Chapter 162 Someone I Like

  Seeing that she has been silent, Wu You said: "I often go roller skating with my friends, and in winter I go skating in the lake of the Great Park."

   "What about you? What do you like to play?"

  As soon as Shen Man heard this, she was dumbfounded. She usually went to the park to hang out, as if she had lived an old life in advance, and everyone was skating...

   This comparison is really different!

   "I... have nothing to like, ha ha." She smiled awkwardly.

  Wu You thought for a while and said, "Then next time I go to play, I will tell you in advance and take you to play together."

   "Okay, thank you." Shen Man didn't refuse, after all, there are still two or three years left to study here, so it's nice to have a classmate or something.

  The two are professionals, and getting along will not be too tiring, after all, they have a common topic.

   After dinner, Shen Man went home. She had no class in the afternoon, so she might as well go home and rest.

  The weather looks good today, wash clothes and take a nap, not to mention how comfortable it is.

  Gu Chen didn't come over at night, it was the first time today.

   After Gu Nan came back, she asked, "Why didn't your second brother come? Why don't you come over for dinner?"

   "She went to socialize, and sometimes the manager asked him to go to dinner with us." Gu Nan said as he walked out to wash his hands and prepare for dinner.

  When she came back, Shen Man had already served the meal, and the two chatted while eating.

   It turned out that Gu Chen helped clear up the things that had been accumulated for a long time, so the manager took him out for dinner.

  In this way, the more people mess around, the better.

  In fact, she hopes that Gu Chen will get better and better, and put more effort into his career. They are one, and of course they are willing to achieve mutual success.

   During this period of time, Gu Chen has been busy with her affairs. Apart from being moved, Shen Man just wants to do something for the other party.

  It's a pity that she only has space, and some things are inconvenient to take out, so she can't help.

  Woke up the next morning, Shen Man found that Gu Chen was cooking breakfast at home, which made her suspect that she hadn't woken up.

   "Get up, wash your face and have breakfast." Gu Chen looked at her with a smile, and then came over with the cooked porridge.

   "Oh." Shen Man went to wash his face and brush his teeth in a daze, and he realized that this was not a dream.

   "Why are you here so early, you don't have to go to work." Back in the room, she asked her doubts.

  Hearing the words, Gu Chen said: "The manager asked me to go on a business trip, and I may not be able to come back until about ten days. I didn't go to work today."

  Actually, he doesn't want to go at all. If he goes on a business trip, he won't be able to see his wife. Who would want to go?

   "Then you have to take care of yourself and pay attention to safety when you go out." Shen Man didn't ask much.

  Gu Chen has his own job, he is like an old lady who takes care of so much, why not ignore it, it's good.

  At least everyone has their own personal space, and getting along will not be too tiring.

   "Don't worry, I'm already an adult." Gu Chen smiled indifferently, and beckoned her to eat first.

   Gu Nan got up and hurried to wash his face and eat, then combed his hair and went to work. Today, he didn't talk much.

   "There's something wrong with this girl?" Shen Man realized that something was wrong before she always felt something was wrong.

  Hearing this, Gu Chen smiled and said, "Maybe there is someone you like?"

  Yesterday Gu Nan bought two pieces of clothes at the store, and the defective ones cost three or four yuan each.

   Even if it is so cheap, it is definitely a high price for Gu Nan who came from the countryside.

  For her to make such a change, there must be someone she likes, otherwise she wouldn't do it.

   Shen Man was a little surprised, no wonder this girl touched cream after washing her face, and then dressed carefully.

  In the past, I just wore whatever I wanted, regardless of dressing up, let alone applying cream, and wished I didn’t even wash my face.

   "Do you know him?" Shen Man looked at him gossipingly, his eyes sparkling.

  Yes, she was really curious.

  Gu Chen nodded her forehead, and said: "Why are you so curious? I think she is in vain. Who can like such a character."

   It's not that he looks down on his sister, but that he knows what kind of person men like.

   People like Gu Nan, only the blind would fall in love with him, right?

  Hearing what he said, Shen Man was not happy anymore, "Tell me about you, how can you be an elder brother like you? You don't expect your sister's good at all, I really admire you."

   He actually hoped that the girl would not get married, so he was the only one who thought so.

  Gu Chen did not refute, shrugged his shoulders, and then stayed with Shen Man for a while.

  I'm going on a business trip soon, and I miss seeing you all day, and the ten-day and eight-day update is over.

  Gu Nan came to the department store, looked around after entering the room, and then went to the logistics.

   "Nan Nan is here." Jin Baoyu saw her and greeted her.

   Gu Nan nodded with a smile and said, "Brother Jin, is there any goods arriving today?"

  They are all working in the logistics. Usually when the goods arrive, Gu Nan will arrange the needed things at the counter. Occasionally, she also helps to move things into the warehouse. She has a lot of strength and can do these things.

  Hearing the words, Jin Baoyu shook his head, "It's out of stock today, go to the office and rest, there's nothing to do anyway."

  He entered the room first, and then poured a glass of water for the other party.

  The two are familiar because of Gu Chen. No one came today, so they didn't talk much.

  Gu Nan occasionally looked at the young man secretly, and he was fascinated by it.

  The two are about the same age, and Jin Baoyu is one year older than her. In fact, they usually have topics to talk about.

  At that time, Gu Chen was basically there, and Gu Nan could speak. Now it's just the two of them, so I feel embarrassed.

   "You sit down first, I'll go to the warehouse." After Jin Baoyu finished speaking, he took his notebook and left.

  Gu Nan was the only one left in the room now, she sighed, her face blushed unconsciously when she thought of that person.

   Fortunately, she already has plateau red on her face, so she can't quite see her shyness.

  Only people who are familiar with it know it, and those who don't know it basically can't see it.

   Hearing that there was no movement outside, Gu Nan got up and walked to Jin Baoyu's desk, thinking about messy things.

   In fact, Jin Baoyu looks okay, but she is young and a bit childish.

   Gu Nan is the same, like a child, who doesn't understand feelings at all.

   I realized that I like Jin Baoyu, and it took two days to realize it.

  She likes this person, and she also feels that she should be in a relationship. You can't always worry your parents, as if you can't get married.

  No matter the reason, she is optimistic about Jin Baoyu anyway.

   "What are you doing?" Jin Baoyu just came back at this time, seeing her in a daze in front of the desk, he asked.

   Gu Nan turned to look at him and said, "Do you have a date?"

   "No, what's the matter?" Jin Baoyu was confused, why did he suddenly ask this.

   "Then you have a date with me! Anyway, you don't have a date." Gu Nan was cheeky, not shy at all.

At once…

  The face is very big...

   Looking for a monthly pass, a total of 15 tickets have been issued, all of which are timed



  (end of this chapter)

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