day.

   "Second brother, should we also install a fan in our house? It's too hot!" Gu Nan couldn't help complaining.

  There is a ceiling fan in each lobby of the department store, which is very cool.

  When I got home, I was so hot that I didn't want to go off work.

   Before Gu Chen could answer, Li Jinhua on the side came over to pat her: "Why don't you go to heaven? Return the fan, I think you look like a fan."

   "What's wrong with being hot for two days? You've survived in the countryside for more than ten years, but you'll be fine after two and a half days in the city."

  Hearing this, Gu Nan pouted aggrievedly: "What's the matter with me? You see, my second sister-in-law is sweating, you are not hot."

   She is not the only one who is hot...

   Now that Shen Man was mentioned, Li Jinhua didn't say anything else.

   What are you talking about? That's the daughter-in-law.

  Gu Chen saw the two of them talking, and said, "It's okay to buy a fan, it's quite hot at home."

   It is expensive to get things, but he has money. Money is money, there is nowhere to buy it.

  I also contacted before, but there is no stock, so there has been no news.

  Shen Man also heard what they said, and came out from the kitchen with dishes and said: "Buy some fans, it will cool down after a month of heat."

  The weather in Northeast China has four distinct seasons. After summer and autumn, it will not be hot, so she didn't think about buying a fan.

   Besides, this thing is quite expensive, and there is no need to buy it if you have money.

   "There is still one month left, so I can buy one." Gu Chen felt that it was necessary to buy a fan, but he had to ask again.

   Seeing what he said, Shen Man shook his head, "Forget it, let's talk about it next year, it won't be hot for two days."

  Actually, she felt that if she could buy it, Gu Chen would have bought it a long time ago, so she wouldn't have waited until now.

  Hearing that Gu Chen didn't speak any more, several people started to serve food.

  It was extremely hot during the day today, so I took a shower after eating and went to bed.

  Li Jinhua lives with Gu Nan today. The mother and daughter usually quarrel, but it is rare to see each other now, so they should get closer.

  Shen Man couldn't sleep at night, locked the door and entered the space to study.

  The space is always at a constant temperature, so it's neither hot nor cold, and it's quite comfortable here.

  She didn't read the lessons in the book much, and the rest is to review carefully, and then ask Gu Chen if she doesn't know it.

   Graduation at this time is also very simple, not as cumbersome as later generations.

  Shen Man believed that she would be able to graduate smoothly, even one year in advance.

  Li Jinhua has been staying in the city for a week, and in the end she is really worried about her family, and she is in a hurry to go home.

   "What are you doing back home? Stay a few more days." Seeing her anxious look, Wang Chunying wanted to laugh, thinking about what was going on at home.

  Everyone ate at Li Jinyuan's place at night, and Li Jinhua brought up the matter of going home when there were so many people.

   "That's right, sister, it's rare for you to come, so stay a few more days." Li Jinyuan also persuaded.

   But Li Jinhua made up her mind to go, and said: "I can't stay anymore, there are so many things at home, I can't stay."

  The two chickens at home need to be taken care of, and the team members can also get work points now.

  She is worried about Li Mei's work, what if the chicken is killed?

   also pointed at the chicken laying eggs!

   Seeing her appearance, everyone was very helpless.

  Only Gu Nan knew what was going on: "Mom, are you afraid that two chickens will be killed by my sister-in-law for meat?"

   Ask for a monthly pass



  (end of this chapter)

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