Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 163: Do you know each other? !

  Chapter 163 Do you know each other? !

   "What?!" Jin Baoyu's eyes widened in disbelief, looking at the person in front of him, he didn't know how to answer for a while.

  But Gu Nan misunderstood, he thought that people didn't hear clearly, so he repeated it again.

   "Follow me with a date, don't you have a date?"


  Jin Baoyu looked at her in surprise, and said, "Do you think this is okay? Although I don't have a date, but you are Brother Chen's younger sister, I don't have that kind of thought about you."

   This is exactly what he thinks in his heart. Ever since he knew that Gu Chen brought the person, he has never thought about it that way.

   After all, they are all buddies, so how can they miss their sister.

   Gu Nan on the opposite side was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "I'm just kidding, I have to go to work."

   After finishing speaking, she turned around and went to the warehouse to tally the goods.

  Jin Baoyu scratched his head, and then left too. It's working time now, and everyone is very busy.

  In the warehouse, Gu Nan sat in the corner and looked outside with a very calm expression.

   It was the first time in my life that I was looking for someone to date, and I went there with a thick skin, but I was rejected just like that.

   It would be a lie to say that she doesn't feel uncomfortable, and she can't say that she feels uncomfortable, it's not embarrassing enough.

   This matter must not be let the second brother know, if he knows, I don't know how to laugh at people!

   Gu Nan sighed, his eyes were sore. She likes Jin Baoyu very much, he looks gentle and has a particularly good temper.

  But people disagree, what can she do...

   After sitting in the warehouse for a long time, Gu Nan just went out. In fact, she wanted to go home and not go to work.

  Going out to look around and not finding Jin Baoyu, she was quietly relieved.

  Before I said this, I was okay, but after I said this, I felt that I couldn’t face people.

   Sure enough, she is still not suitable for dating.

   "What are you doing here?"

   "Oh my god!" Gu Nan was taken aback by the sudden appearance, and patted his little heart to relieve it.

   "Second Brother?" Seeing the person coming, she said helplessly, "What are you doing? You didn't make any movement while walking, it scared me to death."

   I was quite nervous just now, but after being so frightened, I eased up a lot.

   Gu Chen looked at her and felt that this person was inexplicable, so he said, "What's wrong with you? Did you steal something?"

   "You just steal it! It's annoying." Gu Nan rolled his eyes at him, then turned and left.

  Leaving Gu Chen alone, confused, and then went to the manager's office.

  He is going on a business trip soon, and he needs to come over to get a letter of introduction or something, otherwise he won’t be able to buy a ticket and stay in a hotel when he goes out.

  After taking these things, Gu Chen came to the door of the department store, where Shen Man was standing there eating ice cream and waiting for him.

   "Wait in a hurry?" He walked over and asked with a smile.

   "No." Shen Man handed over an ice cream and said, "I don't know what flavor you like, so I just bought a pure milk one."

  Some people don't like bean ice cream, so she didn't buy things according to her own taste.

  Gu Chen took the ice cream, "As long as you buy it, I like everything!"


  Shen Man couldn't help curling her lips, this person is getting more and more fancy, but she likes it...

  The two walked towards the site while talking and laughing.

  They didn't ride their bikes today, they were going to take the shuttle bus to the park for a stroll.

   It was rare that both of them had time, so they came out to play together.

  Shen Man sat by the window, feeling very comfortable with the breeze blowing.

   "What do you want to eat tonight? Let's go out to eat?" Gu Chen sat aside, thinking about what to eat tonight.

  Hearing this, Shen Man smiled helplessly: "What time is it, so I'll study what to eat for dinner."

  It seems that she has been eating all day, and now she is unwilling to eat. She really can't eat three meals, and she is not hungry at all.

   It was okay when she jumped in the queue before. She worked every day, not to mention three meals a day, and she had to eat some snacks for supper!

   Seeing what she said, Gu Chen said: "I don't think that everything has been arranged, and we will go to eat when the time is over."

   "What about Gu Nan? Leave her alone." Shen Man turned to look at him.

  Gu Chen curled his lips: "Then let's talk about it tonight."

  In fact, he simply thought about the world of two people. When two people stay together, what is Gu Nan?

  Come to the park, there are many people inside, most of them are young people in their teens or twenties.

  Many of them are students or people without jobs, otherwise everyone is working at this time, who has the time to come out to play?

   Seeing so many roller skaters, Shen Man was a little surprised. I had discussed skating with others before, but Gu Chen brought her here today.

   "How did you find this place?" she asked over her shoulder.

   Both of them go to work and school, so they don't have time to come out, basically they don't know where to play.

   Gu Chen replied with a smile: "The colleagues in the unit said, can you play? There are shoe rentals over there."

  Looking in the direction he pointed, Shen Man saw a booth.

  The roller skates are all tied to the shoes, so there is no need to take off the shoes, which makes Shen Man heave a sigh of relief.

   What if I get athlete's foot?

   The two of them went there to pay money to change into shoes, but Gu Chen slipped smoothly, and it seemed that he hadn't played less before.

   "You're pretty good." Shen Man praised.

  She doesn't know any tricks, she just doesn't slip. It's not bad to be able to play like this.

  Gu Chen heard her praise, and immediately showed her a trick, making circles on the spot, and then stopped handsomely.

   Seeing this, Shen Man wanted to call him six six six, awesome!

  Being forced by the age, she can only say: "Awesome!"

   And Gu Chen already proudly raised his tail to the sky, and said arrogantly: "That must! Don't even look at who I am!"

   Yes, this man can't help boasting.

   "Gu Chen?!" At this moment, a female voice suddenly sounded.

  The two looked back, both a little surprised.

   "It's really you?" Wu You looked at him in surprise, he really didn't expect to meet him here.

   Shen Man next to him was puzzled, how did they know each other?

  Wu You also found Shen Man at this time, and was surprised again: "Are you here too?"


   "You guys know each other?" Only then did she realize that the two seemed to be together.

  Because they were standing very close, they had been talking just now.

   Shen Man nodded but did not answer.

   Gu Chen replied: "We are together, she is my partner. Do you know each other?"

   Judging from the meaning of the words, the two people know each other, but they don't seem to be familiar with each other.

  Wu Jiayou nodded, "We take classes in one school and one major. We just met, and we haven't talked before."

  She looked at Gu Chen and continued: "I didn't expect you to come to Jicheng. Are you here for school or work?"

   "Work, by the way, how is your brother? I can't even get in touch." Gu Chen changed the subject, obviously he didn't want to talk about his own affairs.

  Wu You was taken off the topic, and said: "My brother is also working, and he joined the establishment after graduating from university the year before last. I will give you his phone number, and you can contact him."

   Looking for a monthly ticket



  (end of this chapter)

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