Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 170: Shen Man was investigated

  Chapter 170 Shen Man is under investigation

  Shen Man walked over generously, looked at the other party waiting for an answer, and sized them up by the way.

  The people on the opposite side were all well-dressed, and they didn't look like bad guys.

   "Is this Shen Man's home?" The leading man looked at her seriously.

  Hearing this, Shen Man's heart thumped, but she didn't do anything wrong, so she nodded and said, "Yes, I am Shen Man, are you okay?"

  Hearing that the person opposite was Shen Man, the other party looked him up and down, and said, "This is our letter of introduction, is it convenient to go in and talk?"

   At this time, the neighbors around came out to watch the excitement, because the distance was not far, everyone was very curious about what happened.

  Looking at the letter of introduction, a trace of surprise flashed in Shen Man's eyes, and he said to the other party: "Yes, I will open the door."

   After finishing speaking, she took out the key and opened the door, and then led people into the house.

  The door is open and the doors in the house are also open. After all, they are all **** men, so it is not good to close the door.

   "Sit down first, I'll pour water." Shen Man turned around and went to get the kettle. Fortunately, there are quite a lot of teacups at home, which is enough.

   "Don't bother." The leader said, "Just ask about the situation."

  Shen Man said with a smile: "It's okay, don't bother, comrades, you can ask whatever you want."

  She didn't stop pouring water, she continued to pour water for everyone, and then sent them over one by one.

  Standing in front of the leader, she had a calm expression.

   "Please sit down, we just ask about the situation, let me introduce my name is Yang Lin."

   "Hi, my name is Shen Man."

   After the two introduced each other, they sat down.

   "According to Renju News, you came back after a year in the countryside, and some people said you went through the back door. What explanation do you have for this?" Yang Lin looked at her with burning eyes.

  Hearing this, Shen Man frowned. It's been two or three months, and now he's been reported by Jue?

  She said: "I didn't go through the back door. It's all normal procedures. You can go to the food factory to check."

  Actually, she was beating her heart, not knowing whether this was a back door, but things had already happened, and she only hoped that there would be procedures in the factory that could withstand verification.

   Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be really difficult for her.

  Looking at Shen Man's indifferent face, Yang Lin didn't speak, the two fell silent, and the atmosphere in the room seemed to freeze.

   After a while, Yang Lin saw that she was still not in a hurry, and he knew it, and said: "My colleague has gone to the food factory to check, and he will come back if there is any news."

  They were divided into two groups. At first, they called from the Xiajiang Brigade to inquire, and came back after the inquiry.

  Seeing what he said, Shen Man nodded and said nothing more.

   Anyway, she can wait for the news, but she is still a little nervous.

   After all, this matter is not up to her to decide, it still depends on the response from the food factory.

  Thinking of this, Shen Man felt that it was useless to be anxious, let's just wait.

   Just like that, everyone sat and drank water, and no one spoke.

  A few neighbors pass by the door from time to time and look into the yard, wanting to see what's going on.

   But they couldn't see anything. There were two people standing in the yard, and no one could come in.

   After about ten minutes, Shen Man checked his watch once, while Yang Lin checked his watch three times.

   Obviously, he is more anxious than Shen Man.

   Seeing this, Shen Man didn't feel nervous, and sat leisurely on the chair, as if she was the one who came to ask questions.

  In almost half an hour, a car parked at the door, and then a man came in, winked at Yang Lin, and the two went out to talk.

  Whispering for a long time, Shen Man can't speak with lips, and he doesn't have a good ear, so he can't hear what they are saying.

   After waiting for a few minutes, Yang Lin finally came in.

   "Comrade Shen Man, we still need to investigate further. If you are fine, you need to wait for news at home." His tone was flat, and there was no sign of it.

  Wearing that, Shen Man wondered: "I'm afraid this won't work. I have to go to school every day. How about this? If I'm not at home, how about going to school to find me?"

  It is impossible for her not to go to school because of these things, and then wait at home to die, right?

  Besides, she didn't really go through the back door, so she must not lower her posture.

  Yang Lin didn't expect her to say that, but after thinking about it, he agreed.

   After all, Shen Man doesn't have any problems now, and they can't make people wait at home.

   "Okay." He nodded, and then Shen Man said the location of the school, and they left.

   Shen Man didn't know anything about this matter, but he could also understand that there was no problem with the food factory.

  That Yang Lin also said that his colleague went to the food factory to investigate, and when they came back, they whispered for a while, but nothing happened.

   If there is a problem, she is taken now.

  Thinking of this, Shen Man sat on the chair and began to guess, who reported it?

  She has been away from the food factory for a long time. If someone really wants to target her, then we should report it. How could it be possible to wait until now?

   Who could it be?

   After five o'clock in the afternoon, Shen Man finished cooking and Gu Nan came back. The two of them hadn't eaten yet, and people came outside again.

   "Xiaoman, are you okay?" Wang Chunying walked in sweating, looking very anxious.

   "It's okay! Auntie, why are you here?" Shen Man put down his chopsticks, feeling a little puzzled.

  Hearing this, Wang Chunying breathed a sigh of relief, sat on the chair and said slowly: "Your uncle heard that someone from the food factory is going to check on you, so I came here as soon as I got off work. He hasn't got off work yet."

  After getting the news, she rode here immediately, pedaling hard all the way, sweating from exhaustion.

   How scary does this sound? Can it be slower?

  So you have to come here quickly, or if something happens, they won't be able to see it.

  Hearing what she said, Shen Man felt very warm in his heart. Gu Chen was not at home, so they hurried over when they heard the news. Didn't they treat her like family?

   Otherwise, who would come here so actively? Looking at Wang Chunying's state, he knew that he came in a hurry.

   "Thank you, aunt, for your concern. I'm fine." Shen Man thanked her sincerely. It's really not easy to be missed so much.

   "It's okay!" Wang Chunying waved her hands indifferently and said, "As long as you are okay, it scared me, and your uncle is also very anxious."

   If this is taken away, there will be big trouble.

  Shen Man nodded with a smile: "I made you think about it, but according to what they said, there is probably no evidence. They are still investigating. There is no problem with the food factory."

   This is very important. If there is a problem, the food factory will also be involved.

   "What are you talking about here?" Gu Nan looked at them with a masked face, and didn't understand what the investigation was about.

  What happened that she didn't know?

  Wang Chunying looked at her and said: "Someone reported to Xiaoman that she went back to the city through the back door, and now they are investigating."

   Upon hearing this, Gu Nan was dumbfounded. Didn't Shen Man come back through the back door? How to do? Is this going to be captured?

   It's over! The second brother is not at home!

   Please ask for a monthly ticket!



  (end of this chapter)

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