Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 171: Is she in a hurry?

  Chapter 171 Is she in a hurry?

   "It's over, it's over!" Gu Nan immediately stood up and wandered around.

  She looked lost, and muttered, "It's over, where is my second brother? What's the matter?"

   "You said you child." Wang Chunying said helplessly seeing her like this: "Sit down quickly, it must be fine."

  If something really happened, Shen Man wouldn't just sit here like a normal person.

  Then he was taken away, so why bother talking about this?

  Hearing this, Gu Nan didn't believe it, and asked hesitantly: "Auntie, everyone is here, are you all right?"

  Actually, she was quite afraid that Shen Man would be taken away. Besides, this job was indeed obtained by looking for connections, not any formal indicators.

  She didn't know that much, so she was afraid.

  Shen Man understands her thoughts, what can a teenager understand? I'm afraid the leader's tone at work will easily make her doubt herself.

  She went over to comfort her: "Don't worry, Nannan, if something happens, I won't be able to talk to you here. It's all taken care of over there, no problem."

  Eighteen years old, in later generations still in high school, or just graduated from high school. It may be difficult for her to understand the ways of the world in society like an adult.

  Children in rural areas head their families early, and they are not involved in all aspects of society.

   Seeing what she said, Gu Nan also calmed down. "Second sister-in-law, why don't you call my second brother?"

  In her heart, Gu Chen can always solve anything, so the first thing she wants to do is to inform the other party.

  Wang Chunying interrupted her and said, "There's no need for that. He can't come back immediately even if he's on a business trip. Your uncle went to inquire, and we'll talk about it later."

  With Li Jinyuan here, it sounds like things will be more convenient.

   Gu Nan nodded and didn't say anything more, but the uneasy little eyes proved that she was not relaxed.

  Shen Man is very grateful that everyone will come when she has an accident. Even if she doesn't do anything for her, she is very touched.

   After all, she has no relatives or friends in this world, except for Gu Chen and the relatives of the Gu family who treat her well, there is no one else.

   What's more, they did a lot, finding a job for her to deal with the aftermath, although it was all for Gu Chen's face, but the one who really benefited was himself.

  Because Wang Chunying came in a hurry, Li Wenting at home didn't know the news yet, so she had to go back to settle the child first.

  She got up and said, "Then I'll go back first, and I'll come to inform you when there is news from your uncle."

   Now that Shen Man is fine, she can go back with peace of mind.

   Seeing this, Shen Man didn't keep her. There was no phone call at this time, and there was still a child waiting over there.

   "Then auntie, go slowly." She got up to see her off.

   When the people left, the food on this table was cold.

   Fortunately, the weather is hot, so it’s no problem to eat something cold.

   "Let's eat, Nannan, what are you doing sitting around?" Shen Man didn't eat when he came back and saw her.

  Hopeful Gu Nan is the biggest eater in the world, and there is no time when he sees the food without moving his chopsticks.

   Gu Nan looked at her, and said with some disappointment: "Second sister-in-law, I can't help you with anything."

  She has been struggling with this matter, because since she came to the city, whether it is work or life, Shen Man and Gu Chen have been worrying about it.

   On the contrary, she couldn't help with anything.

   Seeing her saying this, Shen Man comforted: "What's the matter? Who said that there is something that must be helped? Just take care of yourself. You don't have to worry about my affairs, you have your own solution."

  That's what she said, but she didn't even know what the solution was.

  But Gu Nan felt inexplicably relieved when he heard it, so he nodded and didn't say any more.

   The two of you hurry up to eat, and if you don't eat, you really can't eat.

  The sky gradually darkened, and at around seven o'clock in the evening, someone knocked on the door.

  Gu Nan immediately went outside to open the door, because Wang Chunying said before leaving that she would come to notify if there was any situation.

   Sure enough, when he opened the door, he saw Li Jinyuan standing there.

   "Old uncle!" Gu Nan asked: "Old uncle, what's going on?"

  Shen Man hurried over and said, "Old uncle, let's talk about it after entering the house."

  He just rushed over, and he hasn't taken a breath yet.

  The three of them entered the room, and Li Jinyuan sat on the chair and took a breath. He also came here by bicycle, so he was indeed tired.

   "Old uncle, drink some water." Shen Man poured him a cup of herbal tea to make in the afternoon, and drinking it now is just right to quench his thirst.

   Li Jinyuan was indeed thirsty, so he took a big sip, smacked his lips and raised his eyebrows: "This tea is not bad, it's not astringent at all."

  People seldom drink tea nowadays, but he usually likes to drink tea and alcohol.

   And there are even fewer good teas. He rarely comes across this kind of tea.

   Seeing what he said, Shen Man smiled and replied: "Old man, if you like it for a while, you can take some home. I have a lot."

  It's just a little tea, she can still afford it. What's more, it is also affection for people to rush about her affairs.

   "Thank you then." Li Jinyuan agreed directly without being polite.

   But she didn't talk about the business all the time, which made Shen Man know. If there is any problem with this, I am afraid that it has been said a long time ago, and it is not possible to just talk about tea.

   But Gu Nan didn't know, and waited anxiously, seeing them talking about tea, he said, "Oh, old man, what's going on, why are you two still talking about tea?"

   One or two, why not rush?

  It's fine if Li Jinyuan doesn't say anything, but Shen Man is still so calm and doesn't seem to be in a hurry to ask questions.

   This made her a little dazed, as if she was the only one in a hurry.

  Hearing this, Li Jinyuan said with a smile: "It's okay, if there was something wrong, wouldn't I have said it earlier?"

He looked at Shen Man and continued: "I also asked about the food factory. They said that you have contributed so much, it is impossible for you to suffer. This matter has been dealt with over there. Even if those people come to you again, you Just a few words will do.”

   In the past two years, there have been quite a few people returning to the city, most of them through the back door, so the investigation is very strict.

   According to Shen Man's situation, it would be strange if something happened.

  Hearing his answer, both of them felt relaxed, as long as there was nothing wrong.

   Shen Man nodded and said: "Thank you, uncle, please run for me."

  Thanks are sincere thanks, after all not everyone should do things for her.

   "You're welcome." Li Jinyuan waved his hand: "If you don't look at Gu Chen, you're fine. With your ability, you will definitely be able to make greater contributions after graduation. Study hard, this is my thanks to everyone."

   He is rarely so sure of a person, Shen Man's ability is indeed not bad. It stands to reason that after he has set up the indicators, it depends on himself what kind of work he does.

  Shen Man's current performance surprised him. After all, he recommended him. He has no ability and no face.

  The food factory has also stated its position. There is nothing wrong with this matter, just wait for the notification.

   He didn't find out the specifics, so he didn't say anything.

   Asking for a monthly pass! !



  (end of this chapter)

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