Chapter 167 Break up, break up

  Wu Qing didn't say anything more, it was all about this, how could he have the nerve to continue joking?

   When the time comes, the trouble will be over, and no one will be able to save face.

  The two of them continued to work dully and didn't mention this matter anymore.

  However, they didn't notice that Gu Nan, who came over with a thermos, was standing by the door. Her expression was dull and she didn't respond.

   After a while, Gu Nan fled in despair.

   Originally, I just planned to get some water for them, but I didn't expect to hear these words.

  She could understand no matter how stupid she was, Jin Baoyu's tone was anxious to get rid of the relationship.

   Could it be that I am so bad that people don't want to have anything to do with it?

   Gu Nan sat on the stool in the water room, trying not to understand why. Maybe I'm not good enough...


   After finishing a class in the morning, Shen Man went to the library to read. Today's class is held separately, so I have a lot of free time.

  I have to go back at noon every day, and she doesn't want to go back and forth anymore. Anyway, Gu Nan will have lunch at work, so she doesn't bother anymore. She reads books at school and then goes home after eating.

  I was reading a book when someone was arguing next to me.

   Shen Man turned his head to look, and saw that a man and a woman were talking about something.

  Listen carefully, it turned out that they were about to break up, the woman kept bowing her head in silence, while the man just said his own words anxiously.

   "What do you mean you can split up when you say it? Is it what I want? If you didn't talk about the object, would I be able to be with you for so long?"

  The man continued: "How long has it been since you said that you refused to meet me because of your studies? There is no other place for this. I think you just want to delay my youth!"

  Hearing this, the girl's eyes were obviously red, but she still lowered her eyes and replied indifferently: "Then break up, don't talk here, and you will be free in the future."

   Seeing her attitude, the man pursed his lips, showing no expression.

  At this time, the administrator came over, glanced at them and warned: "Say something, don't interfere with everyone's study here! If something like this happens again, don't come to the library in the future."

  The consequences of this are really serious. After all, the school only has this library, so if they are not allowed to come, what should I do in the future?

  The girl turned her head and sat down to continue reading without saying a word.

  When the boy saw this, he could only leave angrily. Before he left, he still bowed his head and apologized to the administrator, otherwise he would not let him come. How can he read books in the future.

  Even if you don't read the book, it will become a laughing stock among your classmates.

   Shen Man withdrew his gaze. It was the first time he saw students quarreling because of their relationship here. The students here were very divided.

  It doesn’t matter whether you study well or not, it depends on your family’s conditions.

  It can be seen at a glance that the condition is good. The man has a meticulous hairstyle, leather shoes, a cashmere coat, and a woolen coat.

  Women are the same, wearing small leather shoes, in groups.

  But they will not bully others, and they will not bully others because of bad conditions. They will not do this kind of thing that children will do.

   At best, birds of a feather flock together, people are divided into groups, and those with poor conditions cannot enter their circle.

   Until now, Shen Man is still walking alone, she doesn't want to squeeze in to be ridiculed.

   She has her own way of life, she will not do that kind of low-level things.

  But that circle does have certain advantages. After graduation, everyone will work as a cadre.

   As the saying goes, many friends have many paths, and you will never lose your way if you have something to do in the future.

  But Shen Man felt that he didn't need it yet.

  At noon, she went to the cafeteria to eat something casually, then went back to the library to find a corner to read, and slept for a while when she was tired. Anyway, as long as she didn’t snore, no one would care about her.

  The administrator doesn't care whether you come to read a book or to sleep.

  Shen Man was sleeping soundly, and suddenly felt someone pushing her. When she opened her eyes, she found that it was indeed pushing her, very lightly.

   "Student Shen."

  Hearing the movement, Shen Man looked up, with a hint of surprise flashing in his eyes.

  The person who came was the girl who broke up with a male classmate this morning, and she was looking over at this time.

  Seeing that Shen Man woke up, she said: "Student Shen, class is about to start, won't you go back?"

  As soon as she heard this, Shen Man immediately regained her spirits, and she quickly looked at the watch on her wrist.

   Damn it! There are five minutes to class.

   "Thank you, I'll go to class right away." She said as she hurriedly packed her books.

  I thought about squinting for a while before going back to class, but now I'm fine, I squinted too much, and fell asleep for half an hour.

   After packing up, the two left the library together.

  On the way, Shen Man asked, "Do you know me?"

  Sorry, she really doesn't remember this girl, doesn't she have any impression?

  Hearing this, the girl replied: "We are in the same class, and my main choice is not Russian. My name is Su Xin, nice to meet you."

  Seeing her smiling like a flower, Shen Man nodded, "My name is Shen Man, nice to meet you."

  The two hurried to the classroom while talking, but luckily they were not late when they arrived.

   During the class break, Shen Man turned his head to look at Su Xin, no wonder he had no memory, this person was sitting in the corner, with no sense of existence.

  After school in the afternoon, Shen Man went home,

  Without Gu Chen, the past two days have been very dull.

   After two days passed, she found that something was wrong with Gu Nan.

  In the past, this person hurried to school before it was time to go to work, but these two days have been particularly abnormal.

   "Nan Nan, what's the matter with you recently?" After eating, she stopped the person who was going to work.

   Gu Nan looked back at her, and asked suspiciously: "What's wrong with me? Why do you ask?"

  Shen Man sized her up and said, "There's something wrong with you. Look at you usually go to work early, and you've been stuck on time these two days."

   It's not that it's bad to go late, but that she feels that the changes are too great.

  Hearing this, Gu Nan said lightly: "What are you doing so early? I want to sleep more recently. Let's go first, sister-in-law, I'll be late later."

  She didn't say much, turned around and left.

   Seeing this, Shen Man sighed helplessly, remembering what Gu Chen said before, this girl seems to have someone she likes.

   Now I’m not actively going to work anymore, there must be something wrong.

  But she didn't want to meddle in other people's business. She doesn't have much experience in such things as feelings, so it's better not to guide me blindly. It would be bad if I do bad things with good intentions.

  After packing up the things, Shen Man started to wash the clothes, and the sheets and quilts had to be washed.

   Today she only has one class in the afternoon, and she has a lot of time in the morning, so she is going to tidy up.

   Throw the clothes into the big water basin and soak them first. The weather outside is good, and the water in the basin will not be cold if the sun dries them.

  It will be much better if it is warmed up before washing.

  The windows in the house are all open, and the draft is very cool, just eat some watermelon.

  It's a pity that she didn't have space to prepare. When the accident happened, she went to buy goods, but she didn't buy watermelons...

   Ask for a monthly ticket



  (end of this chapter)

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