Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 166: Extremely unbalanced!

  Chapter 166 Extremely unbalanced!

   "That's fine, let my brother contact him again at that time." Wu You didn't ask any more questions, and asked her to go to the classroom with her.

  Many classmates have already come in the room, most of them are chatting, and a few of them are reading.

  Shen Man sat down to read the book carefully, and she could feel a gaze looking over from time to time.

  She didn't look at who this sight was, but she guessed it was Wu You.

   There were two classes in the afternoon, and it was still early. Shen Man read a book in the library before going back.

  Now the time is basically normal, except for the rest of the class, I can use it casually.

   On the way back, she passed by the department store and waited for Gu Nan to come home from get off work together.

  Shen Man stood at the door of the department store, leaning against the pillar at the door boredly, watching the passers-by.

   "Is that Shen Man?"

  Across the road, a man and a woman stopped and looked at the entrance of the department store together.

   "Really?" Qiao Xin's face was pale, and she looked at the person opposite in surprise.

   Xu Jie on the side supported her and said, "Is there anything she can do? Let's go to the hospital first."

   This time, Qiao Xin was sick and couldn't watch it in the town and the countryside, so they were allowed to come to the city.

   But Xu Jie cared more about Qiao Xin's body than anyone else.

   It's a pity that Qiao Xin endured the stomach pain and was still looking at the person opposite, without moving.

   I haven't seen her for a while, Shen Man has become more beautiful, and her dress is also different.

  She thought, why is Shen Man so lucky to be able to enter the city, but she can only stay in the country?

  There is endless work to do every day, and I can’t eat good food. Occasionally, a canned food is sent by Xu Jie’s home.

   Now Qiao Xin's family has not mailed her anything for a long time, and the letters she wrote have never been returned, and there has been no news.

   "Let's go, Xinxin, we'll be there soon." Xu Jie took her hand.

  Hearing this, Qiao Xin's eyes flashed a trace of loneliness, "Brother Jie, we can't go back to the city, right?"

   Xu Jie was taken aback by the sudden words, and then he was also a little confused.

  He doesn’t know if he can go back, but with the help of his family, life is still easy, not as difficult as others.

   "Is it okay to see a doctor first? We'll talk about other things later." Xu Jie didn't answer her question.

   Seeing this, Qiao Xin didn't ask any more questions, and let him help her to the hospital.

   Along the way, she was thinking about Shen Man's state just now. After this period of farming, Qiao Xin has long since lost her original whiteness, and her skin has become darker and rougher.

  Even if you apply cream every day, it’s still the same black.

   But seeing Shen Man's whiter and more beautiful appearance than before, made her feel extremely unbalanced.

  Everyone else in the educated youth spot is like her, so she thinks it's okay, but the people who went to the countryside together lived such a good life, she couldn't swallow this breath at all.

  A feeling of extreme unhappiness is quietly sprouting...

  Here, Shen Man waited until Gu Nan came out, and the two rode their bikes home together.

  Without Gu Chen this time, the two of them don't cook so much, otherwise they won't be wasted.

   "Second sister-in-law, can I ask you a question?"

  After eating, Gu Nan walked over shyly, wanting to say something, but embarrassed to say it.

   Seeing this, Shen Man said with a smile: "If you have any questions, just tell me, I will tell you what I know."

   It was the first time she saw Gu Nan being so shameless. He used to be as thick-skinned as Gu Chen, but now he has become like this.

   Could it be that she is really in love? not like...

  Gu Nan struggled for a moment, and finally said: "Actually, it's nothing, I just want to ask, why did my second brother tell you about the date."

  She didn't sleep well last night, she kept thinking whether Jin Bao, I like her?

   No, the two of them were so busy at work today that they didn't see each other, so now her heart is starting to grow grass again.

   Obviously, she had long forgotten that she had been rejected.

  As soon as Shen Man heard this, she was sure that this girl definitely has someone she likes, and she hasn't found a partner yet.

Thinking of this, she pulled someone over and sat beside her: "Nan Nan, when I was with your second brother, I was the one who took the initiative to speak. Of course, your second brother also meant that. But since there is someone you like, then I must pursue it, what if it succeeds?"

  She thinks that if she doesn’t confess her love, she will never know the result, so when it’s time to make a move, she makes a move, and if she refuses, she finds the next one? Whose youth has not been rejected.

  Gu Nan's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he consciously filtered out the mutually interesting words, focusing on "If you like someone, you must go after it."

   Well, that's what she thought.

   "Second sister-in-law, let me try again! I'll go back first."

   After speaking, she turned her head and went into the room, thinking about what to say.

   And Shen Man noticed the phrase "try again"?

  What do you mean? Already confessed? So if you still ask this kind of thing now, does it prove that people don't agree at all?

   Shen Man looked at Gu Nan's room, and still felt in his heart that maybe he was thinking too much?


the next morning.

   Gu Nan hurried to work after eating and cleaning up, looking very anxious, as if his **** was on fire.

  Running to the department store, the others haven't come to work yet, but the logistics side has already started working.

  Both Jin Baoyu and Wu Qing lived in this dormitory, so they came earlier than the others, and finished their work earlier and rested earlier.

   "Nan Nan is here, have you eaten so early?" Wu Qing walked over with a smile, you give her a piece of cake.

  He and Jin Baoyu ate these things in the morning, and then made a glass of malted milk to deal with it.

  Gu Nan smiled and took the loaf and said, "I've already eaten it. I'll help you with the work."

  Although she ate, she still ate the bad food and helped move things.

  Seeing this, Wu Qing stopped her and said, "No need, we will finish this job in a while."

   Originally, they all saw that each other was Gu Chen's younger sister, so they took care of each other. In the end, people help with the work, so who will take care of whom?

   It's better not to take care of it! It's not embarrassing enough for the two elders to ask the girl to help with the work.

  Seeing him looking like this, Gu Nan knew that there was really no need for him. He glanced at Jin Baoyu who was working with his head down, swallowed what he wanted to say, and then went out after saying hello.

  Wu Qing saw her leaving in the warehouse, so he went to Jin Baoyu next to him, poked and said, "Hey? I found that Gu Nan treats you differently? Is there something wrong with you two?"

  He's married, so teasing these kids is totally a joke.

   But Jin Baoyu was different, and quickly explained: "Brother Wu, don't talk nonsense, we are single young men and women, we can't make such a joke, it is not good for anyone."

  Wu Qing was taken aback by his serious look.

  Because he knew that Gu Nan definitely liked Jin Baoyu, but judging by the current situation, he didn't have that idea at all.

   Oh, isn't this embarrassing?

   Please ask for a monthly ticket!



  (end of this chapter)

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