Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 164: something is wrong

  Chapter 164 The atmosphere is not right

  Hearing the words, Gu Chen nodded, "Okay, then go and play, we will go home after playing for a while."

  He took the note written by Wu You, and then put it in his pocket.

  Wu You didn't bother them either, and went to find his little friend after saying hello.

   "How do you know each other?" Shen Man started to ask when he saw that the person had left.

  She is the kind of person who won't hide things, just ask questions. After all, Gu Chen is her object, her future husband.

  There can be no gap between the two, so you have to ask everything clearly.

  Gu Chen replied: "Her brother Wu Qi is my high school classmate. He went to Hongqi Township in high school before, but after graduation, their family moved away."

   These things are not secrets, even if they are secrets, he has to tell his wife!

   Seeing what he said, Shen Man nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

  The two played for more than two hours before going back. On the way, Shen Man proposed to have some hot pot at night. It’s not so hot today, so it’s good to eat something you like.

   "Then let's go back first, and then go to Jicheng Hotel." Gu Chen nodded in agreement, he can eat anything, the most important thing is the taste of his wife.

  Shen Man shook his head and said: "Then there is no need, let's make hot pot tonight!"

  There are too many seasonings in the space, if I don’t eat it now, she won’t be able to eat it when she gets old.

  So with this condition, why go out to eat? It is also comfortable to eat at home.

   Upon hearing this, Gu Chen was stunned, "We don't have that pot at home, how can we eat it?"

   "Who said you can't eat without a pot?" Shen Man said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about this, let's go shopping first."

  Since everything has been said so, Gu Chen is not good at questioning his daughter-in-law. Whatever the daughter-in-law says is right, then go shopping!

  The two went to the vegetable stand to buy vegetables together, as well as beef and mutton. Since it was afternoon, all I bought were frozen meat from the cold storage.

   These meats are not stale, but the weather is too hot, so they can only be frozen in the cold storage, otherwise they will all deteriorate.

   "This piece is five catties, this one is three catties, do you want the big one or the small one?" The salesperson brought out two pieces of mutton of different sizes.

  Because it is frozen, it is cut in advance, otherwise half a sheep is not easy to divide when buying.

   After taking a look, Shen Man chose the five catty one with lamb chops. After it was cooked, it was directly served with soup as the bottom of the pot. It was delicious, equivalent to bone broth.

   I bought another five catties of beef, took it back and sliced ​​it to eat.

  It happens to be frozen and cut out thin, but it needs to be taken slowly when it is brought back, and then cut before it is completely melted.

   The two went to the non-staple food store to buy sesame paste and red fermented bean curd.

  In the north, these two kinds of chive flower sauce are enough, but Shen Man didn’t buy chive flower sauce, which is not available in this season.

  Bringing things home, Gu Chen was in charge of washing and chopping vegetables, while Shen Man sat on the sofa to rest.

  It’s good to have a loving husband. You don’t have to do anything, just wait to eat.

   "The meat is cut and the bones are broken, what else is there to learn." Gu Chen wiped the sweat from his head and walked out of the kitchen.

   Although it is much cooler today, it is indeed very hot to work around the stove.

  Shen Man thought for a while and said: "It's nothing, I think it's cloudy outside, so put your clothes in."

   "Okay." Gu Chen went out to collect the clothes directly, very obedient.

   While Shen Man stared blankly at the back of the clothes outside, feeling a little uneasy.

  Why are you so obedient? She is used to ordering Gu Chen to work.

   Such a habit is really bad...

  A woman after time travel and rebirth, shouldn’t she be able to do anything, omnipotent, independent, and slap her in the face?

  How did you get to her? You don’t have to do anything. Someone will help you when you slap your face...

  Catch up with Missy.

   Gu Chen who came back after putting away his clothes said, "Daughter-in-law, what else is there?"

   "Go and take a bath, you're hot and sweaty." Shen Man couldn't stand it anymore, and felt that this person was too pitiful, and he was treated as a little maid...ah no, it was like a little slave.

   Gu Chen looked down at his clothes soaked in sweat, and nodded in agreement, "My wife still loves me, so I'll go right away."

   After finishing speaking, he took the change of clothes left here and went.

   Said it was a change of clothes, but it was actually the pajamas prepared for him earlier. Although they were long pants, they were cool and loose.

   Seeing him go to take a bath, Shen Man went to take out the small stove, and then picked a thicker pot to sit on it, put a piece of hot pot base in it, and used the kitchen stove to boil it and add water.

   In this way, it is impossible to see how it is done, otherwise Gu Chen will see it.

  She glanced at the pot of the lamb chops, and she had to cook it for a while, otherwise she would not be able to eat it if it was not cooked.

   "It's raining outside." Gu Chen wiped his hair and entered the room feeling refreshed.

   Shen Man couldn't take his eyes away after just one glance. Is this inappropriate handsome man out of the bath?

   I have to say that Gu Chen is really handsome, with neat short hair, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a high nose bridge, very handsome.

  Plus the vaguely visible muscles and broad shoulders. Tut tut...

   "What's the matter?" Seeing her in a daze, Gu Chen smiled evilly and said, "Did you just stare blankly? Think your man is very handsome?"

   "Oh, I've never seen you so stinky and shameless." Shen Man pretended to be unable to bear to look directly at him.

  Gu Chen immediately pursed his lips and felt wronged, very pitiful.

  Seeing this, Shen Man hurriedly said: "Just kidding, you look handsome."

   "Then you are just looking for sex?" Gu Chen looked at her with a half-smile.

   Shen Man was taken aback when he heard the words, good guy, is this just pretending?

   "You're really good at acting!" She was a little helpless and a little angry.

   I am really convinced.

  Gu Chen smiled and walked over to hug her, a joking gesture, but made the atmosphere not quite right.

   "What are you doing?" Shen Man blushed and pushed him away, then turned her head away.

   "What's the matter?" Gu Chen cheekily walked over to hug her, but didn't let go.

   Shen Man's face was flushed red by him, and the atmosphere between the two of them became more and more wrong in an instant...


  Gu Nan looked at the pouring rain outside, and sighed depressedly. I didn’t bring the raincoat I bought last time, so I can’t buy it again this time, right?

   "What's the matter? I didn't bring an umbrella." Jin Baoyu walked from behind and handed over the umbrella after speaking.

   This action made Gu Nan stunned, "What are you doing?"

   "It's nothing, didn't you take the umbrella? Here you can use it." He handed it over again.

   Seeing this, Gu Nan shook his head, "No need, I'll just wait."

   "It's okay, I live here and don't need an umbrella." Seeing that she didn't take it, Jin Baoyu stuffed the umbrella into her hand, then turned and left.

  Gu Nan looked at the blush on Umbrella's face, but she was still a little excited.

   Does he still have feelings for himself?

  Thinking of this, she happily opened her umbrella and left. It was a bit inconvenient to ride a bike, but it was better than getting caught in the rain.

   Otherwise, if I go back like this, I don’t know when I will be able to get home.

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  (end of this chapter)

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