Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 161: Come in by relationship

  Chapter 161 Came in by relationship

   "What are you talking about!" Li Jinhua glared at her.

   But what other people saw was that she was saying: What nonsense is the truth?

  Shen Man was a little curious, seeing how steady Li Mei looked, how could she do such a thing?

  Gu Nan curled her lips and whispered to Shen Man: "One year, my sister-in-law killed chickens while my mother wasn't at home. She ate half of the chicken and kept the other half. My mother felt very distressed."

   That year Li Mei ate a chicken while she was in confinement, but she was still very impatient, so she killed the chicken while her mother-in-law was not at home.

  What she thought was to ask Li Jinhua to make up for it when the time came, but Li Jinhua didn't ask for it when she came back, so the matter of being angry for two days is over.

   So much so that now she dares not let Li Mei be at home, for fear that she will kill the chicken and eat it while she is not there.

  Li Jinhua glared at her, the room was so big, Gu Nan could hear her even if she spoke softly.

   Several people continued to eat and tried to persuade Li Jinhua to stay for a few more days.

  It's a pity that she has already made up her mind and went to buy a ticket today. The moment the ticket was taken out, everyone understood that this meant that she had to leave.

   After dinner, Li Jinhua took Shen Man to the hut to talk alone.

   Shen Man didn't know what she was going to say, so he sat there and listened quietly, with an obedient appearance.

   "Xiaoman." Li Jinhua took her hand and said, "I heard from Chenzi about the matter of your marriage certificate."

   "It's hard for you, just tell me if you have anything in the future. If you want to hold a wedding next year, you can do it anywhere."

  Hearing this, Shen Man said: "At that time, I will go back to the brigade with him, and we will discuss the specific time."

  Actually, Li Jinhua asked this question on purpose, to see what she meant and whether she wanted to get married.

  Seeing that she agreed to get married next year, she smiled with satisfaction: "Okay, listen to you, you can do it wherever you want."

  The two of them talked a little homely again, and then they went out of the room.

  Everyone chatting outside the house, it was quite lively.

  Li Wenting came over and said a little embarrassedly: "Sister-in-law, aren't you making ice cream in the food factory now?"

   "That's right, what kind of ice cream do you want to eat? You can buy it outside." Shen Man looked at the little girl in front of him, and remembered that when she first came here, this girl got close to her because of the ice cream.

  Hearing that, Li Wenting was a little disappointed, but immediately said: "I still want to eat more new flavors, but since you don't make them, I can eat them too."

   After finishing speaking, she ran to the refrigerator and took out a few ice creams for everyone.

  The weather is so hot, it is not easy to eat something cool.

   Only the Li family has such a condition. Refrigerators are hard to buy now, and Gu Chen can't buy them either.

  He had some in stock before, but he sold them all at once, so that he doesn't even want to use them now.

  Everyone chatted very late before going back. The night wind was very cool, and Shen Man couldn't see the road ahead clearly while sitting in the back seat of Gu Chen's car.

  Gu Nan rode behind alone, and a street light on the road was on from time to time, but most of them were not on.

   Later, these lights have to be turned off, otherwise electricity is wasted.

   After riding for a long time, he finally returned home. Gu Chen said, "Go in, I'll go back."

  I planned to stay later, but it was getting late, and the street lights were turned off if I didn’t go back. It would not be safe to ride a bicycle by then.

   Shen Man nodded and went into the courtyard with Gu Nan to close the door, and the people outside the door were relieved to leave.

  Woke up the next morning, Shen Man didn't have time to send Li Jinhua away because she had a class. Fortunately, Li Jinyuan had time to send it off, and Gu Chen also went.

   It was a rare trip, and Li Jinyuan prepared a lot of things in big and small bags.

  Shen Man finished her class and was about to go home. Before she could pack up her books, someone came over.

   "Hi, classmate, can I get to know you?" The person who came was a **** in her twenties with neat short hair.

   "Hello, my name is Shen Man."

   "Hello, my name is Wu You!"

  Wu You? What a nice name, carefree...

   Shen Man didn't know what the other party's purpose was, but just kept a polite distance.

  She is used to people approaching her with a purpose, and it was like this before.

  Maybe it became like this because of too much experience.

   "Where are you going for lunch? Let's go to the cafeteria together?" Wu You glanced at his watch, it was just time for lunch.

  Hearing that, Shen Man also checked the time, Li Jinhua's car had already left, and now he didn't want to rush there.

   So she agreed, and the two went to the school cafeteria together.

   It has been ten days since I came to school. This is the first time for Shen Man to eat in the cafeteria. Before that, he always ate at home.

  Looking at the rich meals, her lunch box meal tickets followed behind to make meals.

  Basic meal tickets can also be used for meat dishes, just a kind of bean stew, the meat is almost invisible. But it can be seen from the shiny beans that there is no shortage of oil in this dish.

  Shen Man looked at other meat dishes in a blink of an eye, such as stewed fish with tofu, stewed chicken with potatoes, and stewed pork ribs with beans.

   Look, this cadre canteen doesn’t even have such good food, right?

  She ate what she had enough to eat, and it was inconvenient to take it away if it was too much, and she spilled all the dangling ones.

  The school is full of people, and she never uses the space here, for fear of being discovered by others.

  Sometimes Shen Man's vigilance towards other people is only limited to space and cannot be revealed.

   After all, she has too many secrets. Once someone finds out, it will be over.

  Wu You took her to an empty seat and sat down, and said, "I see that you often come to school alone, don't you know any classmates?"

   Both of them are majors, and there are only so many people in class, so they will naturally remember after watching too much.

   Especially Shen Man is pretty and easy to remember.

  Hearing this, Shen Man smiled and said: "Yes, I usually go home after class, and I won't stay at school."

  Sometimes she also goes to the library, but just borrows books.

   "Let's play together often from now on. I just came to school, and I don't know many people." Wu You saw that she was very talkative and close, so she wanted to make friends.

   Seeing her saying this, Shen Man didn't refuse, but she remembered that she hadn't met Wu You before the exam.

  Thinking of this, she asked, "Why haven't I met you before the exam? Aren't we all taking the entrance exam together?"

   It stands to reason so.

  However, some things are not played according to common sense.

  Wu You pursed his lips and smiled, and said in a low voice, "I came in through connections, so of course you haven't seen me."

   It turned out to be related!

  Shen Man on the opposite side suddenly realized!

   Did you see that no matter when you have a relationship, you can go wherever you want.

  Shen Man didn't ask her much about her situation. After all, there can be such a relationship. Isn't that a cadre family?

  Some things are better not known than known.

  The two of them ate separately, and sometimes Wu You would ask her some questions, such as where she usually likes to go.

Play? Shen Man remembered that he hadn't visited many places.

   I went to several parks with Li Jinhua a few days ago, do you like it?

   Ask for a monthly ticket



  (end of this chapter)

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