Time Space: Spoiled By the Rough Man Husband

Chapter 172: relationship is not simple

  Chapter 172 The relationship is not simple

  The three said a few words, Li Jinyuan looked at the time and was about to leave.

   "I have to go home, the house is still waiting, you should go to bed early." He got up and prepared to leave.

  Shen Man went to the room and took out a pack of tea leaves from the space. This kind of thing has a lot of space, and the amount used for one brewing is very small. If you keep too much, you can't drink it all.

  So, she packed a catty directly, enough for Li Jinyuan to drink for a year or two...

   Seeing so many tea leaves, Li Jinyuan was also a little speechless.

   "Could it be that you gave me all the tea at home?"

   But even if they were all given to him, it wouldn’t take so much, would it? Who is free to prepare a catty of tea leaves, this...

  Hearing the words, Shen Man replied: "I bought this from a classmate. His family's conditions are not very good, but the tea is very good, so I bought more, and I will support him."

  Tell a lie casually, anyway, I won’t pursue it.

   Sure enough, after hearing what she said, Li Jinyuan stopped asking and went back with tea.

   Now things were not so troublesome, Shen Man was not disturbed at night, and slept soundly until dawn.

   After getting up in the morning, the two went out separately after eating. Shen Man had to go to school. As for other things, there was no need to wait.

  Here Gu Nan came to the department store and found that Jin Baoyu was chatting and joking with a **** standing at the door. The relationship between the two was not simple at first glance.

   Seeing this, Gu Nan felt a little uncomfortable, so she pretended not to see it and passed in front of the two of them.

  Jin Baoyu also saw her, and was very surprised when passing by. He felt that the relationship between the two of them was fine, so they wouldn't meet without saying hello, right?

   "What's wrong bro?" Jin Baozhen looked at the opposite person suspiciously.

  Following his eyes, he teased and said, "Oh, brother, are you looking at lesbians? You should work harder as a unit."

  The difference between the two is more than one year, so when they get along, they are not only brothers and sisters, but also friends, and they can talk about everything.

  Hearing this, Jin Baoyu glared at her: "Why are you so out of shape? Your brother is also joking!"

   This girl is really not big or small.

  Jin Baozhen curled her lips and said, "What's wrong? You're not young anymore, you're nineteen years old, I'm already in love, and you're still single."

   "Stop talking!" Jin Baoyu said disgustedly: "You still have the nerve to talk about dating? A little girl's family talks about dating every day, and she doesn't know how to be ashamed."

  He is quite conservative, regardless of his young age, he has a lot of rules.

  Jin Baozhen knew her brother's character, so he waved his hands without his common knowledge: "It's okay, what you said is right, right? I'm ashamed to be in a relationship, but you are a good person if you are not in a relationship."

   "Okay, I have to go to school."

   After speaking, she turned her head and left without waiting for anyone to speak.

   Seeing this, Jin Baoyu rolled his eyes and said, "I've been talking about going to school all day long, and I haven't seen you learn anything. You don't study well in a technical secondary school!"

   It's a pity that Jin Baozhen didn't hear this, he had already rode away.

  Backing back to the department store, Jin Baoyu felt somewhat embarrassed when he saw Gu Nan helping to move things at the warehouse door.

  Maybe what he said before was too straightforward, which made the girl sad.

  Gu Nan is really nice, a good girl. There is nothing mean-spirited, and she works hard, so say what you have to say, this is the character of a girl from the Northeast.

  But he is really embarrassed to have **** with Gu Chen's sister, how can he make money together in the future?

  Thinking of this, he was also very entangled.

   "Baoyu, what are you doing standing there stupidly? Let Nan Nan do all the work." When Wu Qing came out to move things, he happened to see him standing there in a daze.

  Hearing this, Jin Baoyu came back to his senses, "Here we come."

   After finishing speaking, he walked over to join the work team.

  Gu Nan just glanced at him and continued working. It wasn't that she didn't want to watch more, but that the scene just now made it impossible for her to talk to others.

  At the very least, you can't act like a normal person.

   After finishing the work, Gu Nan left without saying a word. This is very different from usual, and we used to say hello.

  Wu Qing looked at the leaving figure with some doubts, then remembered something, and said, "Did you tell her something? Why is she not right?"

   Jin Baoyu, who was on the opposite side, saw him looking at her, and blinked in confusion: "What did I say? She hasn't talked to me these two days."

Hey? Thinking about it carefully, it seems that they really haven't spoken in the past two days.

  As soon as Wu Qing heard this, he understood that there must be something wrong.

  He sighed helplessly and said, "Young man, you are still too young..."

  Jin Baoyu mentioned it before, and he didn't want to talk about those things, so he didn't say anything.

  He doesn't like to do things like educate people, at most he just assists a few words, but it's a pity that he didn't like it last time he said a word, so what's the point.

   There are some things you should take care of yourself, after all, no one likes to be educated.

  Jin Baoyu looked at him and felt that this person was a bit puzzled, so he turned his head and left.

  In the afternoon, Gu Nan was resting in the corner of the warehouse, lying down and taking a nap, and felt that she was being suppressed.

   "Help..." She opened her eyes and found that she was crushed under the fabric. There was a lot of fabric here, and she was also lying on the fabric.

  The fabric next to it has been piled up as high as a mountain, but because the materials are different, they cannot be stacked together.

   Gu Nan felt that he was going to lose his breath, and he struggled for a long time but couldn't get out.

   "What's going on?" Wu Qing poked his head from the outside. He heard some movement just now, but he wasn't sure if he heard it wrong.

  Hearing that someone was coming, Gu Nan hurriedly called for help again: "Help, help me! I'm under the fabric."

  She never thought that she could be overwhelmed after taking a nap.

  Wu Qing heard the voice calling for help and ran over quickly, and only saw the person after turning around.

  He hurriedly pulled the fabric on it, and shouted while pulling: "Jin Baoyu, come and help."

  Jin Baoyu outside the door hurried into the warehouse when he heard the movement, and immediately joined the rescue team when he saw the situation.

   At this time, no one spoke. Gu Nan felt the weight of his body lighten up bit by bit, and his fearful heart calmed down a little.

  But she always felt a little pain in her ribs, but she hasn't moved it yet, so she can only wait.

   Soon, all the fabric that was pressing on Gu Nan's body was removed. With a weight of three or four hundred catties, anyone who was on the back could be crushed to death.

   "How is it, are you okay?" Jin Baoyu looked at her, trying to help her up.

  Gu Nan opened his hand, endured the pain and said, "No, I can't move, my rib hurts."

  She pointed to her ribs, feeling that her breathing would hurt.

   It's over, is it going to be over?

   Gu Nan was a little frightened, and tears flowed out.

   Seeing that the situation was urgent, Wu Qing asked Jin Baoyu to take care of him, and he ran out to ask for help.

  The most important thing now is to find a car and then go to the hospital, otherwise it will be troublesome if it is delayed.

   Asking for a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

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